Thursday 16 August 2012

Accept Me Please !!!!

As our societies have been changing over the ages, people's perspectives have also been changing. Many unusual things in the past are now accepted such as transgender, cross-dressers and bisexual. Have you ever think that how their lives are when they are not accepted from their societies.

                                  Chinese transsexual Yi Ling

According from BBC News World: China's 'oldest transexual': a life of silent denial, John reports that 83-year-Yi Ling is recorded as the oldest transsexual in china after she lived as a man for 81 years in her life and she also had  a wife and children. It is because Chinese culture in the past did not accept any kinds of transgender.

In my opinion, I think that there are many people who knew what they were or who they were, but they just cannot revealed it because they afraid not to be accepted from their societies. For example, Yi Ling knew since she was three year old that she loved to be a girl. However, her society forced her not to say that. What she was was definitely wrong to their culture so she had to live like that for 80 years.

As you can see, nowadays, more people are saying that they are not in the gender that they were born with. Some people say that if the societies open more about transgender, it might become fashion such as in girl school. In my opinion, I disagree with this state. I believe that it comes from the inner side of their mind or of their body. From my experience, I studied in girl school named Rajini school for my whole study life. Of course, everyone think that there are tomboys and lesbians in my society and I could not refuse. But it is quite a few compare to the whole students. Some of my friends were also tomboys but when they left school and went into society that had many men came into their lives and asked them to be their boyfriends. And they still are tomboys and have girlfriends. My best friend is also the one but her mother has not been accepted what she is. She suffer with her life very much. She has girlfriend but could not tell her mom until now. I can say that this has happened with her for 7 years. This is the reason why I think that even how societies has changed or how the societies are, they still know what they are. So if the society do not accept this, they of course have to live with suffer in their whole life.      

15, 2012.


  1. I agree with Oh that wider acceptance of transgender people is unlikely to increase the numbers who are that way. The evidence that it would is about as strong as the evidence that legalising all drugs would increase drug use - about zero.

    The number of people who might publicly admit this deep and important truth about themselves might increase. But isn't that a good thing? If society allows and encourages greater honesty and truth-telling? The current legal and social system forces people to lie and deceive. How is that good for anyone? It means citizens are lying, and the entire society is based on falsehood, dishonesty and deception. That both very unhealthy and morally rotten to me.

    I think that Yi Ling has shown great courage to finally come out at her age, after a life of forced repression by unjust laws and unjust social attitudes.

    1. of course, acceptance of gays, lesbians and transsexuals is also very recent in Western culture. In Australia, about the worst possible thing any boy could be when I was in school was gay - better to be a murdering psychopath.

      The pope and some other religiously inspired monsters still seem to think that ancient, barbaric manner, but thankfully Australian society and law has changed enormously over the past 30 - 40 years. It shows that much good can come from citizen action. Gay marriage isn't legal in Australia yet, but I expect it will be within the next year or two.

    2. But then, the idea that women are equal to men in basic human rights is also very recent in my culture. And a lot of people in Australia still have ugly racist ideas, especially towards the indigenous peoples of Australia, who were there for about 40,000 years happily warring and killing each other as they destroyed the natural environment before my ancestors arrived very recently.

    3. I wasn't planning to publish three comments on one blog post, but each one led to the next thought. So I've now done my daily quota of comments.

  2. I heard some people said they were born to be gay. I have no idea about this but from my experience. Many of them become an expert than normal straight gendersin some way such a famous designe or make up artists, like Marc Jacobs. As long as they do not to do something very unacceptable or harm others. There will be accepted to their family and the society.

  3. Since a few years ago and in the future, I think their status will be more accepted. Have you heard from the news on Thai TV program a few days ago? Thammasat University has allowed one bachelor graduated student man to dear and make up as a female student.

    1. Tom,
      I read a report about that in today's Nation ("Thammasat Transgenders", 2012). I thought it was a sign of progress. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

      Thammasat transgenders permitted to wear female graduation gown gets nod from Higher Education Commission. (2012, August 16). The Nation. Retrieved August 16, 2012 from

    2. But do all Thai universities respect progress towards greater justice more than unjust tradition?

    3. Not all,Peter. Like my university, Mahidol University, they still haven't accpet this. Mahidol Universiry is well-known medical university in Thailand. Many genius medical students and teachers are gay, but they can't reveal it to public because of their career and responsibility.

      My freind who was gay were complainted about gay's appearance, such as posture and gesture, during interview after selected in one faculty of Mahidol university. I felt bad after I herd it from him, it is suitable for justice him like this.

  4. I agree with Tom. ;) I think that they have natural ability. They become an expert in many fields such as make-up artists, designers, performers etc.

    1. They also excel at logic, physics, computer science, and law, amongst other fields.

    2. And I am sure that they have the same natural ability in sports as anyone else, whether swimming, football or boxing.

  5. Do you know Ma On-Napa? She is a famous make-up artist in Thailand. (( I cannot download her picture )) T_T

  6. But clearly there is a long way to go for legal and social justice in Russia, as shown in today's BBC News report Gay parades banned in Moscow for 100 years.


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