Friday 20 September 2013

Perspective of NSA and RSA.

National Security Agency (NSA), well-known in American and Foreign peoples, can encrypt and decode data or communication which comes from other country or remote area. RSA created by surnames of Rivest, Shamir and Adleman has function similar with NSA, but each perspective is also different.

According to "RSA warns over NSA link to encryption algorithm", NSA persists to claim the right of decoding all encryption systems; nevertheless, RSA insists to protect privacy right and freedom of speech and RSA suggests costumers to be aware of using encryption. In addition, RSA can suspend NSA's purpose which NSA's ability is to decipher encrypted messages to protect the USA from unwanted situation such as criminal, suspected messages.

Digital numbers

In my opinion, even though NSA tries to hack or decode every communication which comes from radio wave, internet online and message on mobile phones, to protect the US from unexpected or precarious situation as clime, terrorists that want to destroy the continent, I agree with RSA that RSA doesn't want NSA to track or investigate other privacy and it wants NSA to respect the human right.

On the other hand, if other country wants to destroy to our home, we need NSA to decode from message to prepare and protect our area from intrusion. In this point, NSA may help us to alarm how the opponents or enemies come to attack us.

During studying fundamental communication by encoding and decoding, I had learned how to encrypt and decode data. In fact, it was very difficult for me and at that time, my professors tried explaining to engineering students by writing on the black board and all students including with me couldn't imagine the lectures and passages. Today, technology and internet are dramatically rising and I can learn how those work.
RSA warns over NSA link to encryption algorithm. (2013, September 19). BBC News Technology. 
Retrieved September 20, 2013 from


  1. I don't think that there is any doubt that Edward Snowden, and before him Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning of Wikileaks fame are criminals - they have broken US law.

    But has either done anything wrong? Or is it the law that is unjust and in the wrong?
    Are people like Snowden and Manning enemies or heroes?

    Joe's blog also raises other issues that you might like to discuss: these were just a couple that occurred to me when I read his post.

    1. And that's my quota of response comments for today. I have an early class tomorrow morning, so I'm going to bed now.

      I hope you are enjoying at least a couple of the topics and issues that your classmates are raising for discussion.

    2. Thank you for your comment. I think both NSA and RSA do nothing wrong, but the former's perspective is optimistic, and the other's view point is pessimistic. Setting or registering law depends on politics from American people and US government, but I don't know the law much and the article can activate my critical thinking.

    3. You mean you think it's OK for the NSA to illegally spy on American and other citizens?

      But even if it were legal, is it OK for them to do that? Why? Or why not?

      What Manning and Snowden did is certainly illegal, but does doing something illegal mean you have also done something wrong or bad?

  2. I will feel strange when using cell phone talking to my friend by knowing that someone else is listening to.

    1. I'm inclined to agree. I think that much of what the NSA has been doing is illegal, but even if it were legal, it would be morally wrong and unjust. Citizens do have a just expectation of privacy, and the government cannot violate that without good cause for each specific case.
      I will be interested to see how US law is changed following the exposures Snowden, who, ironically, has now sought been granted refuge in Russia.


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