Monday 9 May 2011

The conversation

Nowadays, Almost forest in the world trespassed by a logger. It is a big problem for ecosystem in the forest. If a logger log a tree, a green area in a forest will be decrease. A animal in a forest will be have an effect. WWF is the conservation charity which campaign about environmental in the world. You can see in the article “Tiger find prompts WWF pressure against planned logging” on the BBC News (2011).

The BCC News report that Indonesian forest cleared by loggers and WWF need to be stop it. WWF captured the images that show 400 Sumatran tigers. That was the highest number of tigers. But, They unclear that tigers in area increase than the past or tigers are being forced into sharing smaller and smaller bits of forests. WWF needs to campaign about incursions into forests. They call for protect a forest and make the high conservation value in area. They urge local, provincial and the government aware with this problem and manage to protecting biodiversity. Indonesia has agreed for new forest clearance, but the deal has not yet been signed into law.

In my view, a forest is a place where people usually find a benefit for their selves. It makes an impact for living thing. A logger is very dangerous especially illegal log in conservative area. The local is very important for protect the forest from the logger because if the forest go down, you will take an effect such as weather, food and natural disaster. When the local find an illegal logger, they should tell the government for solve it. Finally, the forest will give your good natural.


Tiger find prompts WWF pressure against planned logging (2011, may 9). BBC News. Retrieved May 9, 2011 from


  1. Hi Guy,
    I agree with you that the logger is a serious problem for every country, because, now the number of the forest is decline and it is a cause of natural disaster. For this reason, I think people around the world have to conserve the forest seem to be save the earth, too. I think the government should have a policy to deal with this problem.

  2. Wan, and Guy, and anyone,
    What do you think would be an effective government policy?

    I think that stopping all government support such as tax relief, import protection and subsidies for meat producers would work well. This would help because producing meat requires far more land than producing an equal amount of protein from plants - meat production requires vast areas to grow the plants that the animals eat, which requires clearing a lot of natural forest growth. If humans ate less meat, there would be a lot more land that could be left in its natural state.

    I think more is needed, but reducing the demand for land by using government policies to make meat eaters pay the full economic cost to the environment would be a good start.

    Do you like my proposal for action to save natural forests? What other proposals do you think might help solve this problem which Guy has brought to our attention in his post?

  3. I think that just saying "the government should solve it" is so vague it means nothing. We need concrete, specific action plans to solve these sorts of problems.

    And letting the government have control is likely to cause a real disaster - governments very often make awful decisions, and their policies are rarely implemented efficiently.

    Do you really think it is a good idea to trust a government, any government, to do what is right, useful or best?

  4. Really this is a bigger problem in the world Gay! I think we need with urgent a good and effective governmental program for the stop cut the threes and start a reforestation for preserve and protecting biodiversity. In this case I agree Peter’s idea but this is not enough. We need to become aware of about this problem and start also to protect our nature with simple things every day how for example, recycling of the garbage, use necessary the paper and the derived, finally, all should begin to think more to his respect if we want to maintain our forests

  5. I agree with you. We should stop logging because trees can absorb water. It can prevent flood or slow down the speed of water. Also, forest have complex ecological systems which is the home of various plants and animals. If we destroy this complex system, forests will lose the balance. Animal will be come extinct soon.

  6. In my opinion, there are many logger in many countries because they want to sell woods and some of woods make a lot of money. Therefore, the goverment should make a new law of punishment these people. For example, logger must live in a jail more than ten years and judge should not allow them to bail out. Also if a goverment officer recieve some money from logger then they must get the same punishment. This is only an idea but the goverment should make people scare of this situation.

  7. Peter,
    In my opinion, the government have to response because it is a national problem. In fact, I agree with you that the government can not solve this problem. So, I have another solution to offer, it about focus on the people who live nearby the forest. We have to give knowledge about forest maintenance and make they realized the value of forest.

  8. Wan,
    I don't think it's wrong for the government to respond. But I think it's almost meaningless to say "the government should respond" because that is so vague and general.

    How should the government respond? We need something more specific to know what the writer thinks should be done.

    My own suggestion was a government response - to stop all tax, import and other government policies that encourage, support or help meat producers. I want a government response, but I specified exactly what should be done. It is specific enough that others can agree or disagree with it.

    But I do think that citizens should also question, investigate and check what their governments are doing. If the government is not open and does not answer questions, they are probably stealing tax money. And of course, citizens should be able to go to parliament house to watch and listen to their representatives as they debate and vote on new laws.

  9. I think that although the government would have effective government policy, some loggers can bribe some officers and we are also unable to punish them. Nowadays, some people are selfish and ignore social benefit. Therefore, we should build conscience while human is a child because a good children will be a good adult in the future. Also, parent should give advices with offspring what is right or wrong?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Guy,

    I am a pessimistic view that this situation has to have the participation of the government officers and also politicians. Therefore, please don’t ask for any government policies, it will fail. In my opinion, I think that the participation of people in Indonesia and the world are very important because it is a reason of climate change which effects to all people in the world. I divide into three ways. Firstly, we should raise the public awareness issues for people at all levels that give them more information and understanding about the effect from deforestation. Secondly, we should set up the balance of power system to check, monitor and evaluate the government policies and it implementation. Finally, we should ask for helping from the other countries or international organizations that have capabilities to force the government. I think this problem is not for Indonesia anymore.

  12. Guy
    I also agree with you that the local is a very importance that help to protect their forest from loggers.
    I like your idea that we should to "become aware of about this problem and start also to protect our nature with simple things every day how" and when you example, I realize that have many thing we can do. Not only recycle some garbage, but it also reuse and reduce some product and energy.

  13. I agree with all of your advice about protect forest, but all of these advice have to spend more money and manpower.
    I suggest renting forest to local people. Government force renter keep the number of trees and the age of trees. furthermore the renter will take charge of managing this area. He can get profit from this area. such as opening it for travel, planting lucid ganoderma(an expensive mushroom), etc. Maybe goverment can get some tax as well.

  14. I watched the news last night,there were a few people who live very close to the border between Thai & Burma,Thai government gave them the place to live and train them to do lots of thing; such as weave cloth for female or do farming in the preserved area for man. The official didn't want them to live in the jungle and destroy the natural.However those men escaped from the camp and went back to log the trees. They said they didn't feel happy to live in the land. They prefer to live in the forest where the weather is nice and they can do whatever they want.If we keep waiting for the Government to do something, maybe we have to wait with no hope.I suggest that we should provide the education how important of natural that effect with our life.It's easy to give the sample now because there are many things happen in our world because of the effect of Global worming.To encourage people and take it more serious about natural, we should start it now. It's not neccessary to wait for our next generation because it'll be too late.

  15. I like Tina's idea. It's a specific and realistic proposal, and she explains concisely why it has a good chance of succeeding.

    I'm not sure that education is much of a solution. I'm sure that everyone who is currently engaged in illegal logging is already well aware of the problems that their actions lead to, so why would more education make any difference to them?
    It's like suggesting education to solve drug problems - everyone already knows that drugs are dangerous, so proposing more education sounds like something sure to fail as a solution, unless you proposed some new sort of education. But what? And why would it work better than the education that has already failed?

  16. If education is not the good solution, we have to look back what is the cause of logging.To destroy the cause is very important.I think the weakness of law, the punishment is not severe and corruption of police officer. To illustrat,if there are a group of logger are arrested. I'm sure that they are not the commander,maybe they're working for someone else and only need money.The commander will give the under table money to the police officer to support his illegal work. This seems to be a cycle.It always happends in the country that law is weak.Don't you think that the one who conduct the law have to be a good sample for people, if they take it so serious, keep inspect and fight with the black money.I aslo agree with Oat that logger must be put in jail more than ten years and judge should not allow them to bail out.They will afraid of what will happen incase they're arrested. I believe that if everyone try to keep an eye on what is right or wrong to do. The forest and creature will remain unchange until our next generation.


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