Friday 17 August 2012

Let's eat dark chocolate!

If the concern about health makes you stop eating your favourite chocolate, the benefits from chocolate in this news may make you change your mind.
Dark chocolate — it's delicious, and it may be good for your blood pressure.

In "Daily Dose Of Dark Chocolate May Help Lower Blood Pressure", by Allison Aubrey, reports a new review from the Cochrane Collaboration, a science-based group in the U.K,that the compounds in cocoa called flavanols may help to reduce blood pressure. There are many research that support this,however, only modest amounts of dark chocolate with high cocoa content (70 percent) is recommended.

Chocolate is a popular dessert around the world. However, many people avoid eating it since it contains fat and sugars,moreover, some claimed that eating too much chocolate can cause acnes. By the way, this news is a very good news for a chocolate lover like me. I love all kinds of chocolate and I can eat it all day long. I also like to bake chocolate chip cookies and brownies.I actually have heard about the benefits of chocolate before but I didn't know that only dark chocolate is
recommended. Although, chocolate has the benefits to the health, consuming large quantities of chocolate can cause more harm than good so the best way to gain the benefits from chocolate is to consume only  proper amount daily which I hope that there will be the reserch about the proper dose of chocolate that suit us in the future.

Aubrey, A. (2012, August 15). Daily Dose Of Dark Chocolate May Help Lower Blood Pressure.Health. NPR. Retrieved August 17, 2012


  1. A wonderful piece of news to go to bed on, with just a little of the wonderfully rich Lindt Excellence 99% chocolate that I love - one has almost zero sugar - it's almost all cocoa.

    I can manage to eat just a piece or two of this favourite, but when it comes to other dark chocolates, it's harder to exercise such restraint. And then there is the rich, moist Sacher cake that the Oriental Hotel tempts me with ...

    It's nice to know that however bad these delights are for my waist, that they are also doing some good. A good excuse for one more piece right now.

    I'm so glad that Pang chose this article to respond to. I saw it and emailed it to myself earlier so that I could blog it if no one else did.

    Thank you Pang.

    1. I love Lindt chocolate too but 99% is way too bitter for me. I also like Hersheys',Meji and Milka. I love Sacher cake but I only have eaten it in Vienna,Austria.I will try at the Oriental Hotel next time :)

  2. I think this is a good choice for eatting chocolate, actually, i do love chocolate too. But I dont prefer dark chocolate, it's too bitter for me. I also think that if we eat too much chocolate it would not better too. Anyway, i'll keep on eatting chocolate and will try more dark. =]

    1. Try melty dark chocolate with marshmallow and you will love dark chocolate ;)

    2. lols, i also love marshmallow =] so I will try it. Thanks Pang

    3. yeppp...It's dark chocolate Fondue with marshmallow<3<3

  3. I prefer to eat dark chocolate because normally I do not like to eat anything too sweet. I used to eat ten pieces of chocolate a day during my exam. At that time I felt very stressed about the exam. Chocolate made me feel better. ^^

    1. I agree that chocolate is the best dessert when we are stressed.However, 10 pieces are too much :P

  4. It is a good news that to eat choccolate is benefits for us, but don't you forget that the proper amount of choccolate that will make us healthy is so little. Maybe only a couple pieces. I think when we start eating it, it is very difficult to stop. And that will be no longer heathy to our bodies anymore.

    1. I agree but anyway you have one supporting reason to eat (dark) chocolate ;p actually, i cannot stop eatting it to so the best way is not to start, right? =]

    2. Not to start is so difficult I'd rather eat and stop :)

  5. Last morning, I had a cup of cocoa with less sugar and cream;p. I love taste like bitter more than sweat in cocoa.

    It's good news for me to know that dark chocalate is good for health. This weekend, my dessert that my brither and I will baking is I feel a bit hungry now.

    1. I don't like cocoa very much - it never seems tasty enough. I prefer a strong coffee which goes well with a piece of dark chocolate.

      And although I hate milk in my coffee, I'm very partial to cream. It's about time for my evening coffee now.

    2. Wow! Your menu sound delicious. I will try;-) I love strong coffee with whipping cream, my secret coffee recipe. Now I don't like Latte so much, because it taste like milk more than coffee.

  6. I like Chocolate a lot, but it's price pretty expensive in my country. My dad don't like dark chocolate because he said it's too bitter. I love cocoa drink too. One brand "Droste cocoa" is a nice one. I think it's more tasty than Ovaltine.

    1. Me too. I like this cocoa's brand. Sometimes I mix cocoa and Ovaltine, it's good flavour from cocoa and molt.^^

    2. ํํYes..s this cocoa brand is very nice but I see they are selling just in some supermarkets. It's suppose to have with cream or vanilla ice cream. ^^

  7. And according to a report on the BBC News today, chocolate is not only good for our hearts, eating it also correlates strongly with a reduced risk of suffering a stroke to the brain - a major concern as we age.

    Clearly, it's time I increased my daily chocolate ration. Perhaps I should start enjoying a piece or two with my morning coffee as well as with the evening one.

    Chocolate may protect the brain from stroke. (2012, August 29). BBC News. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from


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