Tuesday 8 May 2018

Sleep in Your Universe

What I read

In the article "Can a full Moon really affect your sleep?" (2018), Katie Wright says that a full Moon effect our sleep. The scientific research from Basel University, Switzerland shows that a full Moon effects on human sleep by "lunar cycle". The British sleep expert, Dr. Neil Stanley, also suggests several things we can do when a full Moon influence our sleep. There is a couple evidence about the effect of a full Moon on police officers and women.


My response 

A couple weeks ago, I feel like I cannot fall asleep at night. It took me at least two or three hours to fall asleep. Actually, it happens to me all the time. It is because I am an overthinking person. There are so many things in my mind before I go to bed. I started noticing myself since I was studying in design school. I just wanted to do the best I can on my assigned project. Sometimes I work up at 3 am to take some notes and sketch some ideas that flow through my mind. This habit makes my sleep pattern change. Especially in the night before an exam, important presentation for a new client, new life events and all sort of things.

A long time ago, I heard the news that there was a farmer who lives in the countryside in Thailand. He has a very unusual problem. His problem was a strange disease in his brain that makes him never feel fall asleep at night. That's mean twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week without any sleep for the rest of his life. So, could you imagine that how his life could be? One of the news reporters filmed his life for a day to know how he spend his time. The result was very depressed because he does not fall asleep and has nothing to do. Sometimes he went to his paddy field at 3 am and worked until sunrise. I am just thinking that he is going to get a double lifetime comparing others.

On the other hand, there is a positive side when we cannot fall asleep as well. One of my architecture professors at my undergraduate school asked me that "If tomorrow is your final project presentation day, could you fall asleep at night?" and "Do you feel that you want to present your work?". My professor also explained that if you cannot fall asleep before the presentation day, it means you cannot wait to present your work. You are very confident and passionate about your work. Unfortunately, I never ever experience that kind of moment, I felt very nervous and worried instead. But, I had an experience when I traveled to the USA for the first time when I was young. The night before the trip, I cannot fall asleep at all because I very excited about the trip. I tried to imagine what the USA looks like and what was going to happen in the USA. It was very fun.

It seems like everyone all has two universes to fall asleep with. It depends on what we choose. In the universe of worried, nervous and stressed may make a huge negative impact on our lives. In the universe of excited, passionate and confident can make your dream come true.

Have a very good night sleep!

My question

If human was designed to stay up all day and all night without any tired, what would you do? why?



  1. When I was a student, I thought it would be great if I could get by with little or no sleep. Unfortunately, that did not work at all well when I tried it. I could have the odd late night for partying, but any sustained lack of sleep was disastrous on my performance, and I suspect on my health, although when I was young I could get away with a lot more. These days, a single late night messes me up, so if you send your work after 10:00 PM, I won't normally check it until the following morning.

    Actually, Boom's summary interested me enough that I went to his source and read the full version, which naturally contains a lot more information than the very short summary allows. I tend to agree with explanations that attribute any lunar effects to bias and awareness affecting us. It's a bit like people who think that the world is becoming more violent when in fact the statistics very clearly show the opposite: the horror crimes get a lot of attention and stand out in our memories more than all those boring non-reports of nonviolence occurring around us, and the same for miracles and other superstitions.

  2. I also liked the idea in Boom's response that if we can't sleep, that time can be used to do something. I don't normally have any trouble sleeping, but I sometimes wake up up to an hour before my phone tells me to get up at 5:55 AM. When that happens, instead of lying in bed worrying about it, I get up and start my day a bit earlier. I assume that if I've woken up naturally, it's because my body and brain (especially the brain) have had all the sleep that they need.

    1. I am also interested that you mentioned about "woke up naturally" I think it like a life clock. I believe that If we live naturally, everything is going to be better. It is a signal from our natural lives.

    2. I couldn't agree more. Lying in bed while trying to sleep is unbearable unless I got something to do like reading. In the same way, if I wake up naturally but force myself to continue in bed, I will feel pain all over my body. Just like Peter said, the body and brain had all they need.

  3. When I was studying in grade 12 at school, I wished there have been 48 hours a day. I knew it's impossible to review Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Thai, English and Social study in 12 months before entrance exams. After I finished the exams, I feel like I don't have any serious things to do so I don't know what I would do I were designed to stay all day and night. I think people have many things to do when they don't have enough time but don't know what to do when have time.

    1. Interesting Chatt! It seems like time is always not enough for us. But, when we have a lot of free time, there is not nothing to do. I think there are so many factors to effect our decisions to do something. Your comment remind me to one TED Talk about how we control our free time. It is very interesting. She told that the key of time management is "priorities". It is all about what you decide to do.

      I also attached the link of her talk. You might like to watch it. Enjoy your free time!


    2. Boom, thanks for the link. I also enjoyed that TED Talk. Unfortunately, I often enjoy TED Talks that give great advice, but I less often actually put that excellent advice into practice. TED Talks are good because they come in a variety of lengths across many topics, so I can usually find an interesting one to listen to when I'm doing something that doesn't need to much of my available brain resources, and sometimes I just take time out to focus on a TED Talk – I get a lot more out of them when I do that, but it takes time, and listening to TED isn't always my highest priority when there is some rubbish on NetFlix competing for attention.

      If you're feeling adventurous, you can also put links into a comment – see the notes on the page "Comments - italics, bold, links" on the menu bar at the top of the blog.

  4. First, I have to say that I have never thought about sleeping affection from the moon. So this kind of article looks very new and interesting to me because if the the moon effects to our sleeping we need to know and how we should do if we have to sleep on the full moon nights. So do like Boom's topic very much.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Even the tide get affected by the moon, who are we human being? So, I tend to believe this. We all heard about the tale of the wolves which might base on what the ancient people witnesses as, in the old time, ancient people was closer to nature.

    If I didn't have to sleep, I would be glad as if I got a million baht. I hate sleeping but I hate more when my health goes wrong when I don't get enough sleep. However, if everyone else did not have to sleep too, it sounded like less fun and mess at night. I enjoy more if I am the only one who stay up at quiet night. I would spend time doing this and that as usual, like I do at home in my free time and save the day for hanging out, socializing, travelling or even work more

  7. When I read your summary I believe this is true because the moon and earth can effect to many things in our life and sometimes the scientist can't really explain why. For me, I believe in horoscope and astronomy that can be affected to our life during specific period. For example, when there was a black moon phenomenon , many astrologer and prophets have explain and inform people who will have positive or negative impact during that period.Although many people might think it's more like a myth and can't be trusted, I tend to think that maybe there're some connections between our emotion, behaviour and the way nature are.

    To answer your question, if I could spend all day and all night awake , I probably travel to as many countries as possible. I want to experience places in different timezone. For example, I can see the sunrise and sunset many times a day. That will be wonderful experience for me!


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