Wednesday 2 May 2018

Thought: reading 1, "Is your memory online" (B&S3, p29, Before reading)

Before we read

Write a comment to share your thoughts on these questions that Bixby and Scanlon ask on page 28 (2013).

  • What do you use the Internet for?
  • Do you think that the Internet makes today's students better or less informed than students 50 years ago? Why?
  • How do you know the information you find on the Internet is accurate? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. I mostly use the internet for chatting, watching videos and searching information and sometimes playing games.
    I think the internet makes today's student more informed than students 50 years ago because many books are published online ,if they have the internet,they can open whenever they want,it's easier to get knowledge.
    I find references after reading information on the internet to make sure whether it is accurate.

    1. I think finding references after reading is a great idea. It will help us read more information on original sources. From my experience, I found that reading the same topic from different sources help me to eliminate between what is accurate and what is not.

  2. I use an internet for searching information I want to know. Internet has much information and ideas from different people, so it will be great if we take an advantage of this.
    I entirely think that internet makes student to be better informed. Students can receive the news via social media such as facebook or twiiter. Also, they can easily search for information by easily opening their phones. However, student in past 50 years cannot do this due to the shortage of an internet.

    I reassure the information in the internet by looking for an author's name and the date of publication.

    1. I was wondering if you said you reassure the information on the internet bt looking for an author's name, what if you don't know who the author is?

  3. I use the internet for both study and entertainment.
    When I want to know about the world or something I interested, I will search the information about it on the internet.

    Internet makes today's student better informed because the information on the internet is always up to date due to there are many websites and writers but you have to be more careful about the information you get because some might be not accurate.

    On the internet some information may not accurate or they are different from the other source even it is the same thing. Which mean you have to search for another source that is more reliable like academic research or news.

  4. for searching my studying information, my working, listening to the music and for some of online games.

    Yes, I do. because I think it's better for the students nowadays because using the internet let them get into the whatever information they want to search or to know it's very quickly and very convenient for them.

    I don't think everything from internet is accurate,even if they put on or show the reference to show that it's trusted.

    1. I do use the internet to play online games too, I play Fifa online 3,what about you?

  5. I generally use internet for study and entertainment purpose. First, I use internet for searching in formation that I need to know. For example, when I wa preparing for IELTS. I searched for past paper of IELTS listing test. After that , I praticed it. Another reason I use internet is for entertainment prrpose such as waching interesting doccumentary from and Youtube.

    I think Internet make younger generatuion much better that in the past 55 decades ago. They can study what whatever they what. There is no boundary in the world. Therfore, They can find useful information on the internet.

    I try to check the biography of the writer, publisher and publishing date/year.

    1. I agreed with you and I also learning IELTS online via. Youtube and tutor website which I found sometimes are even better than going to tutor institutions. For how to check the accuracy of the information on the internet,I also think that date of publishing is very important because some posts are very old and not updated.

  6. I usually use internet when I need an information about something for example, News, Updates, Facts , travel information and Tips. Moreover, I use internet for entertainment like watching movies and series online.
    - I believe that internet is a major impact of how people learn nowadays. You can see we can learn new things on internet without going to take a courses.For instance, I took an ukulele course online . I also knew that my talented Arts students practicing drawing skills and showcase their artwork online without going to Arts school.
    - Normally, I don't trust internet completely. I prefer to read as many posts online as possible to see different ideas from many people. I only trust the information if it from official website.

    1. Yes, I agree that we can learn a lot of things and useful skills from the internet. I also saw many people are good at it without taking any course at school.

      The internet allow art students to create their portfolio online. I think this is a great opportunity for young artist to show their work to the world. Some of them may get offer a job from the company who are looking for talented artists. Therefore, internet is not only an online platform for artists ,but also a great opportunity to meet amazing people.

  7. As I thought about the questions, I realised that there is very little that I don't use the internet for. Before my break a few weeks ago, I booked all of our flights and hotels on the Internet. When I'm out shopping, I often log into my banks to check or transfer money. And of course I pay for a lot things online. But I also stay in touch with relatives and friends via the Internet. For example, if I'm meeting friends for lunch, a quick photo on Messenger lets them know exactly where I am.

    And digital versions of books, newspapers and so on are much more useful than the old paper versions were. The same for films, music and so on: I no longer buy DVDs or the like – everything is online and accessible anywhere at any time.

    As for trust, I think it's pretty much the same for the Internet as for books, magazines and so on. There was a lot of garbage published in books and magazines long before the Internet turned up, and readers of magazines had to be just as critical as Internet users need to be today. The format for delivery seems to have changed, but that doesn't really affect the reliability of the information that much.

    1. I totally forgot that I also booked everything and shopping online. I also agree with you that digital books help us more convenient and we don't have to carry many things with us.


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