Wednesday 8 August 2012

Weight training 'reduces diabetes risk'

Do you always do weight training? Do you know that weight training can reduce diabetes rate?

According to BBC news, research suggests that weight training helps to prevent type2 diabetes in men, and researchers found that regular weights reduced the risk by up to a third, in the study of more than 32,000 men published in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal.

The diabetes type2 means the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cell in the body do not react insulin. Approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type. In some case we can control the symptoms by losing weight, following a healthy diet or doing exercise. We have to realize that nowadays we have bad eating habit because we can find the foods easily. We can walk to the store that open 24 hours and locate near your home to find something to eat. A lot of foods in the market are junk foods. It almost composed of high amount of carbohydrate and fats. We all know that when we are eating our enzymes are also working. They make foods we eat become small particles, so our bodies can absorb it. Carbohydrate is catalyzed by enzymes to be glucose. If we have enough insulin in the body, it may control the glucose level in our bodies. If not, the excessive amount of glucose may cause the health problem such as obesity, belly fat etc., because the excessive glucose may change their form into fats. We can fix these problem by do weight training because the research said that it could substitute aerobic exercise. When we do weight training, our body will increase metabolism rate and burn more fats and use more glucose. It means you can lose your weight and decrease glucose amount in your body.
Weight training 'reduces diabetes risk'. (2012. Aug07) BBC News. Retrieved Aug 8, 2012 from


  1. I have ever heard that weight training helps to stimulate the production of endorphins and also helps to cure insomnia.

  2. And since, as J's informative post further supports, exercise is to useful against diabetes and a range of other deadly diseases that seriously harm society and families every year that must mean something.

    If the government has to do what benefits society, helps individual people, and protects families from pain and misery caused by disease and early death, it seems clear the exercise must be legally required, and lazy, unhealthy people who do not get enough exercise must be arrested as criminals and put in prison where they can be forced to exercise every day until they are healthy. This will be good for society, so it must be the right thing to do.

    Am I right? Do you like my argument?

  3. No you are wrong and I don't like your argument. I think to force someone to do something is a bad method. I am sure that no one wil like it. people may lack of the motivation to do exercise. They maybe get a healthy body but not a healthy mind. I think unhealthy mind may cause diseases also.

    I think that everyone know that exercise is good for health but many of them are lazy. I think to make campaign is enough. It is one's duty to choose between a good health or die with suffer.

    1. Thank you J,
      I agree with you completely. When I presented the argument, I used the conditional "if" at the start of the second paragraph to allow not accepting that important part of the argument. I'm glad to see that someone else also thinks it's a bad argument.

      The reason I put it here is that I think it connects with the discussion on drug laws. I wanted to see if people thought that governments could use force against citizens to make them do what is healthy or socially useful. I am glad that you do not accept this argument.

      But I suspect that some of your classmates might disagree with us.

  4. The article is fairly useful! I have never heard before about weight training can reduce diabetes risks before, but just having proper excercise can cope with this problem. This article contains some technical terms which it's quite complicate to me, those no much background in sciences. lol

    I've just known weight training together with aerobic excercising can keep us more firm and firm than having only normal excercising. I feel a bit envy those Olympic athletes 2012; most of them looks attactive and very strong. I believe there would be a number people doing more excercise after finishing of Olympic games 2012. To sum up, doing adequate excercise will benefit your life the most.

  5. Another possibility to reduce diabetes for men, but what about women?
    Anyway your post is very interesting because I learn so much about most common diabetes which is a public health problem.
    I agree with Tom about motivation. It is more important motivate people to do it than to oblige them. To oblige is childish way to resolve the problem. And there are many ways to motivate and to encourage or to teach them how to eat and do weight training or another sport in adult way.

  6. Like J's though, I disagree with you argument,Peter. Everyone know that exercise is good thing to do.

    In some disease, the causes is not only your habit, but is your genetic which may contain diseases, including diabetic. This factor is something that you can't deny or change it. But you can prevent it by apply you behavior to be healthier, such as nutritionally balance foods, organic foods and appropriate exercises.

    For me, I think that weight training is so hard and inappropriate to do by yourself, because we need trainer for instruction. So many kind of exercise which you can work out at home, can't you?


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