Saturday 23 June 2018

Drive: reading 1, "Making a Difference" (B&S3, p79, Developing critical thinking)

What I read

We have just read and checked our understanding of "Making a Difference."


Our response 

Having read the text a couple of times, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond to those idea in a critical thinking exercise.

Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Comment on the following questions, which are the critical thinking questions on page 79 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013), and then reply to at least two of your classmates' comments. 

  • Describe your reaction to William's story. How do you think the attitudes of the people in his village changed after his success?
  • What words would you use to describe William's personality? Do you (or someone you know) share of the the same traits? Which ones?  


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I appreciate his passion to make a change for his family. It’s great to be the person who sees problems and also be the one who stand up and fix them. I think the people in his village must be amazed by what a 14 years old boy can do from the knowledge he has from a single book. William’s story must inspire the villagers to read more.

    Dedicated is the word I would use to describe William. The book is the key to his success but dedication is also the most important personality he has to accomplish his goal.

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  3. I'm impress by his perseverance and his strong will to achieve his goal to help people in his village. I admire him that he didn't change his mind even though a lot of people told him that he was not going succeed.

    What's more is that he didn't have enough information of how to build the windmill since that book didn't explain it in detail, but William did everything he can and eventually made it.

    I would describe him as a persevering person. I know someone in my office who tried so hard to take extremely expensive CFA exams which comprise of three levels. Though it is so hard that more than half of people taking the exams failed, but my colleague passed all the tests in the first trials because he devoted all his free time to study for the exams.

  4. The William's story gives me a great willpower to deal and fight with every problem I am going to face no matter how difficult it is.
    The attitudes of the people in his village change from disbelief to happiness with the William's success
    As a tennis fan, I think, Serena williams shares the same traits with William Kamkwamba. I have heard from her interviews that when she was a child her life was tough, but now she is one of the greatest female tennis players in the world.

  5. I think William through his efforts, get a very big success in his life. The people in his village changed their mind, and think he is a genius. He change his life. I used talented and hard working to describe William's character, maybe he had a lot of imagination. He did his best and got his achievement.

  6. 1. In my opinion, I think this story will inspired many people who read it and will encouraged them to start to try something new in their life. Like William, his determination and his mind leaded his village to be a better one. I believe that the villagers will thank him a lot to make their life getting better by his windmill and maybe there will be some other children in the village try to create something new too.

    2. I might choose a word 'Committed' because he work on his project without giving up and try again and again to completed it. In my life, I think my friend, Elizabeth, is one of the most committed woman I have ever met, because she finish all of the catch up work which could not be finished easily in a short period to graduated from MALC

  7. I think this story is very inspiring. Although people in a village are all against him, he still kept on doing what he intend to do. Finally, he completed the windmill that turned out to be very important to the village.

  8. I admire and respect William. He has a good mind and strong willing to help his village. Although he failed, he never give up. He finally proved the villagers that he made it which makes villagers change their mind.

    An industrious man. My mother have told me her story that when she was a student in the university, she failed in the calculus subject so she had to withdraw that subject. She took that subject to study during summer course instead and she practise it very hard during that summer. Then she got A in the calculus.

  9. 1. I think the people in william village change a lot of attitude.
    2. William's have a lot of ambition and determibation.

  10. I admire him and he is a good example of a true maker with ambition who never give up no matter what other people said to that he could not make it. After his success, I think, people in his village would be proud of him and thanks him as well.
    If I would describe William’s personality, he is a trying hard person with good mind. My mother is the one who tried very hard for her life and family and endure to face any problems.

  11. Yes, I think they absolutely change their mind that the things that seem to be impossible can be possible and they will not judge the person who does something different from them.
    The word that could describe William is brave because he do not know how to build the windmill but he was brave to try.

  12. 1.I think that the people in William's village may change their attitude from relying on natural to relying on human effort.

    2. I think William is enthusiastic and humanism. I am not that kind of person but I think that the Former Prime Minister Banharn Silapaarcha shared the same traits because he was born from nothing and then became member of the parliament and PM. So, he turned his Supanburi province to developed province.


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