Tuesday 24 May 2011

We are God ?

Human being have got bright accomplishments in scientific field. This makes our lives more convenient. However,we might have stepped into a divine field as we see in Business booms for Danish sperm on BBC NEWS.

Paul Henley reports insemination in Denmark is getting a boom among European women who want to get pregnant by artificial way. The number of women who took this treatment in Denmark in 2010 is about 1.7 times larger than in 2008. Sperm donors have to tell his details such as weight, and eye-colors so that women can get their baby who have the characters they hope. However, sperm donor will not be recognized who is he because he needs not disclose his name or telephone number. Insemination in Denmark has at least two advantages. At first, the cost in Denmark is cheaper than in other European countries. Second, in Denmark,there is "no shortage of officially screened and tested semen."(¶7,2011)

I am not sure we should be allowed to get pregnant by artificial way. Nowadays ,one's sense of value differs from a person to a person. Therefore,we take the existence of Lesbian couples, heterosexual couples ,and single women natural. Some of these people want to have their own baby, but can't get pregnant in natural way. In this case, is it permissible for them to get pregnant by artificial way because our scientific technique has progressed? Or, is it permissible to breed human because we breed animals? Furthermore, according Paul Henley,mother to be can choose the character of their baby by choosing sperm donor. For example,if they want to have clever baby,they can choose clever donor. As Paul Henley points out,"Nordic genes could become more widespread than many suspect"(¶13,2011) . In addition,inferior races might disappear from the earth. I think artificial insemination is one solution; however,we should be careful to deal with life.

Paul Henley.(2011,May,19).Business booms for Danish sperm on BBC NEWS .Retrieved May 23,2011 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13460455


  1. Kuriko
    If woman can’t become pregnant by themselves, it’s reasonable to choose the scientific technique to get pregnant. In my opinion, the most important thing is to check the background and the ability of the parents to make sure they can support children. Money is another important thing to consider, because if a baby is born without a good quality of life, they will become a problem to society in the future.

  2. Kuriko,
    It's a popular topic.

    Thip also found it worth blogging - "Dads Anonymous"

    It's not a problem. Your response addresses different questions that I think are worth discussing.

  3. Art
    I can understand your opinion.If women want to give birth,they have right to try new technology.However,I still doubt whether human should control life.In addition,I don't want to think poverty make children unhappy.
    Accepting our Fate,we can lead a full life-rich or poor,with children or without children,whatever.

  4. Rich people always change the fate by using money. I think everyone has different way to make themselves happy . For example, someone might be happy by going out for shopping luxury things , someone love to help poor people but some want to have their own baby to fulfill their happiness. Humans never feel happy with what they have, do you agree with me?

  5. The most important to be parents it is to will and desire to have the children and to love like they are. What happen when the children are not going to have the blue eyes the mother want for his baby? This way of Danish artificial insemination looks dangerous for the society…this kind of parents need to save money for the psychological therapy of his child.


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