Sunday 7 March 2010

Thai -Chinese Relationship

The article "Thailand refuses visa to Dalai Lama's sister" in The BBC News draw my attention because it is the best policy for Thailand not to allow any activity that harm to international relationship, especially with China.

The artical states Ms. Pema, a Dalai Lama's sister was refused by Ministry of Foreign Affair of Thailand for visa. She is going to Thailand for the purpose of being a keynote speaker in a Seminar in the topic's area of Tibet. Thailand gives the reason of banning that the country does not want anyone to use the area to criticise or undertake the harmful activities to other country.

I also think Thai government will ban any activity that do against China. Due to China and Thailand have very close relationship not only in term of economy but in term of culture. When China think that Dalai Lama is a dangerous seperatist who try to provoke Tibetan and other countries to do against China. Then Thailand can not allow anyone or any activity that oppose to China to use the land as the base area. Although, we know that China government tyrannise the minority people, we (other country) can not intervene international relationship.
Harvey, R.,Thailand refuses visa to Dalai Lama's sister(2010,March 5).in The BBC News. Retrieved March 8, 2010 from


  1. I think that the ministry rightly made the decision and the reason is rational. I don't know that we have the legislation about this, or not; but If other countries want to do the same thing like in this case, we should also refuse them to avoid the conflict between countries.

  2. I disagree with Mod and Ann.
    First, when China asked Thailand to refuse teh visa, that was interfering in Thailand's internal affairs. It is not for China to dictate to Thailand to whom it may or may not grant a visa. The US government, in contrast, grants a visa to the Dalai Lama and accords him the same respect that it would any other religious leader. China, not surprisingly, complains, but both the US and CHina are sensible enough not to let that interfere with their trade relationships.

    I think that Thailand has behaved as a slave of China in this issue, and that is bad. I think the Minister who refused the visa made the wrong decision, and a cowardly decision. He could, and should, have said that he was sorry for that the Chinese government was upset, but that as a sovereign nation, Thailand would issue visas independently of the wishes of other states. In fact, China is a dictatorial state, and it's presence in Tibet is very controverial, which is why it hates the Dalai Lama.
    I'm sorry, but I think that Thailand has behaved very badly over this issue.


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