Friday 20 September 2013

Coffee or Battle?

Nowadays, People make an agreement by voting or some processes that call democracy; furthermore, this way come to be a part in human life. I think no one desire about violence, so I decided to respond to this topic Starbucks asks customers to leave their guns at home.”  Why do many people go to Starbucks’ outlet? I think because people want to get some coffees and other products to help them escape from any stress situations, or spend some times with friends to do something relax together, but I’m pretty sure that not for starring at someone holding firearm into the coffee outlets, never and ever.
In Starbucks asks customers to leave their guns at home  reports that the Starbucks company is asking for their clients please do not carry any kinds of gun into the outlets even though It is legally behave to do that in the USA.

Protesters of permission to carry a gun into outlets 
What kind of shop should allow the clients to bring a gun into the shop? I think it’s a very bad idea of whoever that consider about this policy. The united states of America is the country which is well known about the freedom and human right. Everyone can do whatever they want and legally. However, permission to carry a gun to shops or in public I think it’s a misconception of the government, a gun supposes to use in a war or kind of police chasing to a criminal, and so on, yet not for showing people how powerful you have by just carrying a gun.In my opinion, Most of the people who see a man, who is carrying a rifle on his back, is shopping in a mart, they might think this guy is crazy or something wrong in his perception, and other people must avoid contact and walk away as far as they can from this guy. Obviously, a gun is not a symbol of civilization at all; in other words, it’s a representation of madness, violence, savage and an inhumanity.

The Starbucks' chief executive Howard Schultz also said that he do not appreciate that some of his clients carry a gun in outlets, then others feel awkward and uncomfortable to be in the same place instead of relaxant hours; however, he will not ask them (who is carrying a gun come with outlets) to leave, but he promote that they will get an honor from others. The Starbucks is the well starter for this campaign, but the question is “why do people should bring a gun with them everywhere, especially in a public area, or there are not enough severe crime of this country?"

Starbucks Asks Customers Not to Bring Guns Into Outlets.(2013, September 18)BBC News Business. Retrieved September 19, 2013 from


  1. I have no idea that why we should carry gun to public place. In Thailand if you want to carry gun to public place, you have to get permission from government officer, if not you are illegal. I agree with your idea. Starbucks is doing right thing.

    1. You also need a permit from the state government to carry a gun in the US. You need a separate licence to own a gun in every state. And these laws vary from state to state: as Four's source says, "Starbucks has a policy of defaulting to local laws" (¶ 5), so in some states it would be allowed and in others not.

  2. I absolutely agree that people should not carry guns or weapons in public places. I think this is one of the reason for violence in children as they see adults holding guns every where, so they think it is common to use guns. Your article remind me of the situation that the student shoot others in his school. I think it is a good idea to have some campaign to avoid this problem.

    1. I think so, and if you've read the replying of teacher Peter you might know that gun carry law is same in Thailand that mean people have to get a permission from the government. However, I agree with you that people should not bring a gun with them everywhere because others will often seen it and think that it's general. In Thailand, I don't often seen the normal people carry a gun, so I think it's a good idea, but there are more murdur rate than the states.

  3. Americans certainly love their guns, although the American murder rate is, and has long been, lower than the Thai murder rate. Just looking at the murder statistics, I think we have to say that the US is a more peaceful society than Thai society, which seems to surprise some people.

    But I'm glad that Starbucks has taken a weak sort of stand in favour of being gun free. I never go to Starbucks because most of their coffee is a bit weak unless boosted with a double shot of espresso, but they are popular, so I glad to see them taking a stand, even if it is a very, very weak one. They could be bit braver, I think.

    1. I was shocked to know that Thailand has a murder rate more than the States, but I think maybe because there are a lot of incidents, so It seem to be normal to Thais. Recently, I've heard about the crimes in The US more often like Boston Marathon bombing, and others guns and mass shootings, so I think there are few incidents but more severity.
      The last one, I agree with you that the standing of Starbucks is too weak. Maybe they give a weight to business more than a comfortable of others clients. However, If I'm a client of Starbucks and I feel uncomfortable to be in there with gun carriers. I should leave instead of them and find a new coffee store - this is more severity for Starbucks I think.

  4. I have on idea about bring gun every where in US. before, so this article is worth thinking about why someone does that. Also, I think this article indicate the influence of Starbuck on american, which might not happen in Thailand.

  5. I think in Thailand some people buy Starbuck coffee because of trend. A lot of people buy a beverag just because they want to use coffee place reading some book, talking with friend, or working.

    1. Those sound like good reasons for buying a coffee. I sometimes buy something in a cafe not because I'm hungry, but so I can sit down, perhaps chat with a friend, or if I'm alone, just watch the passing street scene.


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