Saturday 11 August 2012

Usain Bolt wins 200m to make Olympic athletics history

How many sport people can retain both Olympic champions in Olympic Game?  Who can make it?  After the Olympic Game started in London, there are many sports people from around the world who join in it and almost of them wish to get gold medal in their sport but there are a few of them want to retain the champion that they used to make it in last Olympic Game.

According to Tom Fordyce, Chief sports writer, BBC Sport reports that Usain Bolt who is the athletics from Jamaica able to retain the second times champion of Olympic sprint in the 200m.  He could succeed his mission by match the world record time that made by Michael Johnson from the Atlanta Games of 19.32 secs while his training partner from the same nation Yohan Blake’s 19.44 secs was the second in silver and Warren Weir’s 19.84 secs was the third in bronze, before Olympic Games in London he used to lose Blake at the Jamaica, after a rough season, he fixed a target to make the world record in London although he still worried about his back strain and hamstrings that make a problem to him.    

This is a great successful of Usain Bolt that he can make it.  I do believe that he is always sport practice.  He now is twenty five years old with a big body and taller than the other that is an advantage for him.  I am an Olympic Fan, I usually follow it in every times and I think that he is the best of athletics because he won not only 200m but also 100m.  He can make a good famous in sport to Jamaica.  Furthermore, there are now two big countries that going to do everything for the number one of the world in sport.  I’m sure that are China and U.S.A, I used to see the news on TV that China try to develop sports people by identify them to be a group such as a group of children, teenager, and adult.  Next, they have any tight sport practicing schedule to practice in each group to meet the standard that fixed by sport school.  Until now, the U.S.A got the gold medal to be number one and China is the number two it is not important thing for me because it obvious to know these two countries are the big famous in sport of the world.  The important thing for me that I want to know the next Olympic Game 2016 at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Will Usain Bolt able to retain the champion of Olympic sprint in 200m for the third time?  What should he do?     
Fordyce, T. (2012, August 8), Usain Bolt wins 200m to make Olympic athletics history. BBC Sport News. Retrieved August 9, 2012 from


  1. Yut,
    I'm glad someone has posted on this. I had already emailed a story about Bolt to myself, but now I don't need to use it.

    In your response, I like the importance you attach to practice. I think it's the same for most skills: they need regular, preferably daily, practice to develop well, for example, reading and writing English.

    I almost never read the sports stories on the BBC News, but was interested in Bolt's achievement. Thanks for choosing this topic, and for then responding to it so thoughtfully.

  2. In this the Olympic, I rarely watched it. I think that he was great athletics in this competition. I hope the next time in 2016, he will present to win for third time.

    1. On the other hand, I wonder how fair is in the Olympic in some kind of sports that need to count score? In the last boxing game that Thai met China, the result was unfair, it seems like China cheating bucause they just want to be the winner. But, I also agree with Yut that Usain Bolt is one of many outstanding athketics. =]

    2. I completely agree with Som. The score of the boxing match of Keaw seemed unfair. The Chinese boxer and the boxing commitees might cheat the the authentic scores. It shouldn't happen in the Olympic game at all. Keaw's performance in that match should be review. :(

      However, I respect the great performance of Usain Bolt and also Michael Phelps. They've deserved their good job finally.

    3. I can't comment on the boxing. I haven't watched it, and if I did, I would not know who did better. It isn't as easy to judge as running, where being the first one to the end is the only thing that counts. I have no idea how boxing is scored, unless there is a knock out. It was easy for everyone to agree that Usain Bolt won his races, and I don't think that the judges could change that.

      I heard that in judo (?) the scoring was now done continuously so that there could not be a sudden surprise at the end. Perhaps the same change should be made to the boxing matches?


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