Thursday 2 August 2012

Pang's academic interest.

My academic interest is Law.I  learnt the basic Law when I was about 15 years old.I found that it was so interesting to learn because it is relating to my daily life.People need to know Law because there is no excuse when you break the law.No one can be excluded by saying they don't know it.Therefore,I set my goal that I would like to study Law in the university.I finally achieved my first goal by getting into Thammasat University.


  1. Oh!!!! you are amazing. I know I am supposed to know the law but Its too much for me and I cannot get it easily. I am better in calculation. I have a bad memory but we can exchange our knowledge to each other. I think that sounds great.

  2. Sure Thing!We should exchange our knowledge.You can ask me anything about law!!.

  3. One of my major interests, and my major at university, was moral philosophy, and I continue to be interested in how the law connects with justice, or often does not connect.

    Do you also read philosophy of law?

    Sometimes in my higher level AEP classes we read opinions from the US Supreme Court, which I think are great examples of academic writing, and important for the enormous impact they have on the lives of American citizens.
    I'm also a great admirer of the US Supreme Court and the excellent constitution that they guard. Do you know much about the US Constitution and Supreme Court?
    (I'm Australian, not American, but its enduring and wise Constitution is one thing I admire about the US.)

    1. Dear Peter,

      I studied philosophy of law in the university.However,I am not so good at understanding those things.
      I dont know much about the US Constitution and Supreme Court because the laws of Thailand are based on the civil law so I focus on the written law more, anyways,I have read some opinions from the US Supreme Court.I agree that they were reasonable and wise.Some opinions from the US Supreme Court have influenced some decisions from thai judges since they graduated from there.

  4. I agree with you that everyone have to know basic laws in Thailand. Law is one of my favorite subjects.

    1. Dear Noom,

      I'm glad that you agreed.Many people don't realize its importance until they are in trouble.

    2. I heard many said the language of law is quite difficult than language of other studies, even in Thai language. I think you can do this, because now you're preparing to studying with hard-working abroad by attending AEP class. Practice makes perfect!


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