Wednesday 16 May 2018

Fire: reading 1, "Feeling the Heat" (B&S3, p39-40, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have just read and checked our understanding of the interview with Kevin Lynch, "Feeling the Heat".


Our response 

Having read the text a couple of times, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond to those idea in a critical thinking exercise.

Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Comment on the following questions, which are the critical thinking questions on page 40 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013), and then reply to at least two of your classmates' comments.

  • What are some other dangerous jobs / types of jobs that require people to risk their lives? Why do you think that some people choose dangerous jobs?
  • Kevin Lynch says that an important skill for firefighters is to be able to "stay calm when things are falling apart."
    Do you have this skill? Give examples to explain why or why not? If you don't have this skill, do you know someone else who does? 


Your writing should stand alone. Your response will be stronger if you write as though your readers have not seen the questions that you are responding to.


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. I know that pilot is quite a dangerous job because he has to handle the situation and control the airplane, which contains passengers.
    I don't have this skill but I will attain this skill in the future. I sometimes cannot handle the situation when it's falling because I am quite frightened and then mad.
    I know that one of my friends named Joe has this skill and he is the student president of my school.

    1. I agree with you with pilot is a dangerous job.

  2. A few years ago I was chatting with my lawyer, and he said he couldn't understand why people took risks. He had in mind the dangerous situations that most of his clients put themselves in through their actions, but then expanded it to cover things like motor cycle racing or sky diving. I'm not inclined to physically dangerous activities, at least not these days, but I think that people get a sense of achievement from facing a dangerous situation. Of course, this is not exactly explaining why "some people choose dangerous jobs," but I think it's part of it.

    Another reason that occurs to me is that it's sexy. I mean, we do admire men and women who take risks, even if they fail, so perhaps people think that the risk is worth the admiration that comes. Why else would reckless teenage boys race their motorcycles on the streets of Bangkok except to impress the girls they hope to attract? I think another thing related to this is to prove yourself more of a man (or of a woman?) then the competition.

    Now I'm worried about what this tells me about myself.

    1. I like your opinion that say people get a sense of achievement from facing a dangerous situation. Because when I can achieve some dangerous activities, I feel that I have achieve something and feel like I'm more superior than others. However, I contemplate that it's not good to do something bad.

  3. I think I sometimes have a skill to stay calm. It happens to me when I do something over my limit or crazy to the max, after that, I am a new Chatt who is stay calm no matter what happen.

    Other dangerous jobs in my opinion are police and soldiers who work in three Southern provinces to deal with terrorists especially bombers. Although the salaries of the jobs are not high, these jobs make them proud of their obligation to protect Thailand.

    1. Or do the conscripts forced into the army against their will go to the south of Thailand because their superiors, who stay safely out of danger in luxury, order them to go their with poor equipment while the ruling people waste a fortune on useless submarines, blimps and aircraft carriers?

      I wonder just what the soldiers serving in the dangerous Southern provinces really to think about being there where terrorists regularly kill them.

  4. 1. I think is diver or frogman. According to the dangerous jobs in the world this is the one of those and I do agree with them because the diver have to dive under the water or the ocean which are very dangerous place with many dangerous fish or aquatic animals.So they might get killed from them anytime.
    the reason that these people choose this dangerous job because of what their earnings and unearned income (some time).

  5. There're many jobs that risky such as police man, soldier and window cleaner for skyscraper. I think these people have different reason for choosing their job for example, soldier and police man think their job have dignity and stability from pension while a job that requires high risk-taking like window cleaner is well paid when compares to other cleaning jobs.

    I don't think I have skill to stay calm in critical situation. Of course, I'm scared of many things from animals, insects, fast speed to darkness. I usually frighten and shocked when unexpected things happen. So,these kind of risky jobs are not my type at all. However, I knew one person that can handle situation very well which is my boyfriend. His job is to produce an arts work or decoration so he has to work in site of construction quite often and he can manage his duty very well even sometimes there''re many problems during the installation. In other words, he has ability cope with any difficulty circumstances.

    1. Looking through the comments, window cleaner for skyscrapers was a popular choice of dangerous job. My first response was to agree. But then I wondered if it really is as dangerous as it looks. I suspect that the harnesses they wear and other safety precautions might make the job fairly safe. It would be interesting to know just how many of these cleaners do die on the job. But it's certainly terrifying to me just to thin about. I certainly couldn't do it. (I want to write more about Chiangrai, but it has to wait.)

  6. I think spider man who clean the window high rise building has a very dangerous job. It is dangerous because they have to be careful about safety and ensure that everything is safe before hanging themselves to more than 30th floor building. Another dangerous job is pilot, air hostess. It is because we cannot predict uncontrollable climate. As a result, we have heard the news about countless number of accident on airplane. It is not only about staff but also customer who sit in the same plane. There are a lot of dangerous jobs. Most of them choose to do it anyway because their dream. Some of them may have no choice to do. Some of them may chose because well-paid income.

  7. High building's windows cleaner should be in the dangerous job category. It is not that the job's nature is to do something challenging like firefighter. However, the job have a huge risk because one mistake once happening can take a worker's life.

    I don't know if it is mean "calm", but when there is an alarming situation, I am kind of not excited or don't even respond quickly if I evaluate it has lower priority that what I am doing.


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