Wednesday 23 May 2018

Movement: readings 1 & 2, "Invasive Species You Should Know" & "How Do Animals Navigate?" (B&S3, p52, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have now read both "Invasive Species You Should Know" (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 49) and "How Do Animals Navigate?" (p. 51). As usual, the authors now invite us to respond critically to the ideas from both readings. 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions 

The questions that ask for our response to both readings are: 
  • Think about some other invasive creatures. How do you think they moved to new habitats? What problems do they cause?
    • In the image on the right, Bixby and Scanlon suggest some species you might like to think about; you are, however, free to discuss any invasive species that comes to mind.
  • How are your navigational skills? Rate your sense of direction from one to ten. Then discuss your abilities and strategies.  


As usual, your response writing will be stronger if you write as if your readers have not seen the questions you are responding to. That is, your writing should make sense independently of Bixby and Scanlon's questions. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I would rate my navigation skill 6 because I can remember most of the surrounding but sometimes I still forgot the direction once I arrived there. This is why when I am going to somewhere for the first time I will make my own landmark so I can remember next time I go there.

    I think cat fish move to a new habitats by people who release it in the wild like river or lake and since it is not a native specie so there is no hunter for it to worry and it start hunting other local fish and destroying balance in the river.

  2. My navigation skills are awful. If I had to rate myself from one to ten, I'd give myself a two at best. My usual strategy is to let someone else worry about navigation. For example, a taxi driver, the BTS or MRT, and in Australia, my brothers and sisters who kindly drive me around.

    These days I manage a little better because of the excellent Google Maps app on my phone. That was invaluable when I was in Chiangmai last month. Without these tools and others to rely on, I would regularly get lost. Even something as "easy" to get to as Chatuchak park can confuse me. WHen my sister and her family visited a couple of years ago, they wanted to go shopping there. I had been many times, but still managed to turn the wrong way after we got off the BTS. Eventually, I realized that I'd made a mistake - I did remember that the entrance was about a five-minute walk or less from the BTS, not the 15 or so minutes that we had been walking. It as a bit embarrassing. At least when we went to the Grand Palace, the taxi drivers got there OK.

  3. I think the termite is an invasive creature. It moves to places by flying to somewhere that has light when it is a fly ant usually in the rainy season. After losing its wings,it turns to be a termite and starts eating wood. Two years ago, my house was attacked by the termite, luckily,it only ate 30 percent of my wooden stairs.
    My navigational skill is quite low may be four out of ten due to the fact that I can open map on my phone, so I don't have to remember at all, but I can remember routes to some places that I often go such as my grandmother's house and Chamchuri square.

  4. Another invasive species that come to my mind is a rat. There are many of them in the street and easily find in the restaurant or any street food restaurant. They will come to eat our foods and waste. I had terrible experience when they were more than 10 rats on the street, where the garbage were at night, when I'm walking to my car. I think they're dirty and are carrier of many diseases.

    When it comes to navigation skill, I think I'm quite bad at it.Probably scored at 6 or below. I always got the wrong direction all the time. For example, when I entered each place and stayed for an hour, but when I got out of the shop I usually head to the wrong direction that I need to go. However, I think when I get older I tend to have more senses in the direction. I try to remember every single details of surroundings and take a photo of significant place if needed just to avoid getting lost.

  5. I just thinking about ants. When I was young, I really wondered how they navigate like line and curve. I is really amazing. I have heard from the documentary that they have some chemical inside their body. They usually leave it every where they go. It means that the following ant can track and navigate to the same direction. The reason for this is to find some new source of food and to migrate to others places.

    Of course, a ants can multiple really fast. Sometimes, we can see a hundred of them at the same place. It is because this kind of creatures are quite small they can go any where they want. Therefore, they tend to eat our food which come with bacteria. That reason can be danger for people. They also go to electrical staff such as computer and other electronic devices.

  6. The grasshoppers are the another animal which causes the huge problem because when they move to the new habitats they always find and destroy all agricultural plants terribly. However, they get eaten by the human form frying and selling to people who like eating insects in the local countrysides.

  7. Ants are a common invasive animal I see around. I think they find their habitat base on the distance from their food source. I notice that if I do not leave food exposed to the them, I will not find them and their habitat nearby.

    My ability to navigate is not good. I often don't feel the direction right, especially when I am inside a building. I often confidently point out a wrong direction like my sense and my feeling tell me that. For example, when I am in the building, at AUA, I might point out the Wat Hualumpong during talking about it to the direction of Silom which is obviously wrong. When I tell way I quickly say right but I mean left and I don't really know what wrong with me.


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