Wednesday 15 August 2012

Breastfeeding or Shame for using formula?

What was the type of milk for feeding to you as a baby?  What do you prefer between breastfeeding and formula milk? Why?

"Formula v breastfeeding: Should the state step in?" in BBC news magazine, Kate Dailey writes about ongoing battle between breastfeeding and formula milk. The announcement of New York City Mayor, that strictly access discharge formula bag in hospital for promoting breastfeeding, is leading to value that put mother under pressure without helping to set in good nursing habit for breastfeeding.

This is very interested news for me, because there is same campaign in Thailand, breastfeedingthai. I believe that breastfeeding is best for baby, but it's nothing wrong to use formula milk replacing. Now mother have many task for family, such as, doing chore, working and surely bringing up child.   Sometimes it's so hard to take care themselves with nutritionally balance for milk production. Then they lack of milk to feed their baby for choose to use formula, don't they? I don't want the society tend to judge that is failed mother. In freedom country, people have right to choose anything that they want under the laws. So I totally disagree with New York City Mayor's declaration. I think that the better way for promoting breastfeeding is well educate to mother about nursing during hospital and the advantage of breastfeeding and formula. My mom gave me breastfeeding  for 1 months only but didn't gave it to my brother, because her health wasn't good enough. Nowadays I and brother are still healthy from good food and good parenting. This is the outcome for mother,isn't it? 
Mom enough??

Dailey, K. (2012, August 7). Formula v breastfeeding: Should the state step in?. Magazine. BBC News. Retrieved August 15, 2012


  1. Yes. It's a nice picture. I heard this Time cover has been argued about inappropriate issue, because it seems expressing sexist connotation for this woman. For me, I think the model looks beutiful and healthy. Nevertheless, this cover may not be acceptacle, if it'd be published in Eastern countries.

    Breastfeeding is the most suitable for babies. In fact many reserch suggested that if possible, babies should have it up to a year, but it seems impossible for working women nowadays.

  2. I don't think this image is inappropriate. Do you know "Kam Phaka". She has ever naked and shoot a photo for magazine. She want to prove that whatever men can do, women can do so. I observe that women always ask for mor equality and act weirder everyday.

    1. I thought it was a well designed cover to make a point, rather opposing sexism than endorsing it.

      There might be a nice warm up exercise here before we start reading on art in a week or so. Does the photograph have artistic merit? Is it good art?

      I'm not familiar with the photographs that J has referred to. Are they available on line? Are they art of just entertainment?

      Most classical Greek art shows naked men, a habit that the Romans sensibly copied and passed on until the oppressive Christians tried to destroy Western culture. Thankfully, the West is now recovering from those long dark ages of superstition, intolerance and oppression.

    2. I agree with J. I think that is good one, so I chose it for my article. ;p This picture is not about sexism. It's about mom who dare to breastfeeding in public. The model in picture looked self-confident,healthy and proudly to be mom from her posture. Esspecially, the label of this,"Are you mom enogh", is very suitable.

      I think this photo can publish is many country, including Thailand.


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