Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Disabled or the Superhuman

Technology has been developed very fast these days. It creates many incredible things. One is the placement of part of human body with artificial one. Have you ever imagined that bionic body like in movies about superhuman has become real?

According from BBC News 'Day in life with my bionic body', it seems to be that bionic body can be applied to Teenager Patrick kane who lost his left arm and right leg since he was 9 month old as a result of serious strain of meningitis -serious disease in which the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord become infected and swollen. He now uses one kind of bionic leg and arm which has two movements when opening and closing a fist. This arm still has no sense of touch so it can exist in hot environment.

In my point of view, this kind of technology is very useful and necessary. Many people suffer from losting their parts of body as a result of diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Patient may have to cut them off to save their life but this technology can help them live in this world more easily. They wont take much time to decide whether they should cut them off or not. Soldiers and polices who sacrifice themselves to their nations in war or in any riots and finally lost their parts of body. This bionic technology can compensate their lost. Moreover, it will be useful if this has been developed further so patient can live and do things exactly the same like normal people. Have you ever think that if this bionic arm can be used like the real one and but can exist the hot environment, what job you suggest them to do?  

Lever, A. (2012, March 9). 'Day in the life with my bionic body'
BBC News. Retrieved August 8, 2012.


  1. Thank you Oh.

    What is the maximum number of sentences are you allowed to have in your summary paragraph? How many sentences are in your summary paragraph?

  2. Oops, sorry is that only 2-3 sentenses

    1. Yes.
      Two sentences are necessary. Three is the maximum. Four are too many.

      The summary should be short.

    2. Your response to the ideas in the source is excellent - lots of good ideas there, clearly and smoothly stated for us to read and respond to.

    3. Safely within the sentence limits now.

  3. It is a good technology that can help a lot of people who face to this problem. I hope that the developer will continue to research and develop its and the poor people will get an opportunity to use its. If they can use their life as the same normal people ,so they can take care themselves and have ability to work as their skills. I think that they will get happy and enjoyable with their life time.

  4. And I'm wondering when normal people will start to want the new improved versions when the technology develops enough to be better than nature.

  5. This medical advance is such a good part for help people to be more comfortable. I think this bionic arm will be need to changed when he'll grow up, because his real arm will grow bigger and this might not fit.

    There may be some restriction of using the bionic arm. Those want to use have to learn how it can be used for a while. And this technology maybe expensive, so not a lot people can afford it, but this work is a good start.

  6. That's amazing technology. It's good opportunity for disabled to do anything almost like normal. But I think this bionic is very expensive. I hope that developer will decrease cost of this product for let poor disabled have chance to use it.


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