Friday 20 September 2013

First day sell problem of iPhone

iPhone is one of the greatest smart phones which produced by Apple, after first released in 2007, now it releases iPhone 5C and 5S. Both of them are released on 20th September 2013.

In “iPhone shortages frustrate networkson launch day”, Dave Lee reports that some Networks cannot sell the premium iPhone, iPhone 5S, on first launch date. According to technology experts said, Apple faces the problem about new hardware and company will be suffering supply chain problem.

a Chinese girl with her iPhone
Sometime I think this problem happens as marketing strategy that seems like iPhone has over demand, and people will infer that everyone want to buy it. I admitted that, iPhone is great but I think it no need to be the first one to buy. I can wait until iPhone sell on normal stores, if I want to buy it. Although, iPhone is good smart phone, I have more choices on smart phone such as Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note3, and Sony Xperia Z1. They are flagship smart phones to their brand, and all of them use Android that is Google operating system. Especially to Sony Xperia Z1, I think it is great smart phone, it has many good features. For example, it resist to water and dust. It has great camera which can take 43 million pixel photos. It is 5.7 inch display that big enough to read contents.

I think to fist day sell of iPhone, I will keep calm and live life as usual. 
Lee, D. (2013, September 19). iPhone shortages frustrate networks on launch day. BBC NEWS Technology. Retrieved September 20 from


  1. Although, the Iphone is one of the greatest smart phones but with the operating system that cost a lot of money to buy their applications. In my opinion, I prefer to use the Android OS. It has a variety of free applications for many smart phones. And I agreed with you that I won't be surprise or excited with the new Iphone. Sometimes, I'm just get tired of the new iphone rumor that always become true. So, may be the rumor of iphone 6 will be true again. It's not a surprise at all when we can predict it..

    1. I am also another Android's fan. Although iPhone is quite a popular smartphone, even gain the largest portion of market shares, it still not be attractive enough for a developer like me to purchase one. One of the main reasons that I do not buy an iPhone is to develop an iPhone application, the developer have to pay fees to use iOS programming libraries. Unlike Android, everything is free and right now iOS seems to even copy some outstanding features from Android. Like the saying of many people, Apple has no more potential to deliver superb works after Steve Jobs passed away.

  2. Thank you Bass.
    It's an excellent first post to kick off our daily response writing: your smooth introduction leads to the well-written summary, and the different responses in the third part are all clear and interesting.

    1. Also, a perfectly written reference citation, and the correct use of "quotation marks" in your second paragraph.

      Adding one of the images from the BBC News, with your own caption, was also a nice touch. I like it.

  3. I did have one problem: I couldn't remember who Kankamol was. Before I could write my last comment, which I did want to start with the writer's nickname, I had to check my class list to connect your display name on the blog with the nickname (a noun) that I know and that usefully names someone for me.

    But because that suggest improvements, these little problems are helpful. IN response to this one, I've just added a new list on the right-hand side of the blog. It links the display names to the nicknames that we all know.

    1. Yes, I had same problem with you when I saw some comments in my post blog, and system shows full name of commentators, I think your list is very helpful. Thanks to added its.

  4. lol, I'm on the other hand, because I really like this technology that has been provided by Apple company, and I want to be the first one who is holding the iPhone 5S(Gold color). Some people think iPhone have nothing to be surprise because all of its previous rumors are exact true, yet how did they feel when they saw the rumors? Weren't they surprise? In my opinion,I (Who is using iPhone 4S)think there are some good advantages such as stable iOS, more useful applications and the most important thing is the innovation that inspire another brand to catch up with iPhone.

    1. Ha ha ha... But I think you cannot be the first one who have an iPhone 5S because K.Tan (ichitan) had it already :p

    2. P' Bass don't sarcasm ka hahaha. right! I meant kinda group of first people, but I don't know how to explain it eiei. I think I probably win the iPhone 5S from ishiton by the way!

  5. I plan to buy a new smart phone before the end of this year but I do not know which one is suitable for me. I do like iPhone but I have just lost it few months ago, so I am not sure whether I should buy a new iPhone or not because I think thieves love to steal iPhone. In addition, I agree with Four that the golden iPhone 5s is adorable but I do not mind if I get it a few month after it's first launch. Which one do you think is the best smart phone with a reasonable price?

    1. If you do like iPhone, I think you should buy its and do not worry about thieves because iPhone 5S has finger print security feature that make 5S is difficult to get access. if someone stole it, they can not access to your iPhone and can not do anything on it at all. This reason may decreases number of iPhone stealing.

    2. I'm sticking with Samsung Galaxy and Android, but only because they are now what I'm familiar with. If I was experienced with the Apple universe of products, as some of my friends are, I'm sure that is what I would stick with.

      My problem is whether I really need to upgrade to the S4 or not. Sometimes I try to persuade myself that I should upgrade, and other times I think it's really not that necessary. If someone stole my current phone, I guess that would solve my problem - but I'm not sure that I like that solution, either.

  6. after see you mention about Sony Xperia Z1, I remind my senior who use that smart phone. i feel suprised when i first time saw him pour the water onto his smart phone.

    1. I used to love Sony products, but the last few years, Samsung has become my new love. Sony just didn't innovate fast enough. Being waterproof is a cool feature, but not enough to make me switch brands.
      But do I really need one of Samsung's neat looking NX300 cameras I saw being promoted yesterday?


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