Monday 18 March 2019

My old school's birthday

Last year,  I had been drawn back to Santa Cruz Suksa school that I studied from kindergarten to grade 6 on the school's birthday. I was surprised, for many things have changed, there are a new school building and a new school meeting room, but the playground that I often played with my friends was removed.

On my old school's birthday, I made an appointment with my friends: Nuch, Nuey, Friend and Biew, to went to our old school. I went to my old school almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon and then we did many activities in school, met many teachers, went to church which is a school church, around it, there were history of the school and the church and many activities too. Near a school church, there is a Kudi chin village which is the first place that bakes Khanom farang kudi chin. We were very enjoyed and tried, so we went to "Ma-noun-wan" where is a restaurant near my school and took some photos to collected good memories. Then, we went home.

In that time, I was very enjoyed and got a new experience. It was a good memory for me, and I hope to go back again in school events.


  1. A couple of people wrote about their old schools, and one of the places that came to my mind when I was planning this task was my old primary school, which I did end up mentioning in my own post below.

    I decided against it because it was a bit sad. I had not visited for probably about 35 years, but the local church is next to the school, and when my dad died ten years ago, his funeral was there, so I did get to see the old school where I was taught by friendly nuns who gave me a lot of freedom to do what I wanted. But I also did a few naughty things with some of my friends, such as making tunnels under the school buildings and lighting them with candles from the church. I liked the memories of my own school days that your post and a few others brought back.

  2. I have the great memory when I was in kindergarten school. At that moment, I was so happy and loved playing. Nothing needs to be worried, I like this kind of situation.


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