Thursday 26 September 2013

Diplomatic animal

Pandas can easily attract people around the world by their cuteness; as a consequence, for the last few decades Chinese government uses them to signify their diplomacy and pandas can smoothly strengthen the relation between China and other countries.

According to “China's new phase of panda diplomacy” in the BBC News science & environment (2013), in the first phase of diplomatic pandas, they were used to encourage and strengthen relationships with other counties, and then the issue was changed when China desired to recover the relationships with others so pandas were a part of China’s open-door policy. At present, the new stage of diplomatic panda has launched and there is an interesting hidden agenda in this stage since panda loans coincided with the enormous trade deal between Chinese government and others.

I think using pandas for make and strengthen relationships is very sharp idea because Chinese receives the benefit both direct and indirect ways. They can directly receive knowledge and research of pandas from other countries that is very useful for the panda conservation. Apart from receiving the knowledge and research, they smoothly get the trade agreements which bring a lot of natural resources to the country.

Thailand has also received the pandas from China. When I glance on this situation, I think that China gave us their treasure because they just want to strengthen our relation. However, when I’ve profound considered I think there is some hidden agenda in this deal. Thailand is located in the middle of South East Asia which should be the important region in the future because there are a lot of resources in this region. We have played in important role in this region for long time that why Chinese government should strengthen the relation with us.           
Melissa Hogenboom.(2013,September 24).China's new phase of panda diplomacy.BBC New science & environment.Retrieved September 24,2013 from


  1. The first time that two pandas came to live in Chiang Mai. I really wonder why Thais seems to be crazy of it. They create the channel that show the activity of two pandas on TV all 24 hrs. I think it is weird and not popular because who want to watch panda 24 hrs. However, I wrong, there are a lot of people watch this channel due to the lovely gesture of them.

    1. Me, too. I couldn't believe that anyone would actually watch a 24 hour panda, but then I discovered that someone I know did watch it. Clearly, my initial belief was wrong. But then, I also have trouble understanding why people would watch golf for hours on end. But my mother loves it!

    2. Personally, these pandas are adorable and they can attract travelers to visit China. However, you know, too many people gather to live in China and there has not enough space for visitors to walk around the country, especially in the big city.

    3. Noina,

      I also agree with you. It is quite silly to have this kind of TV program, broadcasting Pandas' activities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nonsense at all.

      Additionally, according to the statement made by "Friends of the Asian Elephant" Foundation, is it worthwhile to spend 44 million Baht per year or 660 million Baht for totally 15 years to let Chinese Pandas stay in Thailand? By the way, what about Thai elephants ? With the same amount of money, the government can take care of dozens of elephants, not just a couple of them like Chinese Pandas.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I totally agree with Yui and Noina. In this situation to have pandas in Thailand, people may forget our elephants which they had been fighting in War and won to recover our country. In addition, they are indicated Thailand's form. Nowadays some caretakers paint their elephants to be similar with pandas' character. Although painting them to attract a lot of foreign to gain economic in Thailand, feeling pathetic of elephants would be melancholy or gloomy because............... . Blanking previous sentences wants to ask you what you are guessing and thinking about that.

  2. Can we, should we, eat them? Why or why not?

    1. I wonder why you raise that issue.

    2. I raised that question because they seem to be similar to the mammals that humans regularly eat: cows, horses, pigs, and so on, and that ties in with the discussion in the blog post yesterday in preparation for our class reading over the weekend.

      Is there a sound reason for treating pandas differently to pigs when it comes to eating them?

      I think that there is an obvious answer to the question, but it's still worth asking. And the obvious answer might lead to further questions that help us better clarify our ideas on the issues being discussed.

    3. I really like your question. Nowdays, people can have many exotic animal in thier dinner, such as crocodile, giraffes, or snack, but I think it sound strange when people order panda's ribs with barbecue sauce. I think the main reason is that pandas are a threaten species and they're so cute. However, we may see pandas in our menu if the scientists can easily breed them in the future.

    4. Panda is not a great idea of food because of their growth rate, difficulty of breeding and breeding rate, and difficulty to take care them.

      If i got enough time i will give more detail.

    5. I agree with Pop's supporting reason. That they are threatened with extinction does sound like the right sort of reason here for why we should not eat pandas.

      However, if research one day created new techniques so that they could easily be bred in large numbers, removing this reason, would it then be OK to eat pandas?


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