Wednesday 11 May 2011

The dangerous of mosquitoes

Nowadays, the global warming is a serious problem and this affacts the climate changed in all over the world. Moreover degree of the temperature in the tropical countries such as Thailand will increse every year Also it could increase the number of mosquitoes that lead people to get dengue fever so in the artical " Dengue fever cases 'double in UK' " on the BBC News presents the number of people who get suffer from the desesse and it mentions that how to protect this illness.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) reports that the number of people who got the dengue fever in UK increased more than twice. That means it had 166 cases in 2009 and the following year had 406 cases. For a person who get this illness will get muscle pain, headache and a rash or fatal. The organization suspect that it has around 50 million cases each year. In the UK, the organization reports the 21% of cases were connected to visits to India and 15% with Thailand. Dr Jane Jones, head of the HPA's travel and migrant health section shows how to prevent this illness by saying that "To minimise the risk of being bitten it is advisable to wear appropriate clothing to cover up - such as long sleeve tops and trousers - and use insect repellents" (2011,¶8). She also suggests that we should use the net at night and we should be careful all the time.

In my opinion, I believe that people should be careful insects not just only mosquitoes because sometimes it shows the same symtoms as in this case. Especially, people who like to go to forests or mountains should be awere of this because some species have more poison that the other species. I recommend that if you travel to tropical countries or the risking areas then you should to prepare the cream that protect mosquitoes and also wear the clothes that cover your body. In addition, we can use the technology equipment that can attract mosquitoes and insects come into the equipment then they will die immediately. If you find a lot of mosquitoes in your home you can buy the spray in a market that can eliminate them and also it doesn't take a long time.


Dengue fever cases 'double in UK'. (2011, May 11). BBC News. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from


  1. Hi Oat
    I’m surprised that UK still has trouble with Dengue disease. Mosquitoes are very dangerous especially the infected mosquito. If you get the disease, you might assume that you’re catching cold and have high fever. Taking pills is the wrong idea for the treatment. The medicine will decrease your body temperature for a while that made you misunderstand that you’re recovered. The serious condition can be seen within 3 days and it’ll turn you in the coma condition. You must go to the hospital immediately or you will die.
    I agree with you when you said appropriate clothing was suggested to wear to cover up your body. I used to read an article it’s showed that Thai woman are taking the risk of having Dengue fever because of they love to wear mini skirt or short.
    But I disagree when you suggested we should buy the poison spray for killing mosquito in your home because I feel uncomfortable to use it. If it can kill the mosquitoes, so how about little babies who have low immunity to protect themselves from the chemical. It’s dangerous. I would like to recommend to clean the entire place where refuse water is remained. It will help you to get rid of the mosquito.

  2. I agree with Oat that there are many ways to protect yourself from Dengue fever. First, you should avoid to stay in the dangerous areas such as rainforest. Next, you can use mosquitoes repellent at night time. Last, if you have a rash on your body and also high fever, you ought to see a doctor to get the right information of that disease. You should not wait until that symtom is obvious because it's going to take a long time for treatment. Sometimes, you might have to take a lot of pills that many people don't like it. So, the best way of avoidance of this fever is to take care of yourself.

  3. Oat,

    When I was a kid, I got this disease because I went to buy Lychee at Ampawa Lychee's orchard. I had a high fever and nausea. I stayed at a hospital for 1 week. The docter injected me everyday. It is more painful than injection other vaccines. I rarely ate food or drink water because I had no appetite. After I recovered, my liver was still little over- sized because of this virus.

  4. Oat
    I'm not surprised that UK has Dengue fever cases because the climate change all over the world. Most of people belived that snakes and sharks are the deadlist animals in the world, but in fact, mosquitoes kill more than two million people each year.I think, mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals. When a mosquito bite a person, it can pass disease into person's blood.So, the best way we should take care ourselves.

  5. I got a lot of information from here, thank you all!
    1, I like open all the windows at day time because I like fresh air and some times I forgot to close it before turning on lamp. I think all the mosquito are normal mosquito in Thailand. I will pay attention on it.
    2,There's a Lychee at Ampawa Lychee's orchard. I like leechee.

    As well as, I want to share some information:
    1, Sea level is higher and higher, so that land is lower and lower, the space for mosquito is higher and higher comparatively. That's why someplace don't have mosquito before but now it can live at that place.
    2, A classmate from AUA share me the information: after Using squama of Manis pentadactyla to scrape skin softly where is bited by normal mosquito, the feeling of itch will disappear very soon. I have tried the method. It is very usefull.

  6. Before I moved to BKK,I was very nervous because I had heard Dengue fever is populer in Thailand.So,I brought a lot of mosquito repellents.However,I am not nervous mouquito in Thailand anymore.The only rule I follow is not to take aspirin when I have high hever.Aspirin can cause our body serious problem if we are suffering from Dengue fever.

  7. OAT

    Thank you everybody, all the commentaries are very useful for me I agree that we should be careful. Although in my country the weather is not cold for my here is higher hot, that it is almost impossible wear long sleeves. However I will try to take more, because my apartment is behind the canal. Tip I amaze how many death the mosquito cause, could you give me your source please? Furthermore, we must take care the items that we use to protect us, some of them affect the global warming.

  8. Susanna

    You can use Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt. It is from natural source which is not affect global warming. Moreover, it is more effective than other mosquito repellents such as softfail. When you go camping in rural area or in national park, softfail is useless because forest mosquitos are rebellious.

  9. Pree wrote that " [Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt] is from natural source which is not affect global warming" (May 15, 2011 8:54 AM)

    Is this right? Does something being natural mean it does not cause global warming?

    If something is natural, does that make it right, desirable or good?
    (And these questions obviously relate to a popular argument against Law's strongly supported opinion that eating meat is immoral - are such arguments strong enough to count against Law?)

  10. Peter,
    Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt mosquito repellent is not a spray . It's make from pure Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt oil. It's liquid and doen't contain CFC which cause global warming.

  11. Pree

    Thank you you are sure I will try, where I can find it?


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