Saturday 16 June 2018

Getting into Unit 8 = Drive (B&S3, p77, Discussion point)

What we read 

Bixby and Scanlon introduce each unit with a discussion activity, that is, an opportunity for us to share our ideas on the topic of the unit in a way that relates it to our own lives, ideas and experiences. Unit 1 of book 3 (Bixby & Scanlon [=B&S3], 2013, p.77) does this. 


My response 

The research solidly shows that brainstorming or discussion activities for groups are more effective if participants start by working individually (O'Connell, 2010; Markman, 2017). In fact, experts at Harvard University's School of Management and elsewhere are sure that this can be very effectively done using online tools (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2015). Blogging is one effective way to do this, which is the reason I've turned Bixby and Scanlon's discussion exercise into a quick blogging discussion. 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

In a comment share your ideas on quotation and saying. 
  • "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." (Roger Bannister, 1955, The Four Minute Mile).
  • "Everybody is born with an equal chance to become just as unequal as he or she possibly can." (Anonymous, n.d.) 
 And the questions to respond to: 
  • Explain their meanings in your own words. 
  • Do you agree with them? Why or why not? 
For all of these, you should write full sentences. You will also need to write a few sentences for each of your ideas, giving explanation, examples and other details to clarify and develop your ideas. 

You can address the questions in any order. You can write one comment. It doesn't matter what order to respond to these questions in. 

Open a new comment box and start writing. You have five (5) minutes.   




  1. I think, the first quatation means that the one who will be successful should have a great drive and not give up no matter how difficult of painful the situation is. It's like climbing the mountain. I really agree with this.

  2. The two statement suggests about achievement which will happen if an individual keep trying to achieve it.
    Personally, I agree with the ideas.

  3. The first one means that when you can overcome your pain from failure and decide to keep going, you can be successful. I agree with this one. You cannot win all the time. Some times you fail but if you don't stop you can be successful.

    The second quotation means that you are the one who chose to be whatever you want to be.

  4. I'm agree because everybody have to try

  5. I think the first one means you should keep on trying though it is hard, then you would achieve what you wish for.
    The meaning of the second quotation is that you can be outstanding if you try.

    Personally, I agree. You would never know how close you are to the success if you give up. So people should keep trying.

  6. the first one means one who can overcome an obstruction in life will be successful.
    I do agree with this quote because if you are not patient to overcome something you cannot get far in life

  7. 1. Human who can move on and learn from their mistake is the one who will successful.
    - I agree, because no one will get successful easily without passing through tough time.

    2. Humans are not perfect, everyone can fail.
    - I agree, because all human is equal.

  8. Explain their meanings in your own words.
    - The meaning of the first quote is about keeping extremely hard for the targets even it's a hard thing to effort.
    - The meaning of the second quote implies that everyone is equal and no one can be more influence than others.

  9. For the first quote, I think it means the person who tolerate to difficult thing will get the great thing.
    For the second quote,

  10. I agreed with the first quotation. I agreed that a man should drive himself and try hardly even that path would give him some pains but to win or not, I think it depends on what you define as your goal.

    For the second one, I partly agreed with it

  11. If someone is working hard,he will have a chance to win.
    When we were born, we are same with each other, but we can change if we want.


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A thoughtful response should normally mean writing for five to ten minutes. After you state your main idea, some details, explanation, examples or other follow up will help your readers.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.