Sunday, 29 May 2011

Murder? OK. Copying Germany's defence minister? Never!

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a rich and powerful nation called Germany. It was in modern Europe, and was the economic powerhouse of the European Union. In that developed and influential state, there was a wealthy, admired and respected defence minister. He was of noble birth, and many people expected that he would one day become Chancellor of his country.

Everything was going well for this highly educated and attractive politician, and at the young age of 39, he was definitely a rising star not only of Germany, but of European politics and society.

And then he lost everything for a careless (?) crime committed in a moment he will surely regret for the rest of his life. Sadly, it wasn't murder or even corruption.  Had he been guilty of corruption, it would have been embarrassing, but he would at least have kept his Ph.D.. Murder would not have cost him his Ph.D. But when his guilt led to his university stripping him of his Ph.D., he also lost his job, along with his reputation and the respect of so many who had admired him the  day before.

This is not fiction. It's a true story.

It happened earlier this year, in March 2011. The politician was Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Germany was still Germany, whose Chancellor is Angela Merkel.

For all the details of this sorry tale of crime and punishment, see "Plagiarism in Dissertation Costs German Defense Minister His Job" (Dempsey, 2011)

As the title of The New York Times article tells us, zu Guttenberg's crime was plagiarism, which every good university treats far more seriously than murder. We have already seen in Quest that plagiarism is stealing and that Hartmann uses italics to emphasize the word must when she explains the importance of citing sources to avoid committing this crime (2007, p. 188).

In the right-hand column of this page, there is a section titled "AEP Class Blog - information pages", and in that section is a link to some Class Notes online. Those notes include a page called "Citing Sources I", with more information and a lot of examples of how to cite sources, both quotations and paraphrases, in academic work in order to avoid plagiarism. There also some blue highlighted notes on the use of citations in version d. of my essay, "That's Nice", on Crooks in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. For example, note 8. comments on an example of a source cited for a paraphrase, and note 13 comments on the citation for a quotation (= a copy and paste from a source) (Filicietti, 2011).
Dempsey, J. (2011, March 1). Plagiarism in dissertation costs German defense minister his job. The New York Times. Retrieved 2011, may 29 from,&st=cse

Filicietti, P. (2011, May). That's nice. [incomplete draft of essay]. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing, (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Business travel

With the development of the world economy, the globalization of trade has become an irreversible trend. Business travel are more and more popular and becoming a big business.

The news of Business travel is big business on BBC News said that while travelers and companies tend to treat business travel as just an expense, new research shows that it’s actually a significant investment in the growth of individual businesses and the health of the global economy.

Normally, the cost of business travel is not concerned too much by customers. In another word, high price or low price do barely affect the number of business travel. The decision of traveling is depend on the business schedule or requirement. Furthermore, more tight business corporation, more business travel requirement is needed in the future. Business travel is not only relationship with airplane company, but also bounds a series business, such as taxi company or car renting company, hotel, restaurant, exhibition hall, shopping center and so on. It is nearly bounded all range of business. In the period of recession, business travel should be encouraged by government because it provides more job opportunity.

Chris McGinnis. (2011, May 25). Business travel is big business. BBC News. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from

Saturday, 28 May 2011


Nowadays , people prefer living together without getting married because they pay less attention to religious matters. Also, it's easier to end a relationship if you don't get married. This trend continues growing as we can see in 'Married Couples Are No Longer a Majority, Census Finds' on the New York times (Travernise,2011).

 Brookings institution presents that only 48 percents of American households in 2010 got married. This is the lowest statistic in American family's evolution. This happen because more women jointed labour markets and society is more secular.Another change is that women with high education are more likely to get married than those who have a high school diploma because of employment instability. Futhermore, the number of young couples living together are increasing. "The biggest change for the decade was the jump in households headed by women without husbands — up by 18 percent in the decade" said the senior demographer of Brookings institution(2011, ¶ 14).

In my view, marriage is not the most important part of couples' relationship. It is just the beginning step which has nothing to do with maintaning the relationship. Plenty of couples that had gorgeous wedding ceremony ended up getting divorce within short period. people should start their relationships when they are mature and ready. Planning is nescessary for instance, financial planning, having baby planning, child's education planning and so on. Young people who have no job and still study should be cautious about living with your partner. It can lead to several kinds of serious problems such as pregnancy. Inaddition, their kids will be suffered from poverty because their parents don't have any degrees and have difficulty finding a good job.
Sabrina Travernise.(2011,May,19).Married Couples Are No Longer a Majority, Census Finds
on the New York times .Retrieved May 28,2011 from

Friday, 27 May 2011

Recalled from nature

Human seems to be success to create and develop many things. Soldiers can prevent country from the war, scientist research and get vaccine to prevent us from disease but no one can protect ruthless from nature. As we can see in ‘Missouri releases list of missing after tornado’ on BBC News.

Missouri was struck by Tornado last Sunday. It’s one of the most disasters which happen in America. Mr. President, Obama, plans to visit Joplin city on Sunday. Third of city are destroyed, at least 125 people are killed and 750 got injured. The heavy loss is worse than Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas where tornados were attacked last Tuesday caused only 16 people killed. There are more than 230people are still missing in Joplin. Authorities believed that the number of survivals should be increased if they can contact with their relatives. The important issue is raised up among authorities when bulldozers should start to clear debris, which means no more survival underneath wreck. Mr.Randles, a Fire Chief, is still hopeful that some victims can be found after disaster two or three weeks later.

There are many disasters happen and affected to people around the world. Tornado, tsunami, earthquake, volcano eruption are some sample of cruel from nature. We can’t prevent or stop these disasters; human is the one who made it more badly. Every country try to develop new technology to support our life to get more convenient, but we forget to return something back to nature. For instance, dams are constructed to produce electricity in Thailand, many trees are cut down. However they don’t replant trees back, when depression comes, water flood around the cities because there are not enough big trees to against the water flow. Additional, changing of weather all around the world for example; snowing in Vietnam or melting of ice in North Polar, these change cause by Global warming which mainly caused by human. Everybody should be participate and be responsible to our world for the next generation.


Missouri releases list of missing after tornado (2011, May26) BBC News .Retrieved May27, 2011 from

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

We are God ?

Human being have got bright accomplishments in scientific field. This makes our lives more convenient. However,we might have stepped into a divine field as we see in Business booms for Danish sperm on BBC NEWS.

Paul Henley reports insemination in Denmark is getting a boom among European women who want to get pregnant by artificial way. The number of women who took this treatment in Denmark in 2010 is about 1.7 times larger than in 2008. Sperm donors have to tell his details such as weight, and eye-colors so that women can get their baby who have the characters they hope. However, sperm donor will not be recognized who is he because he needs not disclose his name or telephone number. Insemination in Denmark has at least two advantages. At first, the cost in Denmark is cheaper than in other European countries. Second, in Denmark,there is "no shortage of officially screened and tested semen."(¶7,2011)

I am not sure we should be allowed to get pregnant by artificial way. Nowadays ,one's sense of value differs from a person to a person. Therefore,we take the existence of Lesbian couples, heterosexual couples ,and single women natural. Some of these people want to have their own baby, but can't get pregnant in natural way. In this case, is it permissible for them to get pregnant by artificial way because our scientific technique has progressed? Or, is it permissible to breed human because we breed animals? Furthermore, according Paul Henley,mother to be can choose the character of their baby by choosing sperm donor. For example,if they want to have clever baby,they can choose clever donor. As Paul Henley points out,"Nordic genes could become more widespread than many suspect"(¶13,2011) . In addition,inferior races might disappear from the earth. I think artificial insemination is one solution; however,we should be careful to deal with life.

Paul Henley.(2011,May,19).Business booms for Danish sperm on BBC NEWS .Retrieved May 23,2011 from

Monday, 23 May 2011

India's unwanted girls

Culture pressure to give birth son affects to the ratio of population that lack of balance between men and women. It is an important social issue that goes in traditional cultures as you can see in the article “India's unwanted girls” on the BBC News (2011).
According to the news, female abortion remain common in India, although sex-selective abortion based on ultrasound scans is illegal. Sons are still seen by many as wage-earners for the future. The census also reveals a continuing preference for boys and India's sex ratio is at its worst since independence. Even though these states have registered numbers much higher than the national average, the decline is too substantial to ignore.
I'm surprised that it's possibly happening with women who are living in India in which the census show serious decline the number of female fetuses may have been aborted because they want sons instead. It might be that the parents feel the pressure to have sons because of culture or background as their own traditions. I think it is the real horror for Indian women and morally wrong to kill girls. This cultural attitudes need to change. People should think equality that is possible and reasonable between men and women because they are both human, with similar soul, brain, heart and so on; therefore, women should get opportunity equal with men.
India's unwanted girls. (2011, May 23). BBC News. Retrieved May 24, 2011 from

Healthy Mommy

Having baby is difficult method for some marriage couple but how to take care of yourself when you pregnant are more difficult. Now there some research shows that taking some supplement vitamin help to against disease. As we can see in “Pre-eclampsia supplement’ can protect against disease”, on the BBC News. (2011)

According to the news, the risk of ‘Pre-eclampsia disease’ is abnormality of high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy especially the first time pregnant women and it might harm to child. British Medical Journal, researchers in Mexico and America state that if pregnant women take some supplementary vitamin which containing L-arginine, an amino acid and antioxidant vitamins, these supplements can prevent the high risk of Pre-eclampsia disease, the result comes from testing of more than 600 pregnant women whom have high risk of ‘Pre-dclampsia disease’ . However Johnson, midwife teacher at the Royal College of Midwives suggests researcher should also study more about the side effects of taking the supplement by pregnant woman.

Sometime pregnant women are sensitive with lots of disease or they might have a diabetic when pregnancy. To protect a baby to be born healthy, I get some tips by interviewed mother of three, my mother, first, she suggests pregnant woman should consume only healthy food but if you want to take some supplement, you can do it too however it’s necessary to consult with your doctor beforehand. Second, pregnant woman need to do some exercise to relax their body such as, slow walking is simple and easy exercise. Relief your mind and have enough sleep, all of these help you become healthy pregnant woman and it’s good for your children.


Pre-eclampsia supplement ‘can protect against disease.’ (2001, May 20)

BBC News. Retrieved May23, 2001 from