Friday 27 September 2013

The World Is Not Enough

World population is increased tremendously every year and making humans harder and harder to thrive or even survive. A lot of researches and innovations are made to improve our quality of lives. China is also one big country that play an important role in the world development. Besides launching a space station for significant experiments that might not be able to do on earth, have you guys ever thought about bigger goal like preparing the habitats for the next generation when “The World Is Not Enough” ?

Although it is just 10 years after China, a dark horse in outer space exploration, has firstly sent their astronaut to outer space, this powerful country currently established a mega project to launch a space station to low-earth orbit by 2023. With two laboratories as core modules attached to three capsules and a cargo vessel to transport supplies, this high technology space station will be able to accommodate six astronauts for short-term missions and the other three for long-term missions.

This BBC article reminds me of my high school years when I was very crazy of astronomy. I joined my school astronomy club for three years and was also appointed as the vice president of the club. In my perspective, the universe is so wonderful. It arouses my desire to explore deeper and deeper to find out how was our universe originated, what is the mechanism underlying its complex structure that is like miracle, and what will happen to this magical system in the future. Like many kids, I was attracted by the beauty of stars shining brightly at nights. I even made my own telescopes from plastic tubes and cheap lens that an ordinary high school student could afford. By the way, it is still not good enough to give a clear picture of the moon. However, I was very proud of this invention that I made it by myself.

As time passed by, a lot of experiences changed me from a very logical person to the one that strongly believes in astrology. I have believed that our lives are 100% under our control. If we behave well, we will get good things in return. On the other hand, it we behave badly, we have to compensate our lives for these awful actions. My logical belief is shaken when a monk has predicted my life 2 years in advance and it turned out to be absolutely true. Actually, I have a splendid student’s life from my primary school to my university. My road seems to be sprinkled with rose petals. However, my life was destined to struggle for a couple years after I have graduated. One of the most deeply affected events occurred when I worked in an organization under the supervision of the government. That event still imprints in my mind. I think I may not be able to forget it for the rest of my life. I had to run out of the meeting room and went downstairs on foot via fire escape from the 5th floor to the ground floor in order not to let anyone see tears pouring from my eyes incessantly. As a consequence, I decided to deactivate my Facebook account and also changed my mobile phone number in order to escape from this nightmare. This event taught me a lot of thing both scientifically and astrologically. Our lives partially depend on the destiny, a result from our actions that may be performed before our current lives’ time.

Nowadays our earth seems to be no longer able to tolerate the cruelty of humans. We exploit too much natural resource to serve our greediness without suitably replenish them. As a result, our earth may soon turn into a dessert with no life on. If this is the destiny of our planet, the Earth, we may need to find alternative places to live like Mars. Mars has quite similar geographical properties as the earth and it might not be too difficult for our current experts to turn Mars into lively planet again. Perhaps “The World Is not Enough”.
Simpson, C. (2013, September 26). China to launch space station by 2023. BBC News Science & Environment. Retrieved September 27 from


  1. Perhaps because another recent comment put him in my head, the first thing I thought of reading Yui's post was the brilliant physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton.

    I thought of him because despite his brilliance in areas of mathematics and physics, he also held some very unscientific ideas. He spent a lot of time on alchemical studies trying to turn lead into gold, and perhaps to create a Harry Potter like philosopher's stone.

    Although I think his ideas were understandable, he was of course completely wrong. I think he was wrong because the chemistry and physics of his time was not advanced enough to rule out such notions. Newton, of course, did much to advance the physics. Unfortunately his efforts in alchemy were a waste of his time and talents: he never succeeded in turning lead into gold, or in creating a philosopher's stone.

    It just goes to show that we should not believe something simply because someone else has believed it, however brilliant that someone else might be. We need always to check the reasons and check the evidence, which is what academics do and why they always argue.

    1. Cambridge university is also one of the university in my dream. I would like to have a chance to sit under the same apple tree that helped Newton to discover the law of gravity. In my childhood, I also try to imitate his action by sitting under my dad's mango tree. LOL.

    2. you made me imagine that situation.What if mango droped on you head? What theory is gonna happen? 555+

    3. But as Dui reminds us in his blog post ""Where Is the Gold From?", gold is created somehow. It hasn't always existed, so physics might one day enable us to make gold out of other elements, but I'm pretty sure that that process will involve very different, and far more energetic, nuclear processes than the simple chemical transformations that Newton sought.

      A philosopher's stone that bestows eternal life is even less likely, unless a computer that can effectively simulate our brain activity counts. This does seem to me a more likely possibility.

  2. I like the idea of us colonizing space and other planets. I'm sure it will happen, though I wouldn't want to guess when with any confidence. I'm glad that the Chinese are now getting into the act and moving this technology forward.

    And that reminds me that I haven't seen the film Elysium yet. I think it discusses the social and political aspects of this sort of space exploration. Has anyone seen it?
    I generally think that any film starring Jodie Foster is probably worth seeing.

    1. Actually, I also try enhance my resume in order to be excellent enough as the one who will be selected as a researcher for this kind of extraordinary project. As a result, studying in the US, especially in top 20 universities, should help pave the way for my big dream.

      I haven't seen the film you mentioned above but I think I should find a time to watch it. Thanks for your recommendation.

  3. After i see your post, I wonder how long you take to write this article to share your experience. I appreciate you writing and i think i have to practice more and more. I can learn many vocabulary from your post and see how to use it.

  4. Pop, thanks for your compliment. I spend 2 hours on writing this one from 7 PM -9 PM at Siam Center Food Court.

    By the way, be careful about adopting my vocabularies and structures. They might not be 100% correct.

    1. Two hours - sounds reasonable to me for a good piece of writing. And we'll get quicker with practice.

      I read everything you post, and if there are any common errors that are serious, we will look at them in class. Now that I think of it, there is one.

      What does the word vocabulary mean?
      A good answer to this question will need at least two sentences, the first one correcting the common misunderstanding; that is, you need to start with a sentence that says " ... not ... ", just as the reading "What is Abnormal?" starts by saying what the word abnormality does not mean.

    2. Dear Peter
      according to last paragraph, i really want to know what you going to tell us but i quite not understand it. So, Could you make it clearer?

    3. Pop, and everyone else,
      For example, when we were discussing the meaning of the verb conclude, we found that a really useful definition was something like:
      The verb conclude does not mean "summarize" or "restate". Conclude actually means "to end or finish".

      There are two sentences here, with the first one correcting a common misunderstanding by clearly saying it is not the case.

      Similarly, I think that a good definition of the noun vocabulary needs two sentences, the first to clearly say what it does not mean.

      In fact, the better definition of conclude that we ended up with also explained how the misunderstanding arose by adding a third sentence:
      The verb conclude does not mean "summarize" or "restate". Conclude actually means "to end or finish". However, in an essay, a strong conclusion will both restate the main idea and sum up important points.

      This three sentence definition is useful because it corrects a common misunderstanding and explains why it is so common, as well as giving the correct definition.

      We also need a similar two or three sentence definition for the noun vocabulary.

      What is that definition? What does the word vocabulary mean?
      Before you do any research, I suggest you write down what you think vocabulary means as a useful record to refer back to.

    4. A most productive discussion in class this morning as we discovered and corrected several popular misunderstandings of the noun vocabulary before studying some examples to help us get a more accurate idea of what this commonly used word really does mean, and does not mean.

  5. I love astronomy, and I used to think to volunteer myself to MAR I project LOL.

  6. I've just watched the trailer of Elysium,a new sci-fi movie, I think you may love this movie because it directly relates with your article.


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