Saturday 23 March 2019

Getting into Unit 6 = Disease (SkR&W3, p57, Discussion point)

What we read

As usual, Bixby and Scanlon introduce "Disease" with a large photograph and some questions to get us thinking about the coming topic and ideas in Unit 6 of Skillful (2013, p. 57). 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Discuss these questions in a comment. 

  • How have medical technology and treatment changed since your grandparents were young? What about your parents? How have they changed in your own lifetime?
  • What are some interesting or amazing uses of technology in modern medicine? Give as many examples as you can.
  • What types of medical advances do you think, or hope (fear?), the future will bring? 
Write two or three paragraphs to address the questions in any order. Remember, it's response writing where we want your ideas written down in sentences as quickly as possible. Think for a minute or two, and then write. Then write your next idea, and the next one. And repeat. 

For clarity, write as though your readers have not seen the questions. Your writing should make sense as an independent piece of work. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I thought of the science fiction film "Elysium," starring Jodie Foster and Matt Damon (Jason Bourme). I don't know how close we are to the wonderful medical technology there, but I'm hoping it comes much sooner than later. Just lying on a bed for a short time while a machine scans your body and then fixes any problems sounds very good. But that is science fiction, even if it becomes science fact one day.

    In my own life, medical technology has changed a lot. When i was born, there we no such things as organ transplants, but now heart and other organs are commonly transplanted, and I believe great progress is being made in creating custom grown organs from the recipient's own cells, so that there will be no threat of organ rejection. Again, I hope this comes soon. Right now, I would settle for a new set of teeth that perfectly replace my current set.

    My grandparents, now all dead, were born in teh 19th century, so medicine has changed enormously since their day. And even visiting hospitals today, they are very diffrent to the place my father was in when he had pleurisy about 50 years ago, or a broken leg. They didn't really seem much more than beds with nurses in attendance, whereas today, they come with lots of monitors.

    More recently, I think that the pace of progress is speeding up. In the 1980s and early 1990s, HIV infection was a death sentence, but today, only twenty years later, the drugs make it no more serious than a chronic illness, and that is amazing progress.

  2. Medical treatment has been developed throughout the whole century. Anesthetics are not usually required nowadays for amputation. The most obvious examples are laser surgery and fast-released medication pills. It is very beneficial because less risk is involved but at higher expenses admittedly.

    Regarding future medical advances, endoscopy should be underwent solely by the intake of pills encapsulated with special chemicals. A patient simply lay down in a flatbed under an MRI scanner and a practitioner can diagnose in seconds. This is such a breakthrough because traditional endoscopy is somewhat manual and can discomfort a patient.

  3. The medical technology and treatment have been changed so much since my grandparents. One thing that is I am familiar with is 'Orthodontics'. This kind of medical treatment has not been invented yet in my grandparents lifetime. However, it's really popular among teenagers nowadays. I also got it.

    The interesting uses of technology in modern medicine that I heard about is eye surgery. The short-eyesight people in the past can only improve their eyesight by using glasses. These days, people can change their corneas by using modern technology. For example, my sister has up to 800 short-eyesight but she decided to take in eye surgery and it was successful. She can see things clearly now. She said that the first time they took the bandages out of her eyes, it felt like she was reborn.

    I've seen the medical advances that getting AI to do the surgery or diagnose the disease in tons of sci-fi movies. I think that taking the robots to be in charge of this kind of field is very dangerous. Sure that the robots can alleviate the doctor's work in some kind of specific place. However, I think that there should be doctors controlling the robots.

  4. One example of interesting uses of technology in modern medicine is surgery by using robot. It's used when surgeons have to operate in a tiny spot that needs lots of accuracy so, surgeon operate by controlling robot to operate in the spot instead of surgeon.

    Another example is a pace maker. A pace maker is a machine that help people whose heart stop beating by sending an electricity to make their heart beat normally.

    I think that the future will bring nano robots. I'm mot sure where I hear this idea. It's an idea about using robot to cure people internally; it's like when we're taking a pill, but this is nano robots which are more effective than normal pills.

  5. There are tons of changing in medical technology. Today, almost all of people can access the technology easily because they are served on your phone.

    Quantum magnetic resonance analyzer is one of a good example. It is an application on your smart devices which is used with QRA instrument which is a iron stick with resonance generator. It become popular today because using easily. Just touch the stick, the instrument will generate resonance frequency through your body, and collect your individual data to compare with database. The result will give you over 41 analyzing about any system in the body such as cardiovascular system. Then the program will suggest you about any possible illness and a primary treatment you should take. This is very useful helping doctors diagnose their patients.

  6. Medical treatment in my grandparents' generation is usually in a typical ways such as using Thai herbs to heal the illness or some ordinary Thai massage which was believed to be able to cure some pain. Moving on to my parents' generation, there are some major changes in the medical field such as the changes from typical method to heal patients to the modern methods such as using modern medicine. A lot of medicines have been invented from chemical method as well as vaccines and serums to help preventing the chance of catching a disease. In my generation, the improvement in medical field has been improving significantly by using technology such as using robots to do surgeries or organs transplant, using computers to analyze the diseases. The advance in genetic engineering is also a major improvement which allows us to live healthier and longer by conducting gene or DNA treatment to prevent us from several diseases or make our body immune to them.

    I also think that in the future, genetic engineering will improve a lot more and it will allows human to live longer and longer. Human may be able to heal cancers, AIDS etc. and be immune to all diseases one day.

  7. The medical technology has change a lot since the time of my grandparents which I think medical appliances is not as easy accessible as today. My parents time maybe much more better but it is still in low development. The medical technology today, on my time, change people's life a lot, making diagnosis, operate and medicine more accurate and safer.

    i think the most interesting technology in modern medicine is that now doctors can operate through camera, this way can reduce pain and risk that patient must face.

    The medical advances in the future that I hope it will be available in someday is technology that can defend or treat cancer completely.

  8. Back to last 70 to 80 years ago or since our grandparents are young, the medical technology was not developed much. That time, Thai people used only herbs and natural ingredients to cure any diseases, and also, there are not much medical equipment to use. However, this kind of technology keeps developing until when my parent was young, which people can have a chemical medicine to cure people or machine to help us detect the disease and cure patients. Nowadays, the technology is much developing to the AI age. Researchers in this field are trying to take the advantages of the technology to apply to the medical machines. AI is also a main part of that. We can even use AI technology to detect the people diseases and cure them. This is also the medical advance that people could use and bring it up to our near future life. We could also now use the small machine to do the surgery without a big wound.

  9. In my opinion the medical technology in today has change too fast and change in the better way than the past because in our world there is many scientists who have the capability to develop the medical instruments for the doctors to treat their patients. For example, my father he was sick and he doesn't know what the causes are then he go to see the doctor to find the answer.

    The modern technology in medicine can tell my father what is the cause that make him sick. It is a body scanner called CT scan by injecting the color to the blood vessel of himself and it showed the result. This kind of technology bring me some fear in sometime, because I think it might be dangerous if my father can get like this in many times.

  10. The medical technology and treatment that have changed since my grandparents were young are we don't have these medical tools that we have nowadays so it's harder to have an operation long time ago. In my lifetime there are much more hi technology medical tools and treatments for example we have vaccine that can prevent influenza.

    The interesting or amazing uses of technology in modern medicine are such as having a screen that can show us what is inside our body when we insert the camera, it is useful nowadays during an operation and I heard that some country use robot instead of the doctor in the area that lack doctor.

    The types of medical advances that I hope the future will bring is a treatment that can help people recover from cancer by not using chemotherapy because it is also bad for our health.

  11. In sixty years ago, when my grandparents were young, the change of medical technology and treatment was about how to find the best medicine to resolve the dangerous disease. However, in recent years the change of medicine technology and treatment is about how to make patient get convenience by using just one platform for every areas that are related to healthcare. For instance, consulting, buying a medicine, seeing the doctors.

    From my point of view, it is very interesting to apply the technology in modern medicine. One of the great example is the medicine for sleep disorder that can make the patient relax before going to sleep, this is useful for human.


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