Wednesday 30 May 2018

Disease: readings 1 & 2, "Long-distance Care" & "Do We Know Too Much?" (B&S3, p62, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have now read both "Long-distance Care" (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 59) and "Do We Know Too Much?" (p. 61). As usual, the authors now invite us to respond critically to the ideas from both readings.


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

The questions that ask us to respond to both readings are: 

  • Are all advances in science and technology good for humankind? Why or why not? Give examples to support your ideas.
  • What might be some long-term consequences of so many medical developments that continue to extend human lives? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. Advances in science and technology are good for humankind because it can be useful in many things such as using gps to get an accurate direction when we travel to a place we do not know.

    It may results in increasing of population which is cost more resources for human to live.

  2. I think that most of advance science and technology are good for human. It is because human invent science and technology to help and support people live. For example, medical technology give a positive impact for patients. Doctors can use medical technology such as MRI or telesurgery more effective.

    I also believe that there are a negative effects as well in long-term. People tend to base on science and technology too much, and this might change the genetic of human in the future.

    1. Why would it be bad to change our genetics if that improves health, intelligence and personality?

    2. I just guess that if we have high technology to heal ourselves, people tend to have lack of immunity. People from thousand years ago might have some strong immunity which we don't have today. It is because the way we live nowadays is very difference in the past. In the same way, some of genetic immunity might decrease slightly in the future. I am not sure that this is like the law of natural selection or not?

  3. I think most of science technology are beneficial to human but there might be some drawbacks if using for wrong purpose. I heard about human cloning for long times ago but not sure that it has been successfully developed. I think human cloning can cause social problem such as unmorality activities and criminals.

    In the future there might be problems caused by medical technology especially in surgery and aesthetic medical. I believe people who has been taken or received too much chemical treatments or drugs can have health problem and cancer when they got older.

    1. I like your idea about cloning. Can you give a supporting example that would show how it could be immoral?

  4. Advances in science and technology is good for humankind because many of them expand human's life span, for example telesurgery or new discoveries of medicine. These saves people's lives.

    However, long term consequences, People will have to handle with much more elderly than before. Human societies will change to support the situation and also the government's policies.

  5. 1. Yes, they are good for humankind. For example, good for checking for a very difficult or the very newest diseases we need high and advances technology helps to find those diseases nowadays.
    2. Some medicals are very helpful.

  6. I think most of advances in science and technology are good for humankind for example there is technology in surgery which is quite better. In contrast, I have heard about newly developed suicide machine in Europe I think it is not good at all.

    1. Why do you think suicide machines are bad?

  7. I think one of long term effects is that once people can live longer, they want to find a way to live forever and may have treated too much medicine.


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