Monday 30 September 2013

Cyber War

Cyber war, I think it is not far from us anymore, because there are many cyber-attacks to people or governments and it is rising in every year. Anonymous groups are group of activists that aim to fight against governments via cyber space; in other words, they often attack government’s web sites for stealing confidential data or taking web sites down. These lead governments to prepare themselves for the cyber defence and counter back.

According to “UK to create new cyber defence force” The UK defence secretary announces that The UK creates a new unit to help defend national cyber securities as cyber defence force. The ministry of Defence states that the recruitment will allow it to qualify on individual talent, skills and expertise gained from their civilian experience to meet cyber-attack.

When I read this article it makes me think of Thai government, I am not sure about its cyber space policy that cyber defence force should be under ministry of defense or ministry of information and communication of technology - ICT. Thai government has many problems about cyber security; for example, Web site of ministry of ICT took down by unknown hacker. Web site of office of prime minister was hacked and modified data. I imagined that when hacker got into weapon launching system and launched it. I think Thai government should invest more in cyber security because from the article that I have read the cyber is the fifth domain of five defence domain (land, sea, air and space).

I think this is time to think about cyber security because cyber technology is involving our daily life and we cannot refuse it.  The basic of personal security is the password; you must keep your password secretly and must not write out. Every time when you use public’s computer do not forget to log out and clear browser data, you should to avoid to use public’s computer or network to access your internet banking because we never know there is a malicious program on the computer or the network, that waiting for capture your password.
UK to create new cyber defence force (2013, September 29). BBC NEWS UK. Retrieved September 30 from


  1. Reading your response to BBC article make me think of one thing. Every time I type my password on the internet, is the internet service company or the website administrator can see or keep my password? If yes, how can I know that those people will not give it to someone who pay a lot for it.

    1. In my opinion, Internet Service Provider (ISP) can get your password from networking traffic, but it hard and pointless to do that, because there are many traffics pass through ISP in every single second.

  2. I agree with P' Bass as well, I always see the scene in action movies that hacker easily hacks the FBI information to do a terrorism. I know that a movie is based on true story, so everyone should learn how to protects their own important data.

    1. Yes, even movie story seems over hi-tech, they based on true story.

  3. Some input from people familiar with how computers and the internet interact might be useful here.

    I'm pretty sure that passwords are not sent through ISPs, and that if they are, the ISP cannot read anything over secure connection, although it appears that NSA perhaps can read everything - so no one local can get your bank password when you sign in over the internet, but the US government might be able to.

    Should the US government be allowed to do this?
    Should anyone be legally allowed to snoop on such private matters?

    1. I think US government should not be allowed to read any private data and must not do secretly without permission. But I think of one thing that is nation security. Should government see everyone as terrorist and try to read their private data?

  4. For national security in cyber world, I think the government has moved too slow for this issue because they believed that almost of the Thai people do not aware for this issue so they pay more attention and budget with physical security asset like submarine or F-16. This is quite difference in Thai financial system because financial institutions have a big change in last 2-3 years.From my experience, I can tell you that it's better and usable when we compare with the beginning.

    1. I agree with you that Thai government is always slowly movement in cyber space.

    2. They seem fairly quick at blocking and censoring to keep citizens ignorant of many things.

      But I'm not sure that ignorance is really anything very admirable. Knowledge, or at least the possibility of informed opinion, seems to me preferable to the guaranteed ignorance and worthless opinion that must result from censorship.


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