Thursday 1 July 2010

Have you ever dreamt to play any music instruments in public?

Have you ever wanted to sit and play piano even though you cannot play such instrument at all? Especially when you see them inside the piano store, which is full of beautiful grand pianos inside, I bet everyone want to touch them at least once in their life. When I was young, I really wanted to play them when I saw them because I wanted to hear that sound and wanted to know how will I feel when I press those black and white buttons? Unfortunately, those stores don't allow children or even adults, if they're not seem like the one who will buy their instruments, play their goods. That's why I was very impressed when I saw this topic in BBC news, which is "Public pianos inspire street music".

According to the article, few weeks ago, a lot of pianos is located in many place around London and New York, in order to invite as many pedestrians as possible to play street pianos. This marvelous idea is created by Luke Jerram, and it's named "Play Me, I'm Yours" project, which is happened since year 2008. He hope that his project will lead to unexpected results. Jerram gave us a wonderful case of his unexpected result. "There were two journalists who met over a piano in Sydney who recently got married." Jerram said to the reporter.

When I've finished reading this article, many benefits of this project pop up in my mind, and I wonder that how good is it, if we can run this project around Bangkok. First of all, many orphans and poor children will have a chance to play this instrument or even to learn how to play piano music. Many people who don't have money enough to buy piano still afford to play piano. Secondly, a lot of people who have gifted in playing piano but don't have opportunities to show their talent will have their stage to show off. Lastly, how good our society would be, if we can going to the park for listening good musics everyday. Our country will be enchanted by beautiful music which is created by street piano, so workers will relax from their work loaded during the whole day.

However, base on the truth, it seems to be difficult to begin this project in Thailand because of the Piano's price. It cost at least 50,000 Baht per each even for used one, and it sounds more resonable if invest such amount of money for children's education or for citizen facilities. Moreover, not much people in Thailand are interested in music more than watching soap-opera program in front of their television.

Finally, indeed, I hope that this article will be a good example of thinking out of the box because people often think that piano must stay inside the building, and only wealth people are able to play piano, but this article prooves that it isn't true. If we think out of our box like Jerram, we might create a great opportunity for many ones, or at least, we do our best for make this world to be a better place to live in.


Masters, T. (2010, June 29). Public Pianos Inspire Street Music. BBC News. Retrieved July 1, 2010 from


  1. I haven't looked at your BBC source, but its title sounds promising.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I look forward to reading your ingenious composition.

  4. It's not such ingenious composition at all; however, I tried to do my best with my poor english skill.

  5. I thought it was a great idea too.
    It's even more altruistic because after the project ends in each place, the pianos are donated to schools so that they become permanently available for people to learn and use.

    Sort of related is that they are not stolen or damaged when out in public.

    I'm glad Tum brought this interesting report to our attention, and shared his ideas on it.

  6. This article is really interesting for me also.
    I believe that music have amazing power. It can change people's mind, solve problems and so on.

    If there is this kind of project about the drums, it's going to be awesome!!!

    Anyway,I was so surprised that the pianos are contributed to schools after this project.
    It is perfect!

  7. As I expected that this story would be of my interest, I am even more fascinated and impressed by such campaign contributing socially to the less privileged. I myself enjoy making music and think that I should donate my old guitar to one of these events because music can benefits people from all walks of life in many ways. Not only would it be useful for the pleasure, but also increase creativity in those who enjoy music.

    Ps. why don’t we organise this kind of event so that we can help create a musical society and start with Bangkok first as a pilot, but the problem is our instruments might be on fire!

  8. How long that pianos can stay out door? I think it will lost in a few day if they put it in Bangkok. This article help me to think out of flame and make me more enjoy of my life.

  9. Thank for this sort of news. For me I really love the piano sound, and it would be good if play together with cello. Anyway, for this kind of project, let me remind one project that I watched on Youtube last year, and fortunately I kept that link!!.

    This project is really good, it can make you smile. However, the real purpose for this both are not the same, it was created to make our society better.

  10. Nid,
    Thanks for that link. It goes perfectly with Tum's post. I would take the stairs, too.

    Is there a mistake in your ¶ 2?

    Sometimes I make a similar mistake. I make a lot of small typing and other mistakes when I write quickly, and I sometimes hit "Publish" before I proofread - always a bad idea, but when you're in a hurry ... . Most mistakes don't matter, but occasionally I revise a sentence as I'm writing, and the result is that the first part no longer matches the second part. And sometimes I add or forget to add a not, and that makes a big difference to the idea. Then I have to write another comment to explain that I meant the opposite to what I had just said.

    It really is an entertaining and informative video, with a great idea. I'm glad you kept the link.
    How do you keep your links?
    I usually email them to myself from the website I'm on so that they are easy to find later in my email.

  11. What a jolly life a piano can produce!

    Just looking at the picture posted, Ican feel the melodiousness of its sound in my ear.

    I'm very pleased that Tum brought this report in our attention. Whole-heartedly,I am one of the people who indulge in and sense the charm of this classic instrument(I believe so does Tum). In my point of view, music belongs to every one and can never be deprived by any rules or excuses. According to the report, I am glad that Jerram tried to make the concept come true and more visible. From p'nid's suggested YouTube video, I absolutely see no seperation between human and music. Moreover, it is obviously seen that they turn to be an essential part of each other. Steps of human life are driven by the sound and rhythm of music. Not only the piano-like stairs gave satisfaction to people who were on it, it also expanded the delight to people on the escalator and persuade them to come and join next time. That is the real power of music. If the most needed desire of human is to attain joy and happiness, don't you think closely connecting to music is a promising alternative?
    p.s. Tum, I will look forward to seeing you playing piano sometimes.

  12. I like the project owner's idea and also Tum's opinion, especially in thinking outside of the box which reminds me to quote "imagination is more important than knowledge" from the famous scientist Albert Elstein, and I also like video from Nid as well.

  13. glad to hear that you guys like this news. I tried really hard to find interesting one among the boring news. :P

  14. Excuse me Peter, but who's the one you suggested to revise writing in the purpose to make it clearer? Me, right? But, I've no idea which one should I revise because I think it's quite clear in my view, and it quite relate with the first paragraph too. Could anyone pull me out of my stupidity, please? T_____________T

  15. For Apple, Sorry to say that, but you know? your second sentense makes me laugh. Really exaggerated, girl!!! ha ha ha

  16. P'Nid, I really love your like also. Thank you to share such cool clip in my post.

  17. Peter,
    Sorry for that mistake, actually I wasn't in a hurry but I sometimes lost control of myself and didn't notice anything. --' (last night I did many things at the same time and very excited about that clip) Anyway thanks for pointing that out, and please do it when you find that it's not right.

    And I keep the link in my favorite, categorized by video. I often email to myself too, and I sometimes think that "Am I weird? to send things to myself. And now I realize that I'm not the only weirdo. ^ ^

  18. And I'm very glad that all guy like that clip too.

  19. Nid,
    It's no problem.
    I make exactly the same mistake sometimes. (Usually when I am rushing, but sometimes I just fail to see something until it's already public.)

    I just wanted to check because it did seem like a mistake to me.

    It's not something to worry about.

    But do you have to describe us both as "weirdos"?

  20. Tum,
    My entire comment @ July 1, 2010 11:41 PM was addressed to Nid.

    Everything in your post is clear. Nid's comment @ July 1, 2010 11:28 PM was also clear; I just thought she had made a mistake with the word not in ¶ 2.

  21. Tum,that is always my way of writing 555. Actually, elaboration is my real surname.
    Anyway, I just want to express that I enjoy music and certainly your response writing.

  22. Thanks to Lord Buddha....I didn't do something wrong.

  23. Tum,
    latest comment @ July 2, 2010 9:48 PM make me laugh out loud,(l O l)
    How sarcastic person you are man!

    And Peter, "But do you have to describe us both as "weirdos"?"
    I'm just kidding, hope you didn't take it serious.
    just only me not you.


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