Saturday 23 March 2019

Disease: reading 1, "Long Distance Care" (B&S3, pp58-59, Before reading)

Before we read

Write a comment to share your thoughts on these questions that Bixby and Scanlon ask on page 58 (2013).
  • In recent years, many types of jobs have become automated. What are the pros and cons of this increased reliance on robots?



  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. Although there are obvious problems arising from automation, such as unemployment, I think that the more automation the better. From when this began in the industrial revolution about 200 years ago, or a little less, the world's wealth has increased enormously because machines allow us to produce far more by harnessing energy that humans cannot compete with. An example that comes to mind is the amazing Mahanakorn Tower near my home, which was built in only a few short years. Prior to the rise of machine power, this would have been impossible.

    But machines do not just allows us to produce more things more reliably, they are also becoming more and more intelligent: the world's best game players, from chess to Go, are all machines now, and it's hard to imagine anything using intelligence, even poetry and law, that machines will not soon be able to do better than any unaised human being or group of human beings, if the machines are not already superior.

    But I'm not sure that all of those displaced human beings can possibly find paid employment elsewhere, so some radical revisions of traditional social structures might very soon be needed.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like your point about robots remembering better. I'm not sure whether it's because I now rely more on my own devices or simply a symptom of age, but I'm sure that my own memory is not what it used to be.
      But when i was strolling around Chiangmai with friends last year, I'm pretty sure that Google Mapa was a big help, as it is when I visit Sydney.

  3. Nowadays, people rely on robots in many kinds of jobs. Since they're more accurate than us, people, in many kind of fields. For example, calculating. Robots can really alleviate our jobs that relate to numbers since they have memory cards and also they can remember every inch of details. For instance, robots can remember every single letter in the book, while people can only recognize the main idea of it. However, too much reliance to the robots can create problems. For example, if you rely on GPS on your smart phone too much, you might get lost. Since these devices are not always accurate and sometimes it's error. Therefore, using it along with using our brains is the way that benefit us the most.

    1. Yeah, I agree with you that when we rely on the GPS too much, we can get lost, since I am the one who always get lost because of GPS.

  4. Technology today has development further until it make a lot of change to our life. Robots, even it's look like something that come out of sci-fi movies, being use in several jobs today. It certainly cause both advantage and disadvantage.

    A part of robots is computer so it is more exact and faster than human. In the other hand, Robots can replace human in some jobs and do that jobs better. It increase the problem of unemployed.

    1. Even the technology has a lot of pros, it has still a lot of cons as well. For instance, technology cannot get into human emotion and feeling.

  5. I think the increased reliance on robots makes our life easier such as the navigating applications on the smartphones take us to anywhere we want to go via the shortest route. Robots also makes our life more convenient such as the voice keyboard application in which we can talk instead of type the letters to finish some work.

    However, there are some disadvantages in human's increased reliance on robots. Many people might be unemployed since their jobs will be done by the robots instead. For example, a company wouldn't need to hire an accountant anymore if someone can invent the robots that are smart enough to do all the calculation and control the accounting jobs.

    1. I agree, it will be harder to find jobs in the future because robots can replace human in some job.

  6. In recent years, many types of job have been disrupted by robot, the famous technology that called artificial intelligence can be applied in many areas of life. One of the good example is how to apply AI with banking industry, banking industry applies AI for credit modeling without document required when providing fund to the customers, AI can use customers' existing data to analyze customers' needs and how much money that they required, this is useful for financial service. However, AI still has the cons because they are robots so they cannot deeply understand about customers' feeling and emotion.

    1. That reminds me that Facebook does a very good job of posting articles that I'm likely find interesting. I do not rely on FB for the news, preferring to read a few traditional newspapers and magazines every day, although online, but FB is still very good for bringing things to my notice that I might otherwise have missed.

    2. I totally agree with you, robot might not truly understand human feeling.

  7. An example of advantages of using robots is medicine; In surgery, it is really hard if you have to incise in the tiny spot or the spot that needs accuracy, so many surgeon use robots to operate in that spot.

    Using robots also has disadvantages. One example is unemployment. When many jobs have become automated, many employees are fired, and they don't have a job, so they become unemployed.

    1. I agree partly in using robots in surgery. For some cases, you need more accuracy than human's hand. However, I find it might be terrifying if there's no human to control the robots.

  8. Nowadays the technology has developing and robots are coming instead human for many kind of work. The advantages of robots are accurately, precisely and they can help people to do works easier. However, it also have the disadvantages such as people might be unemployed and less communicate with each other.

  9. I think robots have lots of useful. They work faster and longer than people. They can do the same thing in long time but they can't think anything, people must input some information and robots do everything from that command.

  10. Automated robots are used in various business nowadays, such as transportation business, food business, and the most popular one is communication business. These modern technologies have both advantages and disadvantages in some way depended to people usage.

    The first undeniable advantages of using a robot is it make people's life easier in term of helping the routine work or people can communicate in real time. In addition, reducing the cost of doing thing such as cost of the business is also another advantage that we could get from this kind of technology.

    On the other hand, there are also several disadvantages of using robot, which especially, if people use it in the wrong ways. To give you an idea, when you use too much technologies or spend too much time with it, you might disconnected from other people easily. Also, sometime you get pain in part of your body from using too much of it. For example, you might get pain on your fingers when you use them too much and it would happen chronically.

    Even you prefer to use a lot of technologies, you should use it in the right way.

  11. On the one hand, there are many advantages of using robot or AI to work instead of human today. Robots can work without resting time that means industrial factory can produce much more goods than the past. In medical field, AI also treat patient accurately, while doctors might do mistakes caused by tried duty. Moreover, some works that need the pattern to do, AI can do more effective than human.

    On the other hand, AI can destroy society of human being in term of employment. Because AI is effective worker, a company owner tends to use it prior to human worker. Robot also work in the difficult place such as under ground after a crisis better than human, so it is more difficult to human to get a job in the future.


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