Monday 6 August 2012

Shift worker or Day worker

Everyone wants to have a chance to choose the time they prefer to work. But if you cannot, which type of worker that you think it is better for you between shift worker or day worker?

According to a BBC News report on the research in British workers, British Medical Journal (BMJ) says shift work seems to cause more health problems including obesity, high blood pressure especially heart problems. Shift work also affects daily life of the workers such as eating and sleeping habits and these decrease their performances at work places.

I thought this article was interesting as I believe that everyone has the different ideas about the time they wish to work. But I think day worker should be better than shift worker especially night shift worker. As shift worker, your working times are continuously rotated and this is not good for your own body, maybe you could not have enough time to rest to do your job. Not only health problems but it also leads to decreasing in your working performance. This is also very important issue if your work requires caution and responsibility. For example, when I was studying chemical engineering at the university, my lecturer talked about the accident in chemical industry due to the fatigue of the night shift workers. Wrong communications, lack of interest are main causes of this accident (Explosion). However, somewhere in my mind think that night shift worker may be a good idea if I need to work in Bangkok, because I do not want to face the traffic jam in every morning and evening. Traffic jam causes me a headache and it is not good for my health as well.

Shift work link to 'increased risk of heart problems'. (2012, July 27). BBC News from


  1. I agree with you that day worker is better than shift worker. But in some careers ,like me, vet or doctor, are have to be shift worker. Because it's better service and management the working schedule.

    Have you ever work in night shift?

  2. Benz,
    Thank you for the hard work you have put in here.

    About how much time did this take you to write?

    I have a couple more questions, but we'll discuss them tomorrow morning, when I am sure that Anne and Austin will also have some useful feedback to share.

    Although apart from the 2nd part, the summary, this is not academic writing, I think this is nevertheless a fairly difficult exercise, but also great writing practice.

    You've given us an excellent example of writing a response to something you've read in the news.

  3. I agree with you that day work seems to be better than shift work since it has the impact to the helth,however,shift work won't be so bad if people know how to manage their daily routine;for example,getting enough sleep after their shifts and exercise regularly.

  4. I agree. In fact, I think people have 'Life Clock'!! Have you ever read it? Our body has its time of activities. To illastrate, 9.oo p.m. to 11.00 p.m., it is called center energy, at 9.00 p.m., you should go to bad to complete energy. But I think 9.00 p.m. is very early for me. Nonetheless, I think we should take care of ourselves to be live long with healthy although I like night time more than day time. Now, I suggest that we should go to bed to be ready for tomorrow class. lols Have sweet dream =]

  5. I think the article of Benz is very useful article. Some kinds of work which are shift worker jobs may provide more income than day worker's jobs such as flight attendant, nurse and so on. But in the long run those workers would face various kind of health problems like heath deterioration or insomnia.

    My friend used to work as a nurse and she had to be a shift worker. Sometimes she worked at night or day times, because it depends on her boss. She mentions about after work, she couldn't sleep as soon as she wanted. In addition, she often felt weary. Consequently, she said if she could, she would ask her employer to work as a day worker instead. Unfortunately, I didn't met her last 2-3 years ago. I hope she will be fine now.

  6. I work for international company. My boss is living in the United State and my clients are living all over the world. I from 6p.m. to 12 a.m. I sometime work until 3 in the morning. Time is different between Thailand and Europe. Working during the day is not compatible for me. Working at night is the best for me so I can learn English during the day.

  7. Benzzie!! I do agree with you that day work is better than shift work. most problems are what you mention before but i have some more information to share. Although our biological clock can shift and adapt to our routine life but there are some kind of hormones that can work effectively when there is a stimulation from sunshine. For example, Serotonin is the hormone that response to sunlight when it hits your eyes. Serotonin is hormone to help you awake during day time and also increase your happiness. If you do shift work, you may not hit to sunlights and your serotonin will be at low level. This may cause feeling of upset and desperate. Your feeling of achievement may be lower down and finally you may have to book appointment with physicians!!!!

  8. But is everyone's biological clock set the same way?

    I am sure that I work much better at night. I've always been more alert and productive after about 10:00 PM. When I was at uni., I normally worked until around 3:00 AM, and then went to bed to get some sleep before my lectures started at noon. The problem was the mathematics dept.: they had teh nasty habit of morning lectures.

    Today, it's the same. It's after midnight now, and I could happily work for another hour or two, but I know I need to go to bed so I can get enough sleep to be reasonably awake at 10:00 AM.

    On the other hand, I'm not familiar with the details of the relevant research, so perhaps I'm also wrong about what is best for me. But I still prefer getting up late after a productive night until the early hours of the morning.

    1. And I notice that I'm not the only one still up and in front of a computer after midnight.


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