Tuesday 26 June 2018

Do we have privacy in the big data period?

What I read

In "'I downloaded all my Facebook data and it was a nightmare'", Radhika Sanghani (2018) says that when the news exposed Facebook's activity which pass on data to other company. She downloaded her Facebook data and excruciating to find the FB known her even than herself. It knew her forgetting things, even privacy. But she allowed this activity when she didn’t know the clause. She had to face her past which she didn't want to remember. She couldn’t escape or delete it, because it saved in FB’s online folder. Through this news and real experience, she advised people that we should pay attention to data security.


My response 

I think the same things happened in my life. Usually, we use Taobao online shop to buy something I want. I had to agree with the clause if I wanted to use it. So this app collected lots of information on my phone, Taobao is a shopping app. It normally passes on adverts to me, but some adverts were strange. For example, I saw a good Ads on TV, and I chatted with my friend to talk about this goods, but I didn’t use Taobao to search it. When I opened Taobao app, it showed the Ads picture which I chatted with my friend, How did it know I interesting in this one? How much access does the app have? It's terrible to think about it.

As we all know, Wechat is an important app in China, but Is it safe? One day, my cousin received an unfamiliar friend request in Wechat, The stranger told my cousin she is me and she changed her account for some problems. I didn’t know her, but she knew my name, birthday and telephone number. Wechat not only a chat tool, it also a trading tool in China. This was a fraud. I didn’t know why the stranger had my family’s account.

But when some crimes happened, Some apps which record the location doesn’t work. It couldn’t find the criminal. One month ago, a Didi driver killed a young flight attendant and escaped. Didi had to use a real-name person to registered, but they couldn’t find the murderer, because the information was fake. We believe that the real-name authentication should protect us, but sometimes it doesn‘t work. I think the network is important at this time, but we need awareness of how to protect yourself better.

My question

Do you think if we have privacy?



  1. I think we don't have privacy during big data period,as I have same experiences with you. Now, most App collect more personal information inappropriately,but you will can not use it when you select to forbid these apps to collect your personal information. And these information maybe be used by criminals,it can cause seriously property loss.I think government should immediately take acts to protect personal information leakage now.

  2. I think most tech companies such as facebook, google or any other social media apps, they give their services free of charge in exchange for user generated data. That is the ways they do business. Whenever you connect to the internet, it means you are giving away some privacy. Every click you have done on a web always generate some data, in which it might be collected by anyone or any companies. So, as a general internet user, I think we only have two choices whether to use it or not.

    1. I'm inclined to agree with Teng. We do not have to use social media, and if we agree to their terms in exchange for the value the service provides, it is unreasonable to then complain. They have not broken their promise, certainly not a rule, if they do what we agreed to when we signed up. But this is true for every business deal we make: both parties agree to the deal or it does not work. I think many complaints about Facebook are unjustified.

  3. Yeah. I think that we should have more privacy to protect ours from what inappropriate things happen. At the present, we all live in digital world so we cannot keep our secret totally. Moreover, it is unescapable to release our information. Thus, online developer should have responsible for their information instead.


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