Wednesday 27 June 2018

Getting into Unit 6 = Pressure (R&W2, p57, Discussion point)

What we read

On page 57 of Skillful, Rogers and Wilkin (2013) give us the usual large photograph and some discussion questions to introduce unit 6, whose title is "Pressure."


Rogers and Wilkin's questions

  • Look at the picture. Why do you think this man looks so stressed?
    He is probably stressed because ... 
  • What other things make people stressed? Why?
    Many people find ... stressful. 
  • What makes you stressed? Think about: family, money, technology, work/study.
    I get most stressed about ...  

As usual, Rogers and Wilkin also suggest some language to help you start your sentences, but it's up to you whether you use that or not. 


  • Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 2.  London: Macmillan Education 


  1. Money makes me stressed. I worry about not having enough money, and I feel stressed because I want more money to do more things. I Don't think this is rational. I have enough money to live very comfortably, and it's very unlikely that i will ever not have enough to live OK. I might not be rich, but I'm not poor, either, and I probably never will be. But I still worry.

    Work doesn't stress me a lot. I enjoy it, so even though it is hard sometimes, and I'm very busy, doing it isn't really stressful, except when I can't get the computer lab as much as I want, but we have to share!

    My family would be stressful, except that I don't live near them. Unfortunately, my family fight with each other a lot. When I go home, some of my brothers and sisters are often not talking to others, so we can't all meet together. I think this is silly, but it's their problem, not mine.

    I love my technology, but it does stress me when it doesn't work. For example, if my internet fails, that's a disaster. But it very rarely happens — less than once a year on average.

    1. As you can see, I really only answered the last question. The first one was boring, so I skipped it. And the second one is general, so I went straight to the last question.

  2. From the picture, he is probably stressed because he is working on important job or handle with serious situation.
    Many people find that taking responsible on obligation is stressful. Due to the difficult of finding money.
    I get most stress about my education. As every know that learning in law school is not easy. I very suffer with examination because there're so many books to read and law student have to read books every after finish the class if we want to get good grade.

  3. He is probably stressed because his work is so busy to watch the graph that changing all the time that in result to change something on his work.
    Many people find a trouble form many ways. Such as in their works. Sometime in the company has the compete. These things make people stressed because the workers have to do hard work for survive in that office.
    I get most stressed about my work in the future because the population who graduate nowadays cannot find a job. So I have to compete with others to be great in my interesting. So now I always practice and keep going on.

  4. From his face, he is probably stressed because there are problem with his work. I think people are stressed from having a problem that they don't know hot to solve it. They all have their different kind of problems.

    For me I always get stressed from study. It always happens when I don't know what I have to do such as with my work or when the big test is coming.

  5. He is probably stressed because he focus on the stock, If the stock's number go down, that meaning is he will lost his money.

    Many people find working hard, pass exams and do some thing that they don't be good at is stressful.

    I think I get most stressed about I need finished my work on time, and it's a good completion. Because If I didn't finished well, maybe I will lost the next work chance in this company. I need work hard to show that I can do it, even it's difficult. It's important to me, and make me a lot of stressful.

  6. He is probably stressed because he will lose a lots of his money.
    Many people find work and money stressful,because it is difficult to do well on your job.If you do not have money,you hardly do anythings. for example you can not treat your disease and good education.
    I get most stressed about work and study.I think it is difficult to study for me,I always spend lots of time to study,but I don't get high marks in the test.

  7. I notice from his face and I found that he is probably stressed because of his career. I guess that he is an analysis business, this living is around with the figures and pressure.

    Many people find each of company in the same kind making different stress. It based on the concentrate of working. For example, some company give worker more free-time, but the salary also reduce compared with another one company, which hire worker time more.

    I get most stressed about study. Because of the fact that I am still a student, I concentrate most on my responsibility in studying in order to getting great grade for future career which I prefer. Thus, I weigh more time for improve my skill and it probably make me stress sometimes. However, it worth for.

  8. He is probably stressed because he might have made some mistakes and he is afraid of being caught.

    Many people find competitions stressful. Because nobody wants to lose. Most of competitions are zero-sum games, there are always winners and losers. So, they have to do their best to win.

    I got most stressed when I have to speak in public. Usually, I always need times to think when I response to other people, but public speaking make me response in real time and that makes me stressed.

  9. When I look at the picture, I think that he might have a problem with his job, so he's look stressed.
    I think other things that make people stressed is money when you don't have it, or when you run out of money.
    I usually stressed about study because sometime I think I didn't do well, or maybe I didn't do good enough to get high mark for the university exam.

  10. When i look at this picture,I guess that man looks so stressed because his job is very hard and have a lot. Or he is on the deadline and he not done.
    I think the environment is the most effect to your stress. For example, when people around you so seriously, you will get seriously too.
    Examination is the things that make me always stress expecially three days before test.


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