Tuesday 8 May 2018

Is Facebook trustworthy?


What I read

According to " Tech Tent: Do we now trust Facebook?"(2018), it has been a week where Facebook has gone some way to soothe the concerns of its developers and has seen the company which sparked its data privacy go out of business. Mark Zuckerberg went to talk about F8 which is a dating program for Facebook users and he said he still have to deal with concerns of developers to restore trust back.

My response

Facebook DatingFacebook is the most social media used by people all around the world with easy steps to create profile. It is also easy post comments, pictures and videos which can be shown to other people. But this simplicity makes hackers easy ways to hack data and I think Mark Zuckerberg should fix this problem.

I do not use Facebook as much since many websites or apps linked data with it. I was wondering if my data leaked,luckily, I am not a business woman or celebrity and do not have many secrets at all.

Another application I use instead Facebook is Twitter because it does not want to know my personal information such as my phone number. 

My question

Do you use another social media instead Facebook and why?


Cellan-Jones R.(2018,May 4). Tech Tent: Do we now trust Facebook?. BBC News. Retrieved from  http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-44008655


  1. I never heard of F8 before and just knew that FB is going to compete in dating kind of apps. I am FB passive user. Apart from some photos I upload once in a while, I didn't keep anything on or give any info to it. I didn't as well interact much with my people, just checked in with them from time to time and on top of that I never register any service through FB or even Google account. I feel weird and quite skeptical about that kind of convenience. Having said that, I don't have any alternate social media to FB. Considering how dependent I am on FB, I dont'feel the need of any alternative.

  2. I think that people complain too much about Facebook. No one is forced to use it, so it people aren't happy with the services it provides, they should leave. It is not like a dictatorial government that forces everyone to tell it their private business.

    I don't use FB much, but I like the excellent messenger app. that comes with it. I use that all the time. For example, if I'm meeting friends for lunch, it's arranged through messenger, we can quickly sent up dates on where we are en route, and so on. It's all a great tool for staying in touch with family in Australia. I post to my personal FB page maybe a couple of times a week, and to other pages that I manage a bit more often. I think, as to billions of other people, that it offers a valuable service, and since it's free, it's hard to complain about the cost compared to the service provided.

    I have exactly 30 FB friends after several years of use, and only share stuff that I'm happy being public. I've never had any problem with my phone number being on FB, since only my small group of friends and family can see it.

    I would worry more about one of my banks being hacked, but fortunately that has never happened, and banks are highly motivated to keep my information and account very secure. For me, the enormous convenience of these modern tools outweighs the risks, provided snooping governments are not allowed to get access to private information.

    1. I also like that apps like WhatsApp and Signal let citizens communicate with government agencies being unable to intercept their communications. That privacy from the government is healthy for society.

  3. I see many apps in nowadays such as Whatsapp, Facetime, Btalk, Kakao Talk etc. but I don't trust any apps for 100% I always avoid filling full form for each app. So beside using Facebook app I also like to use Line application because it's another chat application which easy using or more easier using than Facebook.


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