Saturday 11 August 2012

Talking about death

What would you do if your loved one had been diagnosed with a terminal disease? Would you tell him the truth that he would die or would it be better not to tell him?

In "Why we should talk more about death", by Prof Mayur Lakhani, Chair of the Dying Matters Coalition, claims that many patients died witout being identified that they were at risk of dying and not assessed for end of life care, therefore, it is important for every person who is coming to the end of their life is spotted early enough and supported to make a good advance care plan. The suggestion is that everyone ,including doctors, should talk more openly about dying so that patients and their families will have opportunities to prepare about their end of life.

 Death is a serious issue which most people,especially patients,avoid talking about.The reason might be that we fear to separate from something or someone we love. Besides, talking about death may upset the patients and make them worse so people prefer to think positive and to encourage them that they would be fine and finally recover from the illness. However, this news gives the information that people should change their attitude toward death,which I absolutely agree. Death is a certain thing that we cannot avoid so the dying patients and their families should be informed about their situations so that the dying patients can plan what to do as their final wishes and learn the right way to treat themselves.Moreover, the families of dying patients will prepare themselves for the loss.

In my view,to avoid talking about death means to avoid facing the truth.Many people can stay longer than the doctors said because they know their situations and try their best to heal them.Knowing when to die can be the benefit as it make us appreciate the present and do our best so that we won't regret. On the other hand,people who are healthy and don't concern about death might accidental die anytime without thinking about final wishes.

Lakhani, M. (2012, May 18). Why we should talk more about death.Health. BBC News. Retrieved August 11, 2012 from


  1. I agree with Pang that "to avoid talking about death means to avoid facing the truth" (¶ 4). Death is something people don't like to talk about, but perhaps if there were a bit more honesty, and less unfounded speculation about "life after death", whatever that could even mean, people would both accept the truth and be better motivated and able to live a good live now, which is the only life we ever have.

    I think that Pang's comment also reminds us that free and open speech is a necessary condition for knowledge about any topic. If free speech is forbidden, whether by laws (so popular with repressive governments and religions terrified of the truth) or cultural habits, then knowledge is impossible on the censored topics, and I don't think that the resulting ignorance is generally a good thing for anyone, except of course dictators of all types.

  2. In my view, that doctors do not tell patients the truth is the right way. If patients stay severely ill and doctors say that patients may die, which causes patients depression and hopelessness. I think that boosting their morale is the important thing. Perhaps, a miracle heals them illness. ;)

  3. I also agree with Pang. If I were the one who is going to die soon, I still would like to know how long could I live. Maybe I will feel depress and discourage, but that makes me to know my remaining life is very valuable and do anything I can to live as long as possible. I think everyone wants to spend their last time with someone whom they love and do anything they want one last time. Talking about death likes give one more chance for patients to decide what they want to do and including the way that they can leave this world without worry. But the first thing is you must have a courage to accept the death.

  4. I partly agree with Pang. Because some people have strong enough to know the truth but the others have not. I think that the doctor should let the psychiatric to estimate the patient's mind before tell the real disease's situations. In fact, for the doctor, this is hard thing to do more than treating.

    This topic was remind about my uncle who passed away six months ago. He died suddenly by acute heart failure without no word to family. My dad was crying out loud when he faced the uncle's body. This made me sad and depress for losing my beloved uncle.

  5. This issue is interesting. I agree to some extent with Pang's idea, because I think it's depends on individuals situation. Some maybe strong much enough to know about their life completely. It's would be graet if they would know thier life is ending soon. It's really sad but if they kno, they can prepare many things and talk with some relatives.

    However in some cases, doctors should not tell the patient that he or she is going to die. It might harm and discourage their morale. To my mind, I want to know about my health problem straitforwardly. Then I would say good bye for my relative and prepare myself very well.

  6. I undertand that talking about death might discourage some patients so I agree with Mo that some patients may need the psychiatrist to help them decrease the fear of death.

    However, I believe that people who truly understand and admit it will be able to cope with their problems and may finally live longer.

  7. When i read this topic that remind me about my father who passed away around three years ago from cancer. At that time, my family and i did not tell him about it because we not sure that he can accept the truth. Perhaps it might be not right ,so he should have knew the truth in order to made decision to did something that he want to did before died.

    This is the real in our life. I used to read the article about death in the way of Buddhist that write by a monk name "Wor Vachirametee". He remind the Thai people who respect in Buddhist is "Death is a part of our life". The time has a limit. Everybody should aware the value of time and use their lifetime with be careful because death may be happen anytime.

    1. First of all,I am sorry about your dad and I understand how difficult it was to tell your dad the truth.

      I read some books of "Wor Vachirametee" too.I like his works because they are reasonable,modern and easy for young people like me to understand.

  8. Not everyone that always accepts the truth. Someone lives with hope that one day he will cured but suddenly doctor tell him true that he is no longer to live. What will happen?

    It is true that we all should accept the truth that come to our lives but almost the truth is always cruel. So we all should study about Buddhism that teaches us the way to manage everything that come to our lives.

    1. Wow! I impress that you mentioned about Buddhism!I agree that studying Dhamma can help us understand more about lives and will be able to cope with problems.


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