Monday 13 August 2012

Extra calcium better or worse ??

Everyone knows a main benefit from drinking milk consistently which provide us a calcium in order to strengthen our bones. But if you still think that the more you drink the milk, the healthier you get, maybe you want to change your mind.

According to “Not Milk! Too Much Calcium Does The Body Bad, Researchers Say by Patti Neighmond, Dr. Ethel C. Siris suggests that there is no need for extra calcium more than recommended calcium intakesin usual day, for it can cause a kidney stone since extra calcium are excreted through kidney in form of urine. And it may also calcify in arteries leads to precipitate heart attack.

Although more researches are required to determine another drawback from extra calcium in a body, but it helps raise awareness about the risks from drinking milk or eating calcium rich foods too much. I usually drink milk everyday and someday I drink it a lot, at least 1 liter per day. I am also the one who always believe that drink milk a lot will help me have a good health. But after I finish reading this article, I was surprised that I have always misunderstood. However, calcium is still necessary for all people at every age, but especially for old people and women after menopause which bone loss is one of their troubles. Not only the calcium which affects our health when consumed exceeds the recommended limit, there are many things that we should be aware of such as instant noodle, sugar or soybean. And if you have a well management for your eating, you will absolutely have a good health.


Neighmond, P. (2012, August 13). Not Milk! Too Much Calcium Does The Body Bad, Researchers Say. NPR from


  1. I have never heard about this before!By the way,I agree with you that we should concern about what to eat.I believe that to consume something too much is not always good.I don't drink milk much since a nutritionist told me that it can make me fat(or fatter)Thank you for the information :)

  2. I heard about the excessive of calcium before but I'm not sure much about the detail. I might be the strategies of many drugs and vitamin' companies that try to sales vitamins and minerals to customers by advertising a lot on TV programs. These companies try to persuade people to buy their products which are filled minerals and advertised that they should buy the products to maintain healtier.

    I don't know much about how much it enough for people each day, but I heard someone said calcium from natural sources are better for our heatlh such as fish bones and shell of shrimps. It might not leave excess calcium in our body like the calcium from artificial sources' ones. Moreover whole milk contains high portions of fat, so we should not have it too much.

  3. Oh No!!! Benzz. I have not heard about this before. When I was young, mom has kept telling me 'Miss Oh!! here it is!!! Your milk!! Drink it!!' every morning. I might not drink it if mom does not say, but it doesnt matter because mom says it every morning. Later, when I studied in England with Benzzz, I saw him drink milk so much. Every time, when he opened the fridge to find something to drink, of course, it was milk. He drank milk instead of water every after breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or even before his bedtime. After I have seen his habit, I start drinking milk much more automatically without telling from other, especially from my mom. I drink it after every meals, but still not as much as Benzz's. I might should check my kidney.

    Thanks to benzz that you changed my habit.
    To benzz: btw you should check your kidney.
    Ohhh!!! forgot to tell you, Benzzz. Mom say thank you. She does not tell me to drink milk anymore.

  4. I had heard before that milk might not be so wonderful as it is popularly believed to be, but this report gives more details and support.

    It reminded me of similar changes of mind from the medical profession on things like coffee, which turns out to be a good thing for health, and the even more surprising discovery that alcohol in small amounts, especially wine, seems to be good for health, where like other drugs of addiction these things had once been thought all bad for health. I also remember reading a report years ago that for old people who have always smoked cigarettes, it is healthier to continue, but I'm not sure if that is still believed to be true or not.

    And some of my friends still insist that eggs are dangerous for the heart. They say that their doctors are telling them not to eat more than one or two eggs a week because of the cholesterol and fat, which is what I remember doctors saying many years ago, but according to the Harvard Medical School, this is wrong: it is generally OK to eat an egg every day (Egg Nutrition, 2006). (I Googled to check this, which is why I've cited the source.)

    But I'm safe from milk. Although I grew up on a farm with dairy cows, I've never liked fresh milk. It's OK to cook with, but not something I want to drink. Unfortunately, I do love cream, and I think the medical research still agrees that that very fatty, but extremely delicious, food is bad for the heart.

    Egg Nutrition and Heart Disease : Eggs aren't the dietary demons they're cracked up to be. (2006, July). Harvard Health Publications. Retrieved August 14, 2012 from

  5. I do not drink milk now because I have a stomachache. I'm not sure my body against milk. However, I agree with you the people who manage their eating they will get a good healthy. I used to read an article for a long time about eating. The article told that "the people who eat less will get good health but eat more will get bad health". I agree with that article.

    1. I don't like to hear that I should eat less, although I would like my waist to shrink a few inches.

      And I've just finished the first draft of my new paragraph about one thing that businesses should be aware of in Australian culture (44 minutes), so I was thinking of a small reward of some apple pie with cream. Definitely not the time to read about eating less! At least it's not ice-cream.

  6. I think that it depend on the age or the personal health. When we was young we need more calcium for grow up. In the middle age people have to control the amout of calcium that they get.

  7. I think that it depend on the age or the personal health. When we was young we need more calcium for grow up. In the middle age people have to control the amout of calcium that they get.

  8. But for women, I think we need more calcium because of bone problem. My grandmom has problem with her bone because she has 5 children. She has to take more calcium pill.

  9. Your writing remind me about one belief.

    I think that mostly everyone believe that black sesame have high calcium. Yes, it's right. But the calcium in sesame is Calcium Phytate which you can't absorb its in our body. Our body can absorb Calcium Phosphate which you can found in milk and the another. Therefore, I still prefer to drink milk in appropriate amounts. I hope this information will useful, more or less.^^

    Reference :


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