Monday 9 May 2011

Black knowledge

Black knowledge
The definition of sex seems to be a prohibited question if it will be asked from the children and it’s hard for the parents to give such a proper answer to their own kids. When the Government try to protect the pregnancy of teenager by require every school to have the sex education start teaching from early stage. Why many parents anti sex education for their children. As we see in the article “Many parents ‘oppose school sex education for children’ on BBC News (May, 2011).

After a Bill calling by Conservative MP, Nadine Dorries, and schools are required to give girls aged 13-16 the extra sex education. According to the survey, it was done after the law was passed. The survey was done by the BabyChild website, 59%of parents; they said they dissented with teaching the sex education lesson for their children when they’re still young age is not appropriate thing to do. Another question from the survey asked the parents how they feel when their children asked question that concerned about sex. Almost of parents answered that they felt embarrassed and didn’t know how to explain and someone might end up by telling their kids to stop asking such a question. The reason that this law is approved because of England teenager has the highest pregnancy rate compared with the other country in west Europe. The girls learned how to have safe sex but they didn’t know how they can refuse and “no” when their boyfriend wants to have sexual relationship with them. 

In my opinion, I think it’s necessary to give the children the sex education class when they’re still young as aged of 4years old up. It’ll be very useful for the kids. To illustrate, when your kids start growing up, they comes with lots of curious questions. Sometimes you don’t know exactly how to answer them in the proper way. The parents should let the teacher helps to explain to them clearly. In addition, from the higher of teenage pregnancy rate that increase around the world, provides the education about sex in school is reasonable. I believe that there are very rare case that your offspring will come and ask your opinion how can I say no when my boyfriend wants to have sexual relationship with me. They will be embarrassed to talk open mind with their parents about their love story. It will be useful for them to learn and get the advice from the one that they respect that is a teacher. The parents might think that the lesson that will be provided in school might be inappropriate and lead the kids want to know more about other things about sex. Infact the teacher is key person to create the useful information; they prepare the teaching equipments to support the sex lesson in UK. The children want to learn more about what happen with my body when I grew up. I still remember that I also wonder about sex in the meaning of the biological, I could ask my female teacher and I feel more relax to talk with my teacher and my friends instead of talking with my parents. To sum up, children need to learn about sex for gaining their knowledge and also to protect them of unexpected pregnancy. The parents should understand and support when your children ask you in every questions and should not be embarrassed and try to change the topic because that’s not be helpful for your children.
Many parents 'oppose school sex' for education for children. (2011,May 5) BBC NewsRetrieved May 9,2011 from


  1. Art’s news is a good topic for discussion. I think in all the countries are the same questions when is for discus about the sex in the schools. Some people agree this and another disagree. However, the children prefer speak about the sex in the meaning of the biological with yours friends and teachers, not with the parents. The problem is, if don’t have this kind the information in the schools, the children try with friends and normally this, don’t had the correct knowledge. In my view, the program of school need help the children about this case not only for to protect them for unexpected pregnancy but also for the sexual health. I had all this kind the information with my parents before the program in the school spoke about.

  2. P'art
    I absolutely agre with you that parents and teacher have to give the sex education to their children.But aged of 4 might be hard to understand exactly what the thing is taught. They just can say and walk. So I think 10 year old up is appropriate to educate the knowledge. I also agree most of girl-teenagers don't know how to deny their boyfriends, and needing someone, who is not their parent,advise the right way to them. However, parents should attempt to understand and answer their sexual- questions without feeling embarrassed. Anyway, in Thailand, almost families dont want to talk anout this topic with their children. as a result of this, youths lern by themselves, following with a number of bad result.

  3. Hi P'Art
    I agree with you that children should have sex education lesson but not the age of 4years old up because children are too young and also they don't know what is right or wrong then, some of them can not control their emotion. Moreover, they like to try a new experience so it is very risk at this age. I suggest that we should teach them when they are 12 or above because they can understand the meaning. Otherwise, the rate of pregnent might increase dramatically, especially, the age below 12 years old.

  4. Oat
    I agree with you. We should teach sex education with children who are 12 or above because they can understand conscience and get word meaning easier than the age below 12 years old.

    I think that sex education is very useful with children. If we don't teach them, the children might try to do something as they think that it is suitable, but in fact there might be some problems from their mistake or misunderstanding, such as a higher rate of teen pregnancy, teens not using protection as often or know how to use it correctly, teens contracting more diseases, and so on. Some of these consequences may lead to many students deciding to drop out of school. However, there are pros and cons that must be considered by parents or teachers when dealing with sexual education classes, and we still have various controversial topics that are important more than sex for students, such as math, art and science. Therefore, we shouldn't specific talking only sex topic.

  5. P'Art
    I agree with you that we should give them sex education, However I also agree with tune and oat that 4 years of their age is too young to understand about it. What should we know about which ages of children that are proper to teach them? I think it have to reseach more informations.

  6. Too all:
    I agree with your idea about opening sexual class in school, but why don't you like ask parents this kind of questions? Do you have the experience to ask your parents this kind of questions? How did your parents answer affect your action in the future?

    When did you have the question where am I from? I suppose it is, maybe, younger than 4 years old. This is the first sexual question for most people. If parents refuse to answer the question, maybe children will not ask parents sexual question when he/she is teenager, otherwise, if parents answer this question directly, children will have less embarrassment to speak sexual topic with parents or teachers.

    Sexual education seems like to teach children pay attention getting cold and parents should be the first teacher and most important teacher. parents can tell children directly or buy relative books, magazines or sexal education movies for children when they are teenager.

  7. I agree with you that we should teach them sex education,but it is not enough for children. So the government should provide an alternative way to protect their chidren. First,the government should have censorship for movies with love scenes and soap operas. If they would like to watch these movies, their parents should suggest them while watching together. Second,children's bedroom should be separated from their parents' because sometimes they accidentally see their parents having sex.In conclusion, families have to pay attention to their children.

  8. Thank you for all of your comments. It is very important to teach the children about this topic. The reason that I suggested that we should let the child aged 4yrs old up, to learn the sex education in the class according to the article show that there are more than one in six already asked question about sex when they are 4 and 7 yrs old. It’s so surprised also that most of parent feel embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer. The SEF (Sex Education Forum) also said that UK teens think it’s often too late to provide about sex & relationship education for them.
    The program that should give to little children should be easy to understand. For Thai kids, the average age that we go to school is about 3 and half yrs old. Maybe it is different from the other countries. In UK, they will teach them by reply what children always ask, for example, where they are come from, or which part of your body should not be touch by the other. When I asked my mom where am I come from, she answered me that I came from the bamboo cylinder.I think what a surprise!It's really hard to explain to your kids.
    I also agree with Kukik from the point that we have another important of subjects that seem to be more important that the sex education but I disagree that we shouldn’t specific on sex topic. I think if teenager pregnant by accidently, they can’t continue to learn the other things. They must off from school and become mother when they are not ready. Everyone might wonder how sex education is concerned about. Additional from what I already mentioned, in UK, at secondary school, they added more lesson how to cope with the strong feelings such and love, anger, or sadness and how to say no when your partner expect to have sexual relationship with you.
    According to comment from Carol, teacher from Manchester, she said when children’s moral and sexual care belongs to school responsibility. I agree with you, Tina, parents should be the first teacher for their own kids. They should give the correct answer to the kids and don’t feel embarrassed when children ask you question.

    "Sex education 'could be better.'"(2011,July 10)BBC News. Retrieved May 10,2011 from

    "Many parents 'oppose school sex' for children. (2011,May 5) BBC News. Retrieved May 10,2011 from"k/news/education-13292133

  9. Art (May 10, 2011 7:53 PM),
    Although I haven't commented, I've also been enjoying the hearty discussion on the topic you raised in your blog post.

    I think that if a teenager (or any other woman) who is not ready to be a mother becomes "pregnant ... accidentally" (Art, May 10, 2011 7:53 PM, ¶ 3), she should have the option of a safe, legal abortion rather than be forced to harm a lot of lives: the unwanted child's, her own, and society generally, which bears the cost of increased crime and welfare from unwanted children raised by mothers, often single, who are not ready or capable of caring for and bringing up a child.

  10. But I also think it's better to avoid abortion by avoiding unwanted pregnancies, and that education, not just on the mechanics of sex but also relationships, is likely to help reduce unwanted pregnancies.


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