Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Clean Technology

Nowadays, the world is facing the energy crisis which obstructs the countries development. Meanwhile, all the nations are looking for the renewable energy but it has to be environmentally friendly. Scotland is the one that attempt to pursue the new sources of power as we see in the article “Salmond hails hydrogen energy facility in Fife” on BBC News (David, 2011).

David reports that the Hydrogen Office was established by the Scottish government which is located in Fife, Scotland. They hope that the office will be one of leading centres in Europe for the creation and development of renewable technology which is highly priority of Scotland. The processes of hydrogen energy production are from a turbine to electrolyze water, creating hydrogen and store it. Therefore, using of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are along the processes that can reduce the amount of emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In addition, it can also mitigate unemployment problem in Scotland. Lastly, the energy will be served to the Methil Docks Business Park and use for virtually anything, including in vehicle, cooking and electric appliances in homes and offices. However, the technology is under improvement and Scottish government hope that it will be completed within the 21st Century.

The alternative energy is becoming hot issue of the world after oil price increased rapidly. However, it should not destroy the environment because the climate change is also in the crisis. Therefore, the challenge is supplying the sufficient energy to the power demand and must be clean. The hydropower has developed for a long time and many people think that is a clean energy. I think that isn’t true because the flooding of large areas of land means that the natural environment is destroyed which can reduce the CO2 and produce O2. In addition, fish populations will be impacted if fish cannot migrate to upstream and downstream which have the spawning grounds along the river. In my opinion, I think that the hydrogen fuel cell technology will be the answer and development is moving on the right track.


David, M. (2011, January 18). Salmond hails hydrogen energy facility in Fife. BBC News. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from


  1. I've thought for some time that fusion power offers an excellent long term solution to our energy needs, but it seems difficult to turn into reality.

    I'm not a physicist, so I don't know how difficult it might be, but it seems to me that this other form of hydrogen energy deserves a lot more funding for research - if it cost a few hundred billion dollars to succeed, that would be cheap for the immense and lasting advantages humans would receive - no more pollution from coal, oil or gas; no more dirty air in cities; no more wars over energy resources; no more economic destabilisation due to fluctuating energy prices or not enough energy. These advantages seem to me worth a lot of investment. If there were a real chance of success, I would be happy for my government to spend a trillion or so to make it happen. (In case you haven't guessed, I strongly support basic research in science - science has done more to improve human lives than anything else, and almost all of it in the past 200 years or so.)

    While we wait, other alternatives such as the Nui has reported are worth pursuing. I don't think we have time to do nothing.

  2. I support this new study as human should keep a curiosity and the passion of exploration if we has the budget, even though I don't believe it will not pollute environment at all. Whatever we do, it will change environment better or worse. At least, it is for some people that the change will be a kind of pollution.
    Country is a tool of controlling for president and his/her team. If there is no country anymore, maybe human would save a lot of money for this kind of study.

  3. I think it's good to create new idea to deal with the Global warming. However everything always have two side,I don't mean that the Hydrogen Office is bad but the government should learn more details and be prepare if some bad thing happen for example, the leakage of Nuclear material in Japan. No one think it will happen in our life time again.

  4. Reposted from Art
    I think it's good to create new idea to deal with the Global warming. However everything always have two side,I don't mean that the Hydrogen Office is bad but the government should learn more details and be prepare if some bad thing happen for example, the leakage of Nuclear material in Japan. No one think it will happen in our life time again.

  5. It's not easy to create a new idea to do something especially in energy because the scientists have to take time for thinking both positive and negative sides that is going to effect in short or long term. It might not only affect in your country but also other countries. Right now, many things have changed increasingly as we can see from the climate around the world. Another thing is humans who try to change things all the time that cause a lot of problems now.

  6. P'Art

    I agree that we should do some researches to find out the pros and the cons of this new power. Also, thailand have a serious problem with corruption which leads to a lower fund for science research and lower quiluty of everything such as MRT,road and so on. I have talked to a engineer that controlled the MRT constuction site. He said that he won't allow his family's member to travel by MRT because he is afraid of its strong when a sudden earthquake or a flood occur.

  7. After that earthquake in Japan,one of my big concern is what is the best energy source for us.So,Nui's post gave me a hint.Thanks,Nui.

    In Denmark,many wind power generation systems are possesed by civilian. Wind power is expected to serve 50% of all required energy in Denmark in 2030.This system is very expensive;however if government subsidize it,it can be main system to serve energy.

  8. Dear All,

    Thank you for reading my blog post. Many ideas are very useful for me to think about it. Peter, fusion reaction power is interesting, I've just found the information. Firstly, I have no idea about it. Kuriko, wind energy is already putting in place and it is the energy that come from natural directly. It helps us to reducing CO2 from Oil, Gas and coal that cause Climate Change phenomenon. Pree, I had chanced to discuss with Governor of MRTA that he worried about energy supply. If MRT systems complete in both bangkok and region, we will face the energy shortage. Therefore, Ministry of Energy is trying to find alternative sources of power, especially in our neighbors.

    Thank you.

  9. Nui,
    What do you think about nuclear as an energy option?


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