Saturday 23 June 2018

Drive: before reading 2 "Most Likely to Succeed" (SRW3, p80)

What we read

Before we read a text, Bixby and Scanlon invite us to think about the topic or ideas that are coming up. The second reading in Unit 8 of Skillful Reading and Writing 3 is titled "Most Likely to Succeed," and as usual, there is a question to share our ideas on before we read it. 


Bixby and Scanlon's question

  • What do you think makes  a person successful? Think about it for a minute, then write your definition of success in a comment. 

You might like to add some examples or explanation to help us be clear about your main idea that is the definition. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. In my thought, success means a good thing that happen on what we are working on at the moment. Success needs to conclude happiness and friends as well, because I believe that no one could be successful if they have no happiness and friends. For example, a business man who is encouraged by his family and he respected to his determination, he will finally succeed in his job.

  2. I think the definition of success is achieve whatever that person aim for.

    It doesn't has to be in career context. People can succeed in many things. For example, if one wants to learn to knit, when she can do that, she succeed.

    My success won't have a thing to do with fame or power. I like to have a good relationship in family. Unlike men, according to a research, who like to be success in career, women tend to value relationship more.

  3. My definition for success is to be able to get anything you want whether it’s happiness, prizes, a happy family or being rich. It’s important to put your best effort to get what you want. If you know what you actually want in life, you may find the way to get it easily. You need to make up your mind what you want and do whatever you need to be successful.

  4. I think success means to achieve your life goals. Each persons's life goals is not the same thing. For examples, some people want to be a leader in his career, some people want to be a famous people, some people want to have a power to be over other people or some people just want a simple life, he doesn't want to be a rich man but he want to be happy everyday. So that, You can't judge other people life that they are not successful because our life goals are different.

  5. From my viewpoint, opportunity,motivation and enthusiastic are the key to success.

    The definition of success is when we have all we need to fulfill our happiness.

  6. I think success means having achieved the goal that you set for yourselves. Therefore, to be successful, you just have to ask yourselves what you want and just try to achieve it. Also, in my point of view, one is considered as a successful person when he or she is satisfied with him or herself. Once you reach that goal and is satisfied with what you have done, you can call yourselves a successful one.

  7. In my opinion, success means the accomplishment of goals or expectations. To be a successful person, you must have a goal and you should work hard to achieve that goal.
    You can't just have a goal and an expectation and don't work for it. At the same time, you can't work hard on everything without a clear goal because it will be like driving a car without a steering wheel. You must have both goal and hard work to achieve it.

  8. I think success's definition is people do some thing which they really want to do, and achieve his goal. for example,
    Jobs believes that Apple is the most best system for people to use. He didn't agree with a lot of people, and he invention a great system, I think this is a success.

  9. To success, in my point of view, means to achieve something which is person’s goal or intention. It can be anything that you set as a goal such as a success in studying in college, having more money, being a good daughter, etc. and the one who define those to be successful would be yourself. It is how you decide it to be success.

  10. The definition of success mean that you can achieve your goal with determination. To illustrate, if you want to pass an exam and you study hard. If you pass that test, at that time, you are successful.

  11. I think if you have an attempt and work hard will makes a person successful.

  12. The definition of successful, I think it have many factor to connect together. I mean to achievement, fear, career, power, relationship and money.

    In the first time, we want to find the new job. If I want to get a best job, I would try to study hard in the good university. This is a good way to make profile to get a best career. Next thing when I get the job. I want to get a many saraly to get many money and make my power.

    [it not finish]


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