Thursday 2 August 2012

Mo's academic interests

I was graduated in Veterinary medicine. Absolutely, science is my favorite. My research project at university was related to genetic. But during studying, I was rarely studied about it. So that I decided to learn more detail about genetic, I apply to genetic division in international program in Germany's university. My decision make many people confused why i chose to learn in Germany without fluency in German.


  1. Wow! That sounds pretty amazing. I'm also interested in genetics, but not the technical stuff. I like to study the theory of evolution because it tells us a lot about ourselves and is relevant to some of my other academic interests, and genetics is important in evolutionary theory.
    So, why did you decide on Germany?

  2. don't you think that they use English at universities in Germany?

  3. Germany have high-quality scientific education. Many institution about genetic is well-known which publish many research about evolution of genetic area. Moreover, they offer international course without tuition fee. This is very good place for study aboard,isn't it?^^

  4. Certainly Mehdi. During the university and laboratory, English is language which we use to communication and teaching. I find out that German can speak English well.

  5. I agree that German people can speak English very well. I have friends from German their English very good. They learn English at primary school, high school and University. In 1990, I was English student at primary school in Frankfurt for 2 month.

  6. Wow! You have ever lived in Germany. How long you lived in Germany?


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