Tuesday 9 March 2010

gendercide-the sorrow of unborn girls

When i was a child , I'd heard that gendercide many tims, but I am shocked that it still happening in these days.

In the article, "The war on baby girls-Gendercide", the writer said that lots of unborn girls have disappeared in Asian countries such as China, Korea, Singpore, and India because of cultural "prejudice"; preference for son. Particularily, in China, imbalance between the sexes was 108 boys to 100 girls in th late 1980's, however, in early 2000's, it was 124 to 100; this ratio means that they can not be controled by nature.

Im my country, Korea, there is a traditional "prejudice which has very long history; that is preference for son like as China. Especailly, in the elder generation, having a son is very important to keep the family line. korean people think that daughters have no meaning after marriage; she belongs to her husband's family, even though women don't change their surmanme after marriage. Women had no right to inherit a fortune from her parents in the past, but now it has changed by the law. So, many unborn girls were killed because of their sex. I thought that there is no more female abortion in my country, becasue the atmosphere has changed to be positive to fmale; women can get high educaiotion, have equal oppotunities to get a job, and so on. In reality, I am wron, and it is very shocked. Imbalance between sexes can not be conroled by nature. It mean that many male will not be able to get spouses, and it will be a serious social problem. Nowadays, many Korean women don't want to get married, and want to be a single mom; they want only a baby, not a husband. Korean people have to think about this problem seriouly, because it will effect on our future generation more seriouly.
Gendercide(2010, Mar 4th), The Economist. Retrieved Mar 9th, 2010 from https://www. economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15606229&source=most_commented

1 comment:

  1. I am quite frightened by the news that many Asian countries still experience gendercide. I think that the culture of prefering male is gradually reduced. Nowadays, Thai 's families do not concern much about having daughter or son. May be because Thai families become single family. They do not have many children as in the past because of the economical reason. Therefore, any gender of their children is preferable. In additions, Thai society are more opened, any gender is acceptable if they are good person or good at their way. We can see that in high position level in both private or government sector, the number of woman are gradually increases.


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