Tuesday 24 September 2013

Smarter by daytime napping.

Every parents want their kids smart than others. They try to put them in a lot of studies even they're just a baby - age under 1 year old - such as swimming class, developing class, language class, and so on. Parents give their children do every activity that they believe it can help their children smarter even other thinks it's overwhelm to young children. For example, After finished daytime classes, these kids are going to take a English class, math class and singing class before get back home in every single day. These activities sound like too much for children, but now scientists found a new useful report which is the afternoon naps can them smarter and sound more relax than those extra studies.

from BBC news, health section, "Afternoon naps aids children's learning" article. The university of Massachusetts researchers reported that studying of 40 youngsters who are age between three to five years old, and took an hour nap after lunch have more critical memory consolidation and early learning than the children who kept awake all day.

Afternoon Napping helps children more excellent. 
In my opinion, I totally agree with this research even this research subject still be a hypothesis because I experienced this situation by myself, and although I'm not a youngster! When I was high school student. At the lunch time I went to cafeteria early and quickly had a lunch; next, I went to library and avoided religious activities before afternoon class to took a nap. I apparently saw that my grades were better and better in each semesters. Moreover, at first year in university my grades were terrible because there were a lot of activities; next semester, I avoided to chose class that start at 1 pm. because I had to sleep after a lunch 1 or more hour. and again my grades were improve. Not only when I study but also when we are stress or can't get a new idea of something, sleeping is a considerable choice.

I've known that our brain remember every information while deep sleep, so I think If I take a nap in daytime it mean I save data twice a day.

Sleeping can rest our brain, and when we get up we can make a wise decision. Surely, It help my life error free or less than it should be.

 Afternoon Naps Aids Children's Learning. (2013, September 24), BBC News Health, Retrieved 2013, September 24, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-24202591


  1. I agree with you that take a nap after lunch is a good idea. I have ever worked with Chinese guys and I found that when they have lunch after that they must take a nap 30min - 1 hour. They told me that most of workforce in China do same thing. I think that is a good idea but not in Thai company :p

    1. Yes, I've heard this work behavior too! I think it is a very good idea. moreover, some business in the US. they built beds like capsule then open for office workers to take a naps after lunch. They vow that 20 minutes are ok! less or more not ok! But I don't know why?

  2. "I went to library and avoided religious activities" - perhaps there is also a causal relationship improved learning here?

    1. Yes, sometimes I read cartoon comics or textbooks for help me sleep farter.but mostly, there is a garden in the library and I used it for napping. When I woke up I feel like my brain is so fresh, and can effectively study.

    2. ps. there are some pillows in library too, and I think nowhere is a better silent place than library. :-)

  3. Four,

    I absolutely agree with you. Taking a nap during daytime is not just help a kid to be smarter but also help improve the productivity of an employee in the workplace. If I remember correctly, Google: the company that most IT graduates have strong desires to work with, also provides rooms for their employees to sleep at their office. This kind of support helps maximizes the capabilities of their people since they can achieve their highest performances from their cool ideas delivered from their fresh brains and healthy minds.

    I myself has ever found a secret place to sleep at my workplace. Sometimes I sleep in a garden, sometimes I even sleep in a toilet (How crazy I am ? LOL). By the way, it did actually help me to be ready for a huge piles of works waiting for me to deal with.

    1. I think you aren't crazy at all ka because I have a lot of secret place to take a nap and sound crazier than you, like sofa in table tennis room, a bed in room which was built for patients that are able to spread their disease to others like tuberculosis or chickenpox. That mean there are a lot of diseases in that room, but I don't care O_o! and sometimes I sleep on a bed which is used for wound care! This is how crazy spell I think lol.

    2. LOL.

      Four, you become my idol now.

  4. It's also happened in Taiwan, especially the people who are rich, I'm glad that I have a wonderful time while I was a child, even my family isn't rich.

    We always take a break after lunch in our company in Taiwan. It helps us having more energy in the afternoon.

    1. Unfortunately, there is no places or beds to rest in lunch time in Thailand, so it'd be awkward moment when people sleep everywhere in workplaces. however, if I have my own business I'm gonna allow my employees take an evening nap. :-)

    2. Four,

      please notify me when you set up your own business. I would like to drop my resume to your mail box :P

  5. I often have a nap in the afternoon after class. It seems to do wonders for my concentration, especially if I'm reviewing or proofreading, although I still miss things, as you might notice over the next couple of days. But if I miss something, it probably means most readers would also miss it, and the New York Times editors also regularly miss errors when they proofread.

  6. Honestly, I very interested in your post. After I read your post, I feel very deplore my time. When I was younger, I did not take a nap a lot. So, if I did that, I would smarter than now. And I agree with your that taking a nap on a day is a very good idea.

  7. I've heard that many countries in Europe have a nap time for employee. Especially, almost of the office in Spain are close at afternoon and they are open again in evening. I think it's very good idea to refresh employees.

  8. And now a nap before I continue proofreading.

  9. I think taking a nap during a day is a good idea because it is like you recharge your battery after you use it for half a day, so after you wake up in the afternoon you will feel fresh and bright. However, taking a nap in the classroom is not a good idea; you might miss some important detail in the lesson.

  10. Unfortunately, if I sleep during the day time in my office, other people assume that you are a lazy employee. Sometimes, I want to take a nap too much, so I went to the toilet to close my eyes about 10 mins. By the way, my office allows employees to work throughout the night and sleep at office, they also build the bathroom for us. How lovely they are !!! T^T


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