Thursday 2 August 2012

Noom academic interest

I have a lot of interests, but not all of it has become my passion. I used to be a soccer player in school. I stopped because I found another interest which made me happier. I usually spend my time travelling and sitting on the beach. I have been to many countries which has beach such as ,Tahiti, Hawaii, Brazil , Uruguay, Argentina, Maxi-go and Australia. I like to swim in the ocean, but I don't like diving. I am not a risk-taking. I have a license for diving, but I don't like swimming underwater using special breating equipment. Do you like diving?


  1. What is your favorite beach?

  2. My favorite beach is call littel beach in Hawii big Island. It is one of the most beautiful beach in the world.

  3. I have a lot of interests, too, but they seem quite different to yours. I almost never go to the beach. I know a lot of people like them, and I loved the beach when I was a child, but by the time I got to university, it just seemed a bit boring, except at night for a party or something.

    But I like the idea of sitting around somewhere else, preferably with a good book. Do you like reading when you are sitting on the beach?

    1. Since 2011, I have been reading English almost everyday. Before I don't like to read because I not interested to read Thai or English. In my opinion these days English is very important for me. In the last 2 years I have been trying very heard to learn English. Spelling is my disaster problem in English and writhing. Do you have any suggestion?

    2. Noom,
      I'm glad to hear that you are reading English every day. I think that's a great start, and it's one reason we want to do daily blogging of articles from the news starting next week: everyone will have to read more than the small amount in Quest, and then respond to it.

    3. And I'm hoping that both the reading and the response writing will also be enjoyable, or at least not too painful.

  4. @Peter Reading is my hobby. When I have free time, I choose to read books all day and sometimes all night. In my point of views, I like reading at home more than another place. Because you have everything that you want at home and also save your money.
    @ Noom I think that if you read more and more, you will correct your spelling skill. I have problem about spelling too. But after I try to read more books, this problem is decrease.

  5. That is good suggestion. I also like to read book at home or quite place such as libary and home. The littel princess is a good story I enjoyed very much.

  6. I like reading also :). In fact, I have many books above my bed but most of them are not read yet, lols. I always take a book around with me but I think it is heavy stuff. Thai's books have different kind of paper from another countries. Those books are lighter. What kinds of book do you like?

    @Mo, I will try to read more english books. In fact, I think, my interest books are complicated to understans, although in Thais. Sooooo, I'm not sure that I can understand them in English >w<

    1. Great discussion on Noom's post.
      Thank you everyone who is contributing.

      Som's latest comment reminded me of my move from paper books to a Kindle reader last year. I've got a lot of books - thousands of them have piled up in Australia and in my home in Bangkok since I was in high school. I always thought that I loved the traditional paper versions more than the modern options.

      Then last year I was reading my paper book in bed, some heavy book on evolutionary biology or something, and I needed to look up a couple of things in a dictionary. Now, when I'm working at my computer, this is easy: I just go to the OED or OALD online quickly and easily. But my bedside dictionary was the Concise Oxford English Dictionary. This is a great one-volume dictionary, but it's heavy, and it takes time to flick through the pages, and the print is small, and you can't easily follow things up. I realized that the online versions of the dictionaries I use are much, much more useful than this heavy old paper book.

      The next day, I ordered my Amazon Kindle, and since then I've bought a lot more books, but only two paper books.

      I love my Kindle. It's light. It holds hundreds of books. It's searchable. And it includes an electronic version of the Oxford Dictionary of English, with automatic look-up of any word.

      A few months ago, I started lightening my bookshelves by giving away a lot of books and shipping others to my brother in Australia - he probably won't read them, but they'll look impressive on his shelves, which is better than weighing down my shelves.

    2. I was try to use OALD onlines on last Wed . It's good like book but esier. After that, I checked at play store to search OALD application but it was so expensive(almost 700 bath).

      From my teacher , she suggested McGraw dictionary. Is this suited for me to use ?

  7. @Som lol I agree with you. Some kind of books ,like mystery, is so hard to understand in English version.Sort of, I'm a book worm. Don't wonder why I have to wear glasses.:-P
    I like Halan Coban's book. My dad and I really like his books. I think that I have almost thai version of them. And you? What is your favourite writer?

    1. Mo,
      I had the same problem when I tried to read Harry Potter in Thai.

    2. lol I hope you are still enjoy to read it. So you can read and speak Thai , can't you? Wow !*0*

    3. My favourite writer is ..... ahhh....... used to be Nhew Klom (round finger) but i stop reading his books last year. I think they are dream. Now, I'm reading Michael J. Sandel's book name "Justist.. what's the right thing to do?" in fact, although in Thai, it is very hard to understand it!! sometime i hav to read some sentenses more than 4 time T0T so I wont read it in English version soon. Paul, he is also AUA teacher who interviwed me on placement day, gave me the VDO link of this lacture. (the book was wrote from the lacture class in Harvard university) but i havnt wacth it yet. If you re interested, i can give u that link :)

    4. lol For me,sometimes I have to read backward for exact understanding .The book that you mention is it which you brought last week, isn't it?

      Now ,I'm reading the Lost Hero which is written by Ricodon( next episode of Percy Jackson) it's fun and exciting book. Have you ever read it ?

      Surely yes. I'm interested. Thanks for your kindness ^0^

    5. Here is the link i told u ka

      yes it is and today i took it with me too :) most of time I read it is on bus lols. In fact, I havent read Percy Jackson yet.

      P'Mo u go to bed too late!! =..= so sleepy but i just done my presentation for listening and speaking class T__T and Havnt do any homework yet T^T it is to hard working weekend

    6. I would like to add my own recommendation to Miechael Sandel's introductory Harvard lectures on justice. If you look, there is also a link in the "Something to Listen to?" section on the right. He is a brilliant lecturer, and gives some great, real-life, academic listening practice.

      I've never tried it, but perhaps we could read a chapter from Sandel's book for something extra. What do you think? (I have something else in mind for our extra academic reading, but I'm also flexible.)

      As with Jane Austen, I am glad to see that there is an interest in Sandel's lectures and book.

  8. I also like mystery. Book worm is very interesting. I read from stage 1. I found it very helpful for me. Before, I don't like to read after I know book worm it make me enjoy reading. My favorite writer are Jane Austen she wrote "Pride and Prejudice" and Charles Dickens his book name "David Copperfield" . I like John Escott too he wrote book call "Dead Man's Island"

    1. I never read "Pride and Prejudice" but I ever watched the movie version. Have you ever watched it? Do you prefer movie or book?

  9. Pride and Prejudice is perhaps my favourite novel ever. I love all of Austen's novels, but I've read this one more than ten times: it never bores, and every time I read it, I like it more than before. We sometimes read it in my AEP level 6 or 7 classes; the language is a bit difficult.

    I didn't like the movie, but the BBC version of the story, starring Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy is excellent. It follows the book closely, and copies much of Austen's brilliant dialogue.

    I am glad to see others appreciating this great work of literature.

  10. I think that English novels are pretty difficult for many Thai people and me. I suppose the famous English novels moght suit just only those study in English major only. I watched Atonement from a DVD. The plot is quite complicate and the tone of this film is depressed and sadness. All in all, I think this movie is nice and classic. In reality people life may face more tough time than happy time. By the way, if my reading English would be better, I would try read English novel rather than watching from the movie.

    Also, I fasicnate by the Lord of the rings by J.R.R Tolkien a lot. Althogh, I read this novel a few years ago in Thai language, I felt his language in the books is pretty difficult.

  11. I agree with you Tom that English novels are pretty difficult for many Thai people. I would like to put forward the idea that Bookworms has 5 state you can. I stard to read state 1 in difference stories. I believe that my reading is getting beter day by day. I am reading stage 4 now and I found that it is quite difficult for me, but I don't give up because I would like to be able to read well and understand. Chose the easy book to read so you will enjoy reading and make you want to read. If you chose the difficult it make you give up. If the book is difficult to understand I change to the easy book.

    Yes, "Pride and Prejudice" the language is very difficult for me.

    1. Noom, you had a good start in reading! Some people said if you would to improve your English skill, you should start reading any thing you like. Consequently, your reading and writing would improve significantly.

      Unfortunately. I think the language in most popular English novel is very difficult for me. But if I can, I would try reading some popular English novel like Great expectation, Atonement and the Lord of the rings. I think Pride and prejudice is a classic one.


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