Tuesday 7 August 2012

Middle Eastern women remain at home no more

 Through the old fashion culture in the most of countries in the Middle East, women suppose to stay at home, take care of children and do the house work. So they used to believe that women should not get involved with out side work. Fortunately, this kind of believe is going to change.

 In Syria crisis: Turkey training rebels, says FSA Fighter Richard Galpin has interviewed a female fighter who is trying to achieve the freedom like many others in her country. She is a member of FSA(free Syrian army). She is doing some missions like the spying even better than men.

 I really enjoy when I read news like this. It shows women are going to get out of the kitchen and start to be more effective for their society. they have started to study in the higher levels of education. In some country in middle east women enter to universities more than men. For example in Iran, the women education is growing so fast. Their attendance to universities is even more than men. Women in  Iran manage big businesses, they get high positions in companies and etc. In social and political  activities they are pioneer. Even though they have been under pressure of the many unbearable roles which are made by religious leaders. They are trying to make a difference as well as men to have a free land to live on.

Galpin R. (2012, august 4). Syria crisis: Turkey training rebels, says FSA fighter.
News Middle East, BBC News. Retrieved August 7, 2012.
From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19124810


  1. Mehdi,
    I enjoyed reading both your source and your response to it. I probably wouldn't have read that story on the BBC News, but after reading your blog, I also clicked the link and read the full story you summarized.

    Not quite the same, but your title and response reminded me of my mum. She went out to work in Australia in the 1950s when it was unusual for women to do that. She was also one of the first women to join the local gold club in the 1950s, and instead of being known as "Mrs Keith F.", she insisted on using her own name. As I was growing up, women's right to be treated as full, responsible people was stirring up Australian society, and I was rather proud that my mother was an early actor in that. Australian social attitudes today towards women are very different to what they were 40 and more years ago, and the society is much better as a rseult in every way.

    I hope that the courageous women assisting the movement for a better Syria are treated as full equals to the men in the new society the emerges from the current bloody conflict, and that the fighting ends quickly.

  2. Woman have more ability than man in Thailand these days. The prime minister of Thailand is a woman. This make me agree with Mehdi that women goes to school and get a good job instead stay home taking care of children. Women are intteligent and beautiful. They are smart because their has high educational. There are many old women go to school at night in Thailand, Australia and America. I used to live in these countries and saw that a lot of old people go to university.

  3. I really enjoy your blog. It's so good writing. I agree with you that women do not have responsibility in home only, but we can do more task like men do.

    In Thailand, men and women is still not equal. In some job, a boss select men more than women. Like me, I used to be equine veterinarian before. And I faced a big problem during working. A keeper who take care horse was easily trusted and believed my college, male vet, more than me even I said the same thing with him. I felt so bad with this.

    One day, I hope that men and women will have society equality.

  4. It's good to hear that women in Middle-Eastern nations are becoming have better status now. I heard Muslim women espacially in Arab countries are restircted to do many things like men. Some of these nations such as Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, most females have to cover their face and hair due to their tradition.

    I am not a feminist. I just think nowadays females are still treated unequally not only in Middle East only but also some developing countries. For instance, in India whenever women are going to be married, they have to pay a large number money to engage men. If their husband pass away, they are expect to die for following her husband. In some cases,they were tortured and killed by relatives of husband. This practice still exist in some society until now.

    As a woman I don't expect women would be treat as the same men in all expects, but it had better if the society could give more opportunities for us.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with Mehdi and Mo. There are lots of women CEOs these days. I think people have same quality but they live in different indoctrination that why do people are not equality.

      I heard that in Middle-Eastern, women have many rules. I asked some people about being fight attendance of Quata Airline, lots of women are resign because they couldnt stand the rules. It is good that women in Middle-Eastern could stand for theirselve.

      But in somewhere in my mind, I still believe that some kind of works are not suitable for women.

    2. Som,
      I'm curious what kinds of work you think are not suitable for women. And why.

      What can't or shouldn't women do that men do?

      According to Olympics boxing: Nicola Adams guaranteed women's boxing medal, women's boxing is even an Olympic sport now, with a healthy international competition (2012).

      Should women's boxing be an Olympic sport?

      Dirs, B. (2012, August 6). Olympics boxing: Nicola Adams guaranteed women's boxing medal. BBC News. Retrieved August 7, 2012 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/olympics/18908115

    3. I think some kinds of work like engineer is not suitable for women although women might do it well but nature of this work does not fit to women physical characteristics. For example, during the emergency construction, if worker accidentally got hurt surly men engineer can replace in that position and the work keep continue. In case of women engineer, the chance that she can replace that position is quite impossible. Moreover, in general most of workers are men and all men are not reliable. As you know that Thia's law does not effective as much as it would be, so isnt it harmful for the women who work among men they don't know them exectly?

      But in case of women's boxing, I think it is a kind of sport that every gentle can do it as men do gymnastic.

    4. Som, would a strong, solidly built female engineer such as Pimsiri Sirikaew (Taew, of recent Olympic fame) or a thin, weak male be more useful in a construction emergency?

      Are women always or usually weaker than men?

      I'm not sure what you meant about it being harmful for women to work among men. Do you mean that Thai men are violent and normally attack women? (Thai society is actually very violent - far more so than, for example, US society.)

  6. I think that women and men are equal. It is outdated to specify that women have to stay at only home without working outside. In Thai society now, there are many women becoming working women and women probably earn money more than men.

  7. This is a very interesting story. I do believe that the women in middle east will win for this fighting. They will get a freedom and everything that they want. In my view, a man and a woman have any abilities in similar ways. I used to see a lot of women get a progressive in their work. I think that they have to work hard, show a good performance of work, and it includes keep a good relationship with their boss and co-worker. It might be enough to progress in their career. However, working is not the most important thing in life, we just enjoy with our work that is enough for us.

    I hope that the fighting will be ends quickly.

  8. In my opinion, men and women dont have similar skills. They are built to help each other. Men are actually the good leaders. They have strong desire to reach their own targets. They have abilities to finish their job by themselves and solves difficult problems.
    However, today's world has changed. Only men can still finish their works but supporting from women can help them achieve their targets a lot easier. Highly competitive world needs somethings to cool it down. I can say that nature actually built women to have more ability to negotiation than men. They are good at making friends. They loves chitchating with others. Also, nowadays women can have higher level of education. So they can combine their negotiating skills with more information from what they have learnt from uni to make conversation effectively. Finally, they can achieve what they want easily and thats one reason why they play an integral role and become leaders in today's business world.

    1. Are men really better leaders than women, or have men just traditionally been leaders more than women because we are more likely to use violence?

      And religions made up by men have tended to say that men are superior to women. But is that right?

  9. We have to reconize that it involves with religious. The Islamic rule has been set up by religious leader may be more than thousand years. It is like microship that program their lifestyle. I don't konw who set up the rule. Unfortunately the rule wasn't set up to take side then. WhateHowever religious rule is delicate problem. It doesn't mean it can't happen but we need many element to change it. I think this is good sign to show that new generation doesn't ignor.

    1. Pung, I agree with you. THis shows that religion is often a very bad thing, with immoral teachings that need to be corrected.

      The teachings of many religions on the role of women and other social issues are awful. And other examples of the harm and injustice that come from religions (every religion) are easy to find.

      Of course, religions can also help to do great good, but that should not blind us to the fact that they have done and continue to do great wrong.


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