Wednesday 25 September 2013

Quest 2, "What Is Abnormal?", Discussion. 3: Who is phobic?

In exercise C following the general interest reading "What Is Abnormal?", Quest asks us to discuss this question, which is number 3 of 5:
  • Do you know anyone who is phobic? How does this phobia affect his or her life?  (Hartmann, 2007, p. 176)
Write your response to this question in a comment below. 
If you like, you can also reply to a classmate's previous comment. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. My younger brother had a acrophobia, but It's gone now. When we were children, my brother couldn't step into the ladder that have more than 5 steps and he'd stopped at the 5 steps of ladder, his body seemed freeze, and when I urged him to move to next step he was start to crying and sat down on that step.

    1. Sounds like me when I met a frog on the path. Just before I went another way.

  2. My friend is acrophobia. He has a problem when he is in the high place; especially, when he stand near the window. We knew that he is acrophobia when we were in the glass elevator because he denied to stand near the elevator's wall. It has affected some activities of his life.

  3. a lot of persons fear somethings because they have a bad situation with that things. I heard many story of my friend that tell me why he or she fear something or some animals. Most of my friend hate cockroach, some of them said that in the past, this animals have flied to my friends.

    1. I don't like cockroaches, and would avoid touching them, but that's because I think they are dirty, not because I'm scared of them. And I prefer to poison them with modern chemical warfare rather than to squash them, because I don't want squashed cockroach on the floor, but it doesn't worry me to walk on one if I'm outside.

      I'm pretty sure I've never had a "bad situation" with a frog. Certainly none that can explain my phobic reactions to the poor things. Even if I see one in a film, my body automatically reacts with fear symptoms: sweating and increased heart beat. But this can add to the thrill of a good film.

  4. My aunt-in-law is very afraid of bird and I think her fear can count as a phobia. She cannot be in a place which she can see birds. Every time she saw it, I tried to escape immediately. She cannot go to the park or some part of zoo which show many kind of birds. That is not about her fear, she also afraid of bird's picture. My uncle had printed some calender for a new year gift and the publisher sent some picture to him to choose and one of them is a picture of bird. My aunt refuse to open it and tell him to throw it into the bin. That is why I thing she have a phobia of bird.

    1. Sounds like a phobia to me. As I just noted in my reply to Pop's comment above, I also react with physical fear symptoms to frogs on TV.

  5. My little sister is mild agoraphobic. She is extreme fear of crowds and never go to night market with us in Taiwan because she feel like too much noise and people, she don't like any stranger to touch her. But she is not severe in that. The phobia doesn't affect her life too much, she had lot of friends and work as a manager in restaurant in Taipei 101. "it's not a big deal with your abnormal" the doctor said, after she go to see a doctor. Now, she is good in her life and has a wonderful life.

  6. I know one of my friends is afraid of bird, she always has to check out side before she walks out the building or her car that there are some birds are flying around there.

  7. When I studied in high school, my close friend seemed to be abnormality. At first year, she was a happy girls and acted like normal people, but in the second years, one day she told me that she heard the sound of someone told her that no one like her and always blamed on her. Her hearing seemed to be worst and her mind was too complicated to understand. Therefore, her parents sent her to the mental illness hospital and she never came back to studied again. She is schizophrenia.


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