Wednesday 2 May 2018

Getting into Unit 3 = Thought (B&S3, p27, Discussion point)

What I read

On page 27 (2013), Bixby and Scanlon introduce the topic of Unit 3 with the usual large image and some discussion questions to start us thinking about the new topic. 

Their questions 

Discuss these questions in a comment. 

  • When you are studying, what kinds of things help you concentrate? What things distract you?
  • Do you think you have a good memory? What are you good (or poor) at remembering?
  • How does modern technology affect the way we learn and study? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I think that preparation and meditating help me to be focus. When I can't concentrate in something, I usually meditate. Moreover, if there is a class, I usually prepare a lesson before. Because the preparation can help me to understand and focus in the lesson.
    There are many things that distract me when I am studying. For example, a noisy voice and mobile phone can be a terrible nuisance.

    I don't have a good memory. I think I can remember something if I understand it deeply.

    Modern technology impacts the way we learn a lot. Because technology can drive an education to be better, people use these benefits. For instance, we can use google classroom, or blog to discuss lessons via online platform. Moreover, we can use technology such as projector to create the big view of lessons.

    1. I thought that you might have a good memory from you playing games which I have known from your telling that you like playing game a lot so it might help you a lot for you to think of something faster than the people who don't play the game. that's from what I think or my opinion.
      Then if we talk about how does the modern technology affect the way to learn and study. So I quite agree with you because nowadays, every where need using technology for there work in their businesses and it makes our life get more convenient.

    2. I don't don't have good memeory either. It's a bit hard for me to remember Biology.

    3. I liked Bee's idea that meditation can help us to concentrate. This is something that I keep coming across on TED Talks and other places, and it makes sense to me.
      But I haven't gotten around to actually applying it yet. There are too many distractions.

    4. I dont have a good memory either. I notice that I lose things like number or password from my memory when i dont use it for a long time. There was a time when I was out of office for 10 days and I could not enter the office because I forgot password. However the info that used to relate to me like full name of some friends from the kindergarten or the phone number of the house I live in when I was 5-10. No matter how many year has passed, they stand clear in my memory even though I dont care much to lose it

  2. I think that modern technology offers lots of useful tools that can be used to learn and study. The obvious example that came to my mind first is the way we use Classroom and other Google apps in this class. Only twenty years ago, most things were still done on paper, but today, we can use the much more convenient online tools that make not only resources but also student work readily available online, as for example in the peer review you are doing this evening of a classmate's paragraph written in a Google Doc.

    Of course, modern technology also has disadvantages, but I think they are greatly exaggerated. Do some students waste time on the smart phones during class? Yes, but then back when I was in school, the students who wanted to waste time would do it be doodling on paper or something similar. I think the same when I hear people complain that today everyone on the BTS is engrossed in their phone. That's true, but 30 years ago, they were engrossed in newspapers or staring mindlessly out of the window. I'm a big fan of technology.

    Moving on to the first question the Bixby and Scanlon ask, I prefer silence when I'm working, but something mindless, like a bit of low level garbage music doesn't hurt, and I think it can help to drown out other sounds that might distract me, but if I put on on music I like, or a TV series, that has disastrous effects on my writing: I've sometimes looked back at something I've written (and published!) while also trying to listen to music or follow silly series, and it's embarrassing.

    1. It is very interesting to discuss about the meaning of wasting time. People who are scrolling their smartphone on the BTS or MRT, It does not mean that they are wasting their time. They may read the news or plan their schedule. They seem like they manage their time very well during routine travel. On the other hand, people who are sitting in the coffee shop and just look outside through people walk pass by for 2 hour without doing anything. It sounds very interesting for my to look at the perception we have on wasting time.

    2. I agree with Peter about technology and it is eye-opening for me that you apply Classroom in our class. It make some tasks that used to take a lot of time finish in a wink and also the collaboration is outstanding. Everything has two sides, bright and dark, not only the technology. Exploit it or spoil it, you choose.

  3. When I am studying, Things that help me concentrate is my intention in the thing I am studying at the moment. Things that distract me is a noisy sound. Because it louder than what you are listening and your sense is focus on that noise rather than what you should be concentrate.

    I have a fairly good memory. I am good at remember the word I have find out its definition by myself when I search it on a dictionary.

    Modern technology changes our way of learning by make the learning more accessible. As long as you can access to the internet, You can learn as much as you like by searching thing you are interested in.

    1. A bit jealous when I know you have good memmory, you can take advantage from this to be better than other people.

    2. I also like the wonderful availability of knowledge that comes with the Internet. When I was young, we relied on libraries, which meant travelling, finding the right book, and then doing something to record what was found. Today, I can pick up my phone, say "OK Google" and then tell it what to search for, and it's very reliable at returning relevant results.

    3. I agree with you that modern tech has changed the way we learn and we can find anything on the internet.

  4. Modern technology affects the way I learn because there are many online classrooms on YouTube I can watch that make me understand contents better and there is also online dictionary which I don't have to waste time opening dictionary books.
    I think my memory is not good but not bad, I mostly remember what I like and think it's necessary for me.
    The harder contents, the more attention I pay.For me,I am just a bit lazy to review all hard contents at home ,so I tell myself to concentrate in class. The thing distracts me is boredom. When I am bored, I cannot concentrate anymore.

    1. I also use Youtube for my study as well especially preparing for my English skills and IELTS test. I think Youtube allow countless people who are talented in creating content express their creativity. I have learned a lot of things from Youtube. For example, There are many English channel on Youtube teach in different styles. I can find which channel suitable for my leaning style.

    2. I totally agree that modern technology support the way we learn. I suggest you to other online learning classroom such as khan academy and udemy. These platform is really helpful
      Boredom is one of my problem in the classroom too.

  5. There are several factors that make me focus on my study. First factor is an environment or surrounding. If I surrounded by a group of people who study in the library, It help me to concentrate more. Another things is a very good textbook. I found that well-wrting help me focus on logical idea which help me understand the main idea. On the other hand, noisy is the most things that distract me on my study. I cannot concentrate on anything. It takes a lot of time to bring me back to what I am studying.

    I am not good at memory at all. I try to understand the main idea first when I study. I have to read it again and again until I get the idea. So, That's why I am not good at reamembering things.

    Yes, It effects my study in general. I use it when I study English class such as online-dectionary. Sometime, I think that I am not good at using technology. Therefore, I am not use it often.

    1. I like you answer with using modern technology to help you with your searching any English words from online dictionary. So you should be able to use more technology as much as possible.

  6. - The thing that keep me concentrate is that the subject that I interested in. For example, I like studying history of Arts,then watching or reading variety sources of Arts related is fun for me. While things that distracted me would be complicated theory or Mathematics calculations that I usually feel exhausted to solve the problem.
    - I think I have very good memory when it's come to story or knowledge that I'm interested.I good at remembering people, time but poor at Maths formula.
    - Modern tech offer convenient ways to get to information for example, Internet provide every datas in the world that you can instantly search just in one click.In other words, we don't have to go to library and search for information for a day.Moreover, internet also great for online learning which is best for rural students who live far away from city. It helps everyone access to knowledge from everywhere in the world.


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