Thursday 2 August 2012

Austin's academic interest

Now, my academic interest is English. I want to improve my English for study in USA and i have to make it batter than now.


  1. Which skills in English do you want to improve now? And why?

  2. i want to improve writing skill because i believe that very important to write correctly.

  3. Same for me. My writing is not good. Writing is complicated area for me. It is important for me to write well. So, I can write letter to customers and teach my children. You said if you can get the visa you will go study in US. Australia is easy to get the visa and many Thai students go study there. I sent my son to study in Sydney 3 moths ago. I suggest that If you can not get visa for US you should go to Australia, England or Canada these countries visa is easy. Why you want to go study in USA?

  4. I think writing skill is the most difficult one of other English skills. Many of my friends mentioned about this and for me too. Some friends went studying aboard and they had taken English study program in Thailand before hand. They all complained that the English writing in the native English countries like the UK and Australia is much more difficult. So, I'm worried about my writing skill as well.

    I do agree with Noom that to go to the US is not easy due to the regulations of the US. I think Canada and Australia are the good countries with good atmosphere for Thai people, because you might have chances to work and to be a permanent residence.

    1. Unfortunately, I think Tom is right: writing is a bit difficult. But like most things, I think it improves with practise, which is why we want to do some, just a little, every day.

      One of the things I like about Quest is that there are a lot of readings to analyse to prepare you for the writing exercises.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Many of my friends suggest that if we're not good in writing, we should copy or remember some pharses which seem useful to improve our writing.

      Is it a good way to improve a writing skill?


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