Thursday 2 August 2012

Yut's academic interest

I decided to study academic english at AUA because it is a good english program for me.  Last two year,  I used to study regular course.  However, I would improve my english is better not only speaking and listening but also writing and reading.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Will you aim to study abroad or international programme in Thailand?

    1. No, I'm not go to study abroad and international program in Thailand. I just improve my english for working. Nowadays, English is a necessary thing for working life. Furthermore, I also want to see a soundtrack movie without a reading subtitle. What is your aim to study english?

  3. I also like to study English at AUA because it is convenient and you can learn with English teachers. Before, I think English is not important for me and I not interested to learn. I think these days is very nessesary for me. I need English for my work and to teach my children. The majority of our client in our company are foreigner. I have to communication in English.

  4. Which AUA courses you attended before? Have you enjoy these?


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