Saturday 18 August 2012

Caffeine in fevourite beverage - How much you need it?

Most people prefer to drink coffee every morning before they start working because of the caffeine in coffee makes them more activate. But, how much caffeine should they take daily?

Caffeine in coffee
In 'How much coffee is safe?', Philippa Roxby write about what caffeine effect to people and how much is enough for daily needed of caffeine of everyone and pregnant women. Roxby suggested that caffeine has both advantage and disadvantage, but the daily recommended maximun caffeine for pregnant women is 200mg. and 400mg for everyone else.

I agree with Roxby, everything has both pros and cons, it depends on how do people use it and how much they use. Some researsh said caffeine reduce risk of many kinds of cancer. But this writing also said that too much caffeine is not good for everyone and importantly for pregnant women. Anyway, caffeine is needed for most people. For example, Austin said he have to drink coffee in every morning to get some caffeine,if he doesn't drink coffee, he will lack of energy to concentrate on what is he doing. But for me is not much effective, i feel nothing different after drink coffee. Thus, this means people are affected by caffeine differant ways. People should know their limit and take only they can. For instant, Mo can drink only 2 cups of coffee per days, My mom can get only one. How about you? I think it would better to consider about our limit of caffeine, this will make us more healthy, isn't it?

Roxby, P. (2011, December 1) How much coffee is safe?. BBC News. Retrieved August 17, 2012 from


  1. Do you think it is possible to worry too much about health? Might an obsessive worry about what is healthy result in a less well lived life?

    As I've been reading the responses, I sometimes get the idea that some people think that being healthy an doing what is most healthy is more important than anything else. But is that right?

    If we know that something is unhealthy or dangerous, for example eating chocolate cake, taking yaa baa, drinking whisky, rock climbing, racing a motorbike, or boxing must that be a sufficient, a good enough, reason not to do it?

    In other words, are health and safety the only things we should consider when deciding whether to do something or not?

    1. I'm sure it's bad for my health getting up so early to teach on Saturdays and Sundays. But at least the one large, freshly brewed morning coffee is probably both healthy and enjoyable. But even if it were unhealthy, I would probably still decide to enjoy it.

    2. I think coffee is good but if you drink too much coffee it'll be worse. =]

    3. That's right,Som, too much of it is not good. Actually, I think that I can drink coffee more than 2 cups/days, but it's not good to my sleeping cycle which my mom was warning about it.

      Now, I usually have one cup of coffee in the morning only. But in weekend like this, I choose to drink milk or cocoa for make me sleepy and can sleep more during

    4. I think being healthy is the most important thing in our lives when people are happy and willing to do it. On the other hand, some people think being safe and healthy all the time is boring and impact their happy lives; for example, they have to avoid eating what they love or stop doing some favourite activities,which will make them become unhappy and the concern will be unhealthy too as it affect the mental health. The best way is to balance between the favourite routine and the limit.

    5. I love drinking coffee too but I try to drink only when I need it,not when I want it so that won't be too much. I think drinking coffee is also a fashion for some people. They might think it make them look classy,I'm saying that because when I was an exchange student I saw my friends at the coffee shop every day and coffe in the shop is not cheap for students.A friend there borrowed my money so she could drink coffee at the shop with her group.

    6. I totally agree with you that don't worry too much about being healthy. I have my friend who worried about weight all the time in high school. She made me bored about when I had lunch with her.
      I know that someone think coffee is fashion. But coffee is good more than only fashion. So why many people addicted Starbucks.XD

    7. I totally agree with you that don't worry too much about being healthy. I have my friend who worried about weight all the time in high school. She made me bored about when I had lunch with her.
      I know that someone think coffee is fashion. But coffee is good more than only fashion. So why many people addicted Starbucks.XD

    8. I totally agree with you that don't worry too much about being healthy. I have my friend who worried about weight all the time in high school. She made me bored about when I had lunch with her.
      I know that someone think coffee is fashion. But coffee is good more than only fashion. So why many people addicted Starbucks.XD


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