Monday 2 May 2011

Carving the Roast Beast

I agree the Law with eating meat and I don't think that it's morally wrong because the animals are raised for human food. We are not to kill them purposeiy. If it 's morally wrong to eat meat, why are so many companies such as Charoean Pokphand Group providing Agro-Industry & Food. Morever, why the monk and the priest can eat meat. Even they know the morally better than others but they still eat meat. In addition, Doctors do suggest the patients to eat meat because the meat has highly protein that make your body healthy. The doctors are not intention to kill animal but to cure the patients.




  1. Thip,
    Law definitely says it is morally wrong to eat meat. I think you disagree with him.

    I like your supporting points - especially the one about monks and priests. How would Law respond to that argument? But your other reasons for disagreeing with Law also need to be answered by his supporters.

    I will be interested to see how your classmates who do agree with Law respond to your reasons for saying that he is wrong.

  2. Dear Tip
    I was also thinking about monks and priests.In my opinion,to kill any lives is basically wrong.However,as fas as we thank lives which is killed to feed us,it is not morally wrong.Here,I think we have to think what is the moral.The moral in one culture can differ from another cultures.

    Dear Pree
    Have you ever thought about microbes or bacteria?When we eat vegitables,we kill them.They are living creatures as well as turkeys.

  3. P'Tip
    The Thai monks can eat meat,it's not because they think it's morally right to kill animals to provide food for them.As you know the regulation from the past that the monk can only get food when people offer some food to them. The monk's point of view is how can they don't bother or make any trouble to the one who prepare food.They can't choose what kind of food that they want to eat.They think about the comfortable point.I got this information from the monk that I respect.We talked about this point before. The monk also should not kill any kind of animals that's why there are the period that monks have to be in the temple for 3months from the Lent Day.To prevent not to go out and step on the animals that come out when it comes to rainy season.In addition from your comment, doctor allowed the patient to eat meat for the treatment. I think it's only case by case. Someone that I know whom has cancer decease. He went to see a doctor. Instead of doctor asked him to eat more meat but he suggested him to quit eating meat. He recommended him to eat lots of vegetable.
    Back to my idea, I still insist that eat meat is morally wrong. Animals cried before they were killed.It's really confirm that they have the feeling.
    Kukik, I think we can eat plant as much as we want. It's not going to be destroy the eco-system because we can plant the vegetable and it will grew very quick.Actually it spend less time compared with feed an animal to eat. I beleive that our health still strong even we stop eating meat. Because there are lots of nutrient in vegetable.Plant doesn't scream painfully when it is cut. Which one that you want to chose to eat?

  4. P'Art
    If everyone eats vegetables, there might not enough plants for eating because the number of agriculturist is very less nowadays and it may be insufficiency as human need. In my opion, it's not possible for most of the people that they are willing to change career to be agriculture.

    More importantly, Animals that have been treated from the farmers such as cow and pig. It may not be accustomed to live naturally. If people do not eat meat, animals may not also be fed and it is very hard to farage (seek food) by themselve, then they may die shortly. It is morally worng as well because we are a cause of animal's death.


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