Thursday 9 August 2012

The image of IT with the girl

Have you ever known any women who expert in technology? Do you think they are geek?

ln "Women And Tech : Why Don't Girls Want To Be Geeks?", Jane Wakefield writes about the girl attitude of  IT. She says that the girl don't want to work in the field of IT because they thought that the person who work about technology is boring and not fashionable.                                                               

When I thinking of  the person who wrok as a IT technician I imagine that they will wear big glasses,  talking something that I don't understant. I think girls don't want to be good at technology because it is not easy. They have to be smart and work hard sometime they have their own world to creat a new thing while many girls spend time to make themself to be accept. Technology is just one thing to show that they are fashionable and make them feel more self confident. How can we change their though that charming woman should have brain not just only good looking.

Wakefield, J. (2012,August 3). Women And Tech : Why Don't Girls Want To Be Geeks?. BBC News. Retrieved August 9,2012


  1. Pung,
    A great post. Of course, the first thing I thought of was how well it continues the discussion began by Mehdi's recent post.

    And I was interested enough by Pung's excellent summary and response to go and read her source, where I was bit surprised to learn that even today "84% of IT professionals are men" in the UK (¶ 4). I wonder what the statistics are for studying maths and computing at university level? I was trying to remember how many female faces were in my maths and physics lectures when I was at university many years ago; although there were some women, who did extremely well, most of us were men. I hope that has since changed.

    1. And since I just commented on Noom's deservedly popular "Reading Material" about how easy it is to check things when I'm in front of my computer, I thought I shouldn't be lazy but do a bit of Googling to find out the relevant statistics.

      According to statistics from the National Science Foundation reported in Nature, in 2009, slightly less than one third of US PhDs in physics and maths went to women, so that is an improvement compared to when I was at uni. On the other hand, in biology, more than half of all PhDs in the US were awarded to women in 2009 (Bowden, 2012).

      Bowden, R. (2012, January 13). Women increase their share of biological science PhDs in United States. Naturejobs. Retrieved August 9, 2012 from

    2. Looking at the 12 minute time difference, my bit of quick research via Google took only a few minutes.

      I tried a couple of different search terms before I found what I was really looking for. I then had to do a bit of quick skimming, and write up what I'd found. I think 12 minutes was worth the time to check. Some solid statistics or other facts are generally better than unchecked assumptions or guesses. (But this is response writing, so you don't have to do research - unless you're trying to convince me that there is any good reason why some drugs should be illegal: that definitely needs some solid, factual support or a strong moral argument.)

    3. The Google search results were still there, so I just had a quick look at the figures for the EU, which look slightly better: for EU countries, 41% of graduates in science, maths and computing are women, according to the Directorate-General for Research of the European Commission in a 2009 report (Executive Summary).

      Directorate-General for Research. (2009). She Figures 2009 Statistics and Indicators on Gender Equality in Science. European Commission. Retrieved August 9, 2012 from

  2. I think new generation women don't care if they have to work hard. They not only diligent but also smart than some men. The women nowadays can do anything they want. For example, many women doctor nowadays are fashionable. They don't look nerd anymore. They work hard and get a lot of money by themself.

    I think you don't need to change anyone mind about women. I always respect women. Women and men has same status in social nowadays. Sometimes I think women get more plivillages than men in something. Maybe in the future some men will ask for the equaltlity also.

    1. I agree with J.
      When I visit a hospital, the doctor seems to be a woman more often than a man.
      I generally prefer younger doctors to older ones. I think they are more aware that patients are people who want information to make informed decisions, not fools to be ordered around and told what to do. Some older doctors seem a bit surprised when I question them and ask for reasons, or when I disagree with the unnecessary drugs they want to prescribe. For some reason, a lot of doctors want to give me pain medication or other drugs that I just don't need.

      A bit off topic, but it's what came into my mind after I started responding to J's comment.

    2. I agree. In fact, my cousin is doctor and she is very fasionable women.

    3. Surprisingly, Peter prefer younger than older doctors. Some case I found that they need older doctor than that because they think that older have more experience and skill. Then they deny for treatment; it make me lose confident. But now I have better to deal with case like this.

      I don't like doctor have to be nerd. Sometimes when you make up or are fashionable is good thing for decrease stress and relax. Moreover it's good for patients to meet beautiful doctor, isn't it? ;p

  3. I have an experience of work to deal with many women programmer who work in IT Department of the company that I used to work. I think that they can work hard and work smart in the same time and they have a good logical to solve hard problems and fixing bug in the computer program. I'm not quite sure to agree with you Pung.

    However, I now see many women to work with good performance in other occupation also such as sales officer, secretary, marketing officer, financial consultant and the actress etc.

  4. I don't to some extent of Jane Wakefield's article that women don't want to work in this area because it looks boring and not stylist. Nowadays, just some women would For me, women of IT seems highly intelligent and keep up to date as the same those females in finance, physician and engineering cereers.

    I met my friend who studies in the same faculty in bachelor degree. Her major is physical education teaching. She didn't have a study background in IT before, but she wanted to have a better career path. After that, she applied to master in IT and spend more than 2 years in the US. She told that was a very tough time because it's not very easy to learn computer language at all. Finally, she got the better thing which she had deserved. Now she work as at the US embassy Thailand as a government officer in IT section. Now she is very happy with her career and enjoy working a lot.


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